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mike hagan

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Everything posted by mike hagan

  1. Yes Dango so sweet the pie that is nice.
  2. Just got a new BBQ looks sweet and just cooked a few steaks on it , MMMMMM good. It's amazing in the little things that make MAN so happy. Ok what makes you happy . this should be good. Keep it clean guys Ladys listen and learn LOL. This is going to come back and bit me with all you lovely ladys.
  3. Being from down the street on the west shore I have fished this area many times,Not too successfully. You will occasionally catch Lm and Pike. The shore line on the west side is only accessible by a few locations .there is a park which is ok and you can flip some bulls or cast out from the park very shallow 3-4 fow.Or you can go to the top side of the west shore where lake Ontario meets the bay. down the street side you have a few bays but narrow casting lanes.If you go to the O side and right to the end there is private property ,but you should be able to cast out to the rock barrier to the light poles . good for smallies and occasional pike. On the east shore again there is a park just north of the towns at the end of the road .(Liverpool) plus right at the end of Liverpool head west and you get to the channel from Frenchman's bay and the big O . Again you can cast the rock barrier out to the light pole . At the begging of Liverpool and bayle there is a river flow that runs into the bay and is also good for Carp.
  4. I have to see what this lakeair is all about 1 year and this seems to be a good time.Will be going if someone can tell me about the area and camping possibilities,and if a small boat is OK for the area.Lake Nippissing is a huge lake . Plus been married way to long she's gotten to know me and is never a question when I go fishing.Not like some of you that have to clean up around the house.LOL No just kidding she's a great wife.
  5. Yes white bass are caught in this parts of lake ontario as well as the other bays that line east of that,but Rare and hard to catch .
  6. First of all after reading the new topics,is it me or the fish really on this year. It seems like every one is catching Hogs .Way to go everyone. Thinking the catch and release or conservation has something to do that. Started out late Thurs launched out of View lake public launch at 11.30 am and headed west around a island not sure of the name ,this area of the Bog is new to me so was just trying to find a pattern that worked. Well no luck even thought it looked good. Headed east up to the narrows and started casting into the shore line just past the 90 deg. turn and the straight . Again no luck. Started heading back right at the turn , then started hitting in 4 Fow in lillys with a bog attached . using spinners and black senkos, throwing past the bog, and lifting and dropping them just as they past the bog.. This pattern seemed to work the best. Wind was blowing heavy so it was difficult to position so just took what was given. Then headed out to the pods just past the turn and drifted into the pods really good spot holding lots of fish ,was thick enough to hold the boat and started tossing into the pods with great success,biggest one today 4.5 lbs but lots in the 2-3 lb range plus many break off witch seemed very heavy at the time. While traveling between the pods was quick retrieving chartreuse double willow spinners and hooked two nice Ski's guessing mid 30's but both were high jumpers and threw the hook.Dam they hit hard. Lol . Good couple of hours fishing.
  7. Nice couple of fish sinker, looked like a calm day out there this morning,Was thinking of going out myself on Thursday weather permit. From pickering was wondering is you were east or west of Whitby ,noticed a few boats trolling out about 2 klms from the plant . Looked like a stellar day to be out on the big O.
  8. Nice fish Jigger , love the colors on that monster. Where abouts in haliburton were you fishing. Yes senko's seem to be the bait of the week , myself went through 3 bags this weekend. I think you should sink that hat LOL. nice pics, good luck next weekend.
  9. Went back to camp and picked up the wife,out again we go .way back to the furthest back lake where we are the only boat on the lake.this is what we were looking for .nice spot and lots of fish,Sunny skies and every one in the boat wife sunning and us fishing . What a great day of fishing Time to head back for dinner and chill with the family.camp fire and beers steak cooked on the open fire and home fries.Getting ready for another day on the water tomorrow. Same morning no one getting up time to go solo again.Very similar morning . clear Sky's but some heavy fog in some areas . Saw a Log floating in the lake as I get closer It noticed it was stationary, Funny because the only part sticking out of the water was the trunk and the rest of the tree was straight down vertical to the bottom in 20 fow out about 300 feet out from shore. Start jigging tubes right on top of the tree and out comes smallies beauty. Headed in to shore for some LM and again on the trees puling out many LM ,when a Big crane flew into the area stomping on the shoreline trying to catch its breakfast.about yards away thinking it would kill the area so was about to move out and made one more cast into the fallen trees and hooded into a nice LM ,but that crane saw I hooked into a fish and flew right next to me ,10 feet away watching me real in the fish. That ws just weird thought he might try to steal the fish. LOL. Went back to pick up the daughter and headed out with her again and headed to the other side of the lake , wind started picking up so we started to drift fish in open water with reeds and Lilly's just letting the wind push us through. on the first spot when turning of the boat I hook into one and telling the daughter I haver one on as I turn to see her shes struggling with one two. again a double header.Again she has the bigger one .LOL well this just kept happening all week long and after every fish I caught she would do one better. But it was a amazing weekend and had a lot of fun. The special part was when the daughter thanked me for taking her and she had a fabulous time.
  10. Got up Late Friday and set up camp on crown island .Warm night was thinking this was going to be a great weekend. Started out at 5 am Tried to get the other up but there was no way they where going this early, so solo it was.Sipping on the coffee and enjoying the view. Clear morning with the a light mist on the water . Started trolling the shorelines and quickly hooked into the first fish , small but a nice start.after about 1 hr. hooked into about 5 LM. Then headed out to the honey hole.through the narrow river,on the way wasn,t sure how high the beaver dams where going to be ,but to my surprise they were not bad at all to run and push over them. Started to drizzle and stayed that way for about 4 hrs no problem kid of like that weather.well arrived at the hole and started tossing spinners at the shore line . first cast and landed a Lm. seemed like ever cast there was a hit and catch,Still holding many fish ,the funny thing is it doesn't look like a good area ,ever time I see the boats in that area every one just passes it by. LOL good for me. Good morning boated many fish ,but not the Big one,so headed back to pick up the daughter and to my delight when I arrived breakfast was just ready, boy the wife really knows me. After breakfast hooked up with the daughter and headed out meters across the lake where I caught the first fish of the day, knowing there were more to be caught,Started to clear up good sign. We get to the spot and on her third cast,she thought she was snagged until a couple of head shakes.Good job pulling this one out of the thick log cover . She was using a Senko white in 4 fow,heavy log cover,sharp drop off 4lbs 10 oz. Nice fish the head was huge compared to the body. oh by the way the first double header ,mine would of looked puny to that one so I quickly threw it back. Daughter one dad zero.Funny how that works I fished that cover first thing in the morning and missed on catching that one . Headed up the lake to a new location and again just as we stop the boat the daughter already has the line in the water ,before I can drop the electric she tells me she has another one .nice smallie this time. After a couple of hrs. headed back to the camp site,to pick up the better half and have a couple of cold pints .MMMM Well seems like I ran out of space will start a new thread , Does anyone Know how to post more pics, with out running out of space,I see some post have more pics and they are spaced between the lines how do you do this.
  11. Will be fishing in the Bancroft area . And with any luck I will be breaking down a couple of beaver damns to some nice back lakes . Just hopping they didn't build them to big ,portaging the aluminum really sucks.
  12. WOW nice fish Lew. Getting up and getting to the spot on such a nice morning is almost as nice as catching the big one . Many thanks for the report.
  13. ok the loon and pearch geez sorry man. Ok I'm done ? Hopefully by next post I will have this thing figured out, Next week Bass opener ya hoo. Menphisto lake here I come ,
  14. well thats not what I had in mind when i posted the pics . anyways here is some more pics , caught the muskie and released it to fight another day,caught some perch and came across a stubern loon that just layed there while i took it pic. any how it was a good day fishing and hope you can help on posting these pics sorry for the multies.
  15. Started out on Clear Lake Sat. at 6.00 am ,launched out of Kawartha marine . Headed down the west shore and hooked into a small walley. Geez cant see the pics so hope they posted correctly. headed down a little further and started trolling again with shad rap and hooked into another small eye. Casting and trolling in area gave up and headed further south and started to hooking into bass. Hope I got these pics, because I cannot see a thing. Well headed out of that area ,and went across the lake ,looked good with so cabbage and rock shoals , stater trolling a point and hooked into another bas smallie,the started casting muskie killer bait on first cast , the hit happened in 3-4 fow. Right off the bat I knew it was the elusive Ski I was looking for. . Dint want anything to do with that bait.and was trying ever thing to throw that lure. Even at the boat when I thought i was tired ,nope time for another run. Geez looks like I ran out of space, will reply with more pics and hopefully you can help me on what iI'm doing wrong with these pics.
  16. In the automotive trade, Best company to work for MERCEDES-BENZ-CANADA.
  17. test photos
  18. Did stop the retrieve jerked tried every possible tactic,except net them when they where at the boat, Had two pike follow right to the boat stopped 2 times in and the pike stop right behind the lure started realling and it followed brought every fish within nets reach and all they did was follow right to the boat and then calmly swam away.Had one smallie just look at my suspended lure for over a minute ,just left it there and the dumb/no smart fish just stayed right behind it . Without exaterizing must of been over 30 follows right to the boat , Salmon/Trout,smallies , Pike ,Carp, Damn Fish,LOL The lake was nice thought.
  19. Was out yesterday,on the water about 4.30 pm started trolling right outside of light markers . Using blue/silver and Copper/silver flat lining out to about 40 FOW not marking many bait fish.trolling back and fourth across the plant.Water temps 48-49 deg. 2.0-2.4 mph. No luck and only marking 2-3 fish at 10 ft. Gave up and started into the plant flow water temps up to 62.0 deg. close in and down to 53.0 deg. outside. Many follows but nothing biting.
  20. My question to all. What do you prefer? Fishing alone or with a partner. Well myself I prefer to fish alone.I find when I fish alone I seem to boat more fish. I like to choose where I want to fish for the day , and don't have to worry about entertaining my partner on which location might be better for the day. If I'm out there just for the camaraderie and /fun yes then lets hook up and have some fun ,but when i,m in the mood just for fishing and peace and quite,then solo it is. I seem to boat more fish because I concentrate on location and take more time reading the water,and structure .I'm not fighting for the stump or good looking weed line . I believe the fish get more spooked when lures are flying in all directions on the lake , plus the extra noise and position of the other person on the boat. Now the other person might help in lure selection due to more different presentation and technical , but when I fish solo i change up about twice as much then if I was fishing with a partner,so this brakes pretty even, until I find a pattern that works. Don't get me wrong I enjoy fishing with a partner but prefer fishing solo . really interested in your comments.
  21. The bite was on ,thanks to Lew on Kawartha launch. Started out heading south down the west shoreline from launch at 5.30 and tied on small shad perch ,slow trolling in 10,20 fow. 2 Minutes in hook into first eye.not big but good start.Turned around and trolled again and right in same spot caught another eye . 2.35 lbs. Down goes the electric and start casting big for about 1/2 hr nothing. Start trolling again .Just past the second point another eye.Stop and start jigging ,hook another eye , still not big 1.75 lbs . Looks like another good spot for Skis,start casting big again Giant perch raps 8 " and Black/red musky killers. Good drop off Gravel beds,cabbage patch ect. 6 Fow dropping down to 20 fow ,again no luck. Quick jot down to Young's point and first bay on west shore out of channel Nice looking bay with rock shoals and cabbage bed 6-10 fow start casting 6 " rap ripping threw the weeds and hook into a Oss Sm. Changed up to muskie killer and moved out too 10 FOW and caught another Sm. Moved out of area but Nice to know for season opener. Headed up to the east shore and started trolling the big bend ,marked a lot of bait but did not hook any , tried casting the wind shore line again nothing, headed to some sheltered back islands just north of the bend .Started casting big bucktails , into shallow 6-4 fow stups and logs 2 more Oss lgm. Moved out of area. Question to all when you are in a area fishing for Skis and you catch bass do you stay and keep trying or do you move out . Me personally move out of the area even though it looks promising for Skis. Headed further in to east shore on the other side of the islands .and started trolling with a chartreuse spinner bait with 6-8 fow heavy weeded area, and caught 3 jumbo perch ,10 inches and fat. Threw in big single bladed willow spinner ,only thing to get threw the weeds and nothing. Went back to the big bend on the east shore and started trolling 8 " deep diving stick bait. in 15-20 fow where I was marking fish just off the windswept shore. Again 2 Oss sm. Didn't want to catch any more bass, getting late in the morning so on came the big deep diving 10" perch rap and started trolling up to the Stoney Lake markers in 20-30 FOW ,nothing happening , turned around and started trolling back to the marina through the islands mid channel and just as I past the last island to the marina finally hooked into a small but good fighting Ski . 32 " but chunky .weighing in at 8.12 lbs. days done 12.30 pm got to go. All in all a really good day fishing for never fishing the lake before. Water temps 67 deg. trolling speed walley 1.8-2.0 mph musky speed 3.0 mph. TMI but hope this helps some next time out. Will post pics. when I figure out how to post .
  22. Thanks Lew, Linwier. Good luck on your opener,
  23. Hello .All Does anyone know where there is a public launch on Clear lake . Thanks.
  24. I knew this site would know . Thanks for the info. and yes I will pm you who suggested to. Yellow tail do you catch them first or do you buy them at the bait store. Never thought of fishing for shark ,but what the hell sounds like alot of fun.hope the rods can hold up.
  25. Hello to All. If anybody can help this site is it. Question going down to the Bahamas for 10 Days in March and I have no clue on what to fish for and what to use.. and was hoping someone from this site has fished in the Bahamas before. Will be renting a boat for the days and will be traveling with two heavy action rods and one med./heavy with spinning and bait casting equip. . Should I change the line to salt water and what test.Can I use the lures for here in there. I will be targeting Tarpon and Wahoo but not sure if the equipment is good enough. I know bonefishing is popular there but not interested.unless nothing else works. Please help .or Ill be doing a lot of snorkling.
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