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Everything posted by rtrudeau

  1. Double Header, A question I still am not completely clear on is if you are using your 10 colour set-up, can you put as an example 7 coulours only out? That would mean your lead core is still running up and through the reel guides. Will this wreck the lead core if you troll like this with the lead resting on the reel guides?? Thanks for answer, Ryan
  2. Thanks for the help so far guys, Like I said I have never used this stuff before but I see alot of folks who rave about it. Up where I am fishing the guys generally steel line fish and it is nothing for them to have 1000 ft on the reel and when they are fishing they will frequentlyhave 500 ft or more in the water!! I was hoping the lead core would be a simpler alternative for me. I guess it is time to spend $45 and pick up the old trolling bible. I appreciate all the help so far, if you have any more tips or tricks, keep em coming. Cheers, Ryan
  3. Hi there, Hoping some of you folks can provide me with some answers for fishing lead core line. I just bought a set up that comes pre-spooled with seven colours of lead core as well as the backing and leader (which I will change to fluoro). I have never fished lead core before and need to figure out a couple important questions. #1: If I have seven colours of lead core on my line and I only want to fish for example, 4 colours, will it wreck my line to have the reel guides sitting on the lead core, or do you have to fish segmented style and have the guides against the backing material??? This would seem to defeat the purpose of the lead core line set-up to me as I would me stuck fishing at a certain depth all the time?!?!!??! #2: If I want to add another 7 or 8 colours to my existing spool of lead, can I just join the two lead lines together with a blood-knot or double uni (after getting a few inches of lead out of the sheath) or is there a special way to join the stuff together??? I want to thank you ahead of time if you can help me out here, and if any of you have any tips or tricks to fishing with lead core that you'd like to share I sure would appreciate it. Thanks again, Ryan
  4. Thanks Joey, Will try it. Ryan
  5. Hi, Just tried to add a little vid file to my post and it linked right to my e-mail (yikes!!!). Can anyone please tell me how to add a file that is a vid file from e-mail to my post. Thanks, Ryan
  6. I was there on Tuesday. Just around the bridges and about 100 yards on Simcoe side is open. Still 2 feet of ice just out from there on couch side and 3 feet of ice on the bay out from the beach at tudhope park. If anyone has kids, the kids day as mentioned is well worth bringing the little ones to. My boys have been a couple a few years now and they treat the kids well. Every kid gets a present (from fishing rods to cases of pop) and the kid even get hot dogs anf a drink. Lots of fun. I will be there so if you come look for the OFC hat. Ryan
  7. Still good ice on Kempenfelt, will be out again Monday.
  8. Good luck with the claim Wayne, but as slowpoke said you should get your cash back, keep us informed as to how it all works out. Ryan
  9. fishfinder said it.
  10. Found Crappie 12 f.o.w. on a flat just out from weeds. Moving around kinda sucks cause I only brought the hand auger and there was 3 feet of ice. Thanks for help guys, Ryan
  11. That would be worth the drive from Barrie, Tinbanger , if you and Matt are goung maybe we could all carpool. Ryan
  12. Thanks fisherman, I'll head over and check next week. Ryan
  13. livinisfishin, If you ever want to head out to little and want some company (or anywhere else in our area) let me know. My schedule is pretty good so I have lots of availability. Ryan
  14. Thanks Fisherman, that must have been after ice out though eh??
  15. Bonghitts, do you fish flats or drops and what kind of structure do you look for?? thanks for info
  16. my prayers are with you and your brother rickster, take care, Ryan
  17. Hi folks, Hoping someone out there can lead me in the right direction. Now that laker and whitie season are over here in Barrie area, and looking for a change from perchin', wondering if anyone would be willing to share some of the need to know's of slab fishing through the ice. I am close to coucheching, georgian bay and of course Simcoe and have many questions. What kind of depths would you find them in early, mid, and late winter? Do they suspend or are they near bottom or both?? Maggots, shiners, crawlers?? How do you present your offerings for them?? As you can see, this is pretty much a start from the beginning and speak real slow kind of post....lol. If you can help me out I would appreciate it. Also I am not far from Little and I know they are in there in summer and wonder if anyone has mush success in winter there. Thanks for the help, Ryan
  18. Rockey's in Orillia
  19. Y'all have to remember a few Classic Austin Powers names.........Ivana Humpalot........Allota Fagina........Phook Yu and her sister Phook Mi..........lol
  20. i m n 2
  21. I agree with 007 and ketchenany, I too have caught fish not listed in the guide for specific lakes. I believe that they are the mosy likely fish you will catch on that specific lake. I use it as well as a basic guide to see what I may catch on a lake, other fish are just bonuses!! Ryan
  22. Make sure you get a naut chart, I am on Couchiching quite a bit and have seen boats lose props on the rocks in there real easy. Spot go from 15 ft. to a ft without any warning. If you don't get a chart go real slow and have a spotter at front of boat. If Brian is gonna show you peorsonally then I will let him tell ya where to fish. Have fun and be careful, Ryan
  23. Glad you had a good one out with your son Bri, middle of the pack it a fine showing, won't take long for Jr. to be showing you a few tricks I'm sure!! Ryan
  24. I am not sure off hand what is in the lake but check the consumtion guide and you will get a good idea. Wood lake is a nice lake and there used to be a general store right on Hwy 118 where you can get worms, If you want any other live bait you will have to head to Bracebridge or Gravenhurst. Have fun and good luck. Ryan
  25. Just ate em' Boy were they good!!!!, Got a hair ball after though!
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