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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. Well not in a van 'down by the river' (R.I.P. Chris Farhley)...but I use a 'sunflower'in my hut on the ice on a 20 lber and it pumps the hell out of the heat...actually too hot...if using it ANYWHERE else I would leave lots of windows, ect open as i am sure its not good for the soul.

    My understanding is as long as you do not concrete yourself in your good to go, there are airholes in every hut, hunt camp, tent, bivouack, rock crevace, ect....that I have been in.

    JUST KEEP'M THE WINDOWS OPEN...oh yeah and keep the curtains away from the heat. Just ask Bubbles they burn good.

  2. thanks for all your responses guys but to me the point is now null...I had a face to face conversation with a CO and he told me there is "absolutley" no problem with me transporting game. That was the crutch of my question.

    As per me 'hunting' with my buddy that is not the issue, when you live where I do it happens all the time, it's a fact of life. As long as I don't drive, or 'PURPOSELY' push something towards him I am not going to be engaged in his hunt.

    The definition of hunting states that....(under the Fish and Wildlife Act)

    Hunting is: lying in wait for, searching for, being on the trail of, pursuing, chasing or shooting at wildlife, whether or not the wildlife is killed, injured, captured or harassed.

    He can do all that on his own, just as I will.

    And for those that are not sure the onus is not on a CO to prove you guilty, the onus is ON YOU to proove yourself innocent.

    Hense why I needed to know, I now have recourse.

    Thanks again boys and good luck in the bush.....

    oh by the way in a little over a month I am gonna be standing on the ice, with my rifle beside me (assuming I still have a tag) and ice 5lb brookies!!!!!!!


    I love the fall.

  3. ILLEGALLY killed wildlife.
    determining if wildlife killed by a native is legal or not

    Anything harvested is legal and under rights of the/a treaty area. And no I will not participate in his hunt, we may drive to the same cut tougether but I will go one way (watch a hill, walk a ridge) and he will go another, odds are we won't see each other for 2-3 hours untill we are back at the truck...unless...one of us hears a shot, then, as per standard we meet back at the truck to figure out what happened.

    Regardless we still need to get the game home in MY truck????

  4. That's the type of question that you can not get answered (at least not properly) here. You will have try harder with the MNR, and even then they may not want to give you an answer, because of the "greyness" of it. Be prepared to get "bounced around" a bit on the phone.

    I have stopped by the local office but unfortunaetly when I am done work most of the 'boys in green' are heading out for the evening rounds and the office itself is closed...its a busy time of year in our neck of the woods. And I really do want the recourse of a face to face conversation.

    Not looking for a legal answer just an opinion on the subject....unless a C.O. wishes to anonymously PM me.

  5. I have a question regarding transporting game?

    Now I try my best to know the laws of the bush and greatly respect them, they are there for a reason!

    But....there is this grey area that I have not been able to get clarification on....

    I have posted this same question to the MNR but have got no reponse so here it is....

    Anybody help me out or have any thoughts?????



    I would like some clarification on the law.

    First off I know this question comes up every year but I have some specifics.

    As i understand it there is no problem hunting with a full status buddy as long as I do not activly participate in his hunt, or his in mine. If he shoots something on his own accord then there is no problem with me helping him gut, drag-out, skin, ect....'After the kill'.

    Now my question is if we are in my truck , with me driving, and we have to take the game (moose, deer) back out than am I in contradiction of the law as I am transporting an untagged animal???? Or is it ok as long as he is with me and it is legitamely his?????

    Secondly if the fact that I am transporting the animal is contradictory then what happens if he drives out??? Then technically I am not transporting, I am just a passenger in my truck, with my buddy, who happens to have his moose/deer in the back??????


    I understand it is a little bit of a grey area but I am just expressing due diligence as I am not one to get myself in crap for something that I do not need to. Worse comes to worse we can always drive back to town to get his truck. That being said sometimes circumstances do not allow for that as we all know ie: darkness, weather, distance, proximity to wolves, ect.


    Anyways thanks for your help.



  6. Was out all week and didn't see a black furry critter! The old man was up here hunting with me and he had the bull tag but we didn't SEE SQUAT!!!!!

    Talked to a few folks and nobody has seen much. Any luck elsewhere???

    Good weather, no wind and no FREAKIN' moose.

  7. damn.....I only made it to pg13...seriously though where can I find it not on here...can't seem to watch videos for the past couple of months...must have done something to the fuser during a 'period of enlightenment'....

    and by the way IMHO a skilled shot wether blades or lead will drop an animal...if its a chicken in the bush with a blunt point to the noggin, or a massive bull on a shore line witha 4 bladed retractable Muzzy...

    Its gonna fall.

    At that point its a matter of the tracking skills to get the meat to the freezer....

    as was mentioned 'meats meat'!





    Good luck too all.

  8. not sure if it is Agaric or not, just looked through the Autubon Society Feild Guide to Shroomy goodness, either way its orange/red and that means do not touch or eat!!!!!Unless otherwise advised.Either way I am sure it is a member of the 'Amantia' family which is often deadly.

    So no, don't eat it!!! lol

  9. After reading all the posts and not entirely knowing your 'specific' situation I would say that Norfolk is your home. As I said in an earlier post I had the oppertunity too move too cut meat and sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't, as I look back on it now I can tell you for a fact that the best move I could have made was NONE at all!!!!

    Stay where your at and wait for a manager position in Ontario. Cutters are a lost trade and if your good enough to be called to go to Bermuda then your better than most out there. I've done this Rich. There are benifits to not taking a job, trust me.

    Send me a PM if you want and I'll let ya know all about it.

  10. I would look at what JonhF says about prices down there...BUT, I was also a butcher of 15 years and loved it!!! I had several opertunities arise that were a good deal (not quite this good) but either way I was younger and screwed up everyone of them!!!!!LOL

    That being said I was in the grocery business for that period of time and I now have a buddy working out of a Canadian Military base in Germany for the U.N. managing a store and he says it was the greatest call (meaning phone-call) that he ever got.

    Have at er' my friend, especially if they provide lodging, expenses ect.


    Let me know how this works out cause I have dreamed of it before :D:D

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