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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. I'm a little biased.......



    I think this tune is so emotional...Sinns wrote this song for his father when he was very sick in the hospital and we knew he was not going to be coming home.


    I hope you don't think this is a dampner on this thread i sure hope not as its not my inttention, But it really is a beautiful song and i am sure there are many of us that can relate to this song.


    Nauti...that is one of the best tunes I have ever heard...no damper what so ever, that is the way music is supposed to be, an expression from the heart. True so very true.

  2. Just to say something about the boat...I have a 12 ft Sears Fisherman from the late 60's, it has never leaked, got it from my grandfather and it has bin there and back let me tell ya...I have been looking for a 14 ft for years just can't find one.

    Motor on the other hand...pass on that one.

  3. Im not so sure. I live in Etobicoke and the Yotes that go through my Back yard look just like that. Its on the small side for a wolf. Not to mention if it was a wolf it would not be seen for any legth of time near humans....


    OH it was a wolf for sure, not many coyotes out here, and even less in the bush. Buddy was beside it on the sled doin 35 mile an hour and he got a good look at it from under 25 ft. Like I said it was neat at how close it stayed, wolves are very inquisitive, he just wanted to have a good look at what was in his territory. His tracks in the snow were hand sized. No coyote like that.

    As I side note I have seen wolves in the bush while chicken hunting that will just step out on a trail and watch you. Thats when you get nervous, they on the other hand can just slip away like a ghost and then they are out of site. You tend to fell a little freaked out when 5 minutes later one lights up (howls) from the oppisite direction you saw it dissapear....and then another and another.

    Makes your hair stand up, believe me.

    They are awesome creatures.

  4. what Did ya catch ???!!


    We got 3 lakers but nothing worth digging the camera out for, we spent most of the day just traveling and checkin out the lake. Taped holes here and there but did not seriously fish. The spot we saw the wolf was the longest we stayed in one area hence why we caught the fish there.

  5. we were well off the beaten path and in an area that receives little to no pressure during the summer months and very little logging activity....now that i think about there is no logging activity as the stands are all mature white, red, and jackpine. Winter is the only time to get there so the wolves of this area are probably quite comfortable in their element and not so spooky of outside influences.

  6. yeah the pics don't do it justice..... and yes a wolf for sure and nice and healthy. My buddy went for a rip to get a closer look at it and when I was watching him on his sled and the wolf running it didn't look that much smaller. After he got back the wolf stayed a little further away but was not scared or spooked, just did a large lap around the bay we were in and had a good look at us.

  7. Had the day off so went with a buddy to explore some more of a lake that is supposed to hold some big fishies. Day started off well on the way up as a pack of timbers loped across the highway in front of us.

    Perfect conditions on the lake made travel a breeze so we put 15 miles behind us and fished the top end.

    Absolutely pristine day with sun shinin' and a balmy -15, no wind.

    Anyway fishin' wasn't to hot, put a couple on the ice but nothin great.

    We did however have a vistor. This guy(or gal????) showed up to check us out, it was aprox 125 yds away, upwind, no cares or concerns. Pretty cool to see that close.








  8. Made it out to a new lake again this weekend. Lookin for the BIG guys!!!!! Didn't find them. Hit it up Friday on an exporatory mission, basically to make sure there was a trail in and to check for conditions of the lake. Everything was fine, a little slush but nothing to bother about. Ended up going about 7 miles up the lake till I hit a bottle neck between the 2 main basins. Set up shop. Action wasn't bad but not great either. Fished from 11 till 2 each day.

    Heres a pic or 2.

    All fish swam away










    And heres a shot of my sidekick working hard to get one!


  9. Nice video...thats crazy. You would really think with that much action a few more hookups would have been par for the course.

    If I saw that I would be going NUTS... come on you stupid fish TAKE IT !!!!!!!! LOL


    Well done and keep those bearings safe.




    By the way...what do you do with 75 ft of cable when you get a fish on?????? <_<<_<

  10. I can't be positive as I avioded Bosh during the time I lived in the area but I am sure there was a few spots along the side of the highway that I used to see vehicles parked. Some of the Lindsay folk should know...like I said I never fished it, drove by it lots though!!!

  11. Are you getting line twist when you spool up?



    It does not bother me in the summer, as you said, as you can drag your line behind the boat at reel it in true.

    But ice rods are a pain in the butt. rarely fish out here over 30 ft of water so don't have a chance to let the line "twist out".


    I have never had any problems with 6 or 8 lb trilene XL, but I have never tried the ande so I cant comment


    Kemper...used to fish the Saugeen and Sauble religiously... grew up there....used the same line on those rods as I use now. Spooled fine on any 1500-2000 series reel......


    AHHJ HAAAAAAAA..... I just figured it out.. :clapping::clapping::clapping:



    Just gotts ta spool the reels off the trout rods and then flip them to the ice rods....Betcha I go through a CRAP load of electrical tape!!!!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:




    Thanks boys!

  12. LOL...forgot why I originally thought of this!!!!! :whistling::whistling:


    Anyways I tried looping the line through the spool-line-holder-unit (you know the triangle thing) instead of tying it on and it worked great...seemed to create less twist off the get-go.


    Any thoughts?

  13. OK.. just got done re-spooling the rods for the 'morrow. I HATE line twist....got a wee bit tonight and caused me to re-spool once again. I have tried every method I have ever heard but the reality is I have found no true way to get rid of it. Regardless of reel or rod set up.


    It really bugs me.....especially on ice rods as they are so short and it tends to wrap up around the tip if the twist is slack.


    So who's got the cure?


    As a side note I only use 6lb. Ande mono on a 1000 yd standard spool.

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