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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. ok not smokin.... though I did add liquid smoke..came out too sweet...gonna coat it in HOT sauce to it to nullify the sweet...other than that worked great. 4.5 hours in the oven at 200 with the door cracked. Marinade consisted of brown sugar (too much), soya, hickory marinade (Club House), and the liquid smoke.

    Girlfriend loves it...I think its too sweet.....


    either way its GOOD!

  2. Soft water for sure Simon..I can't wait for the ice out Brookies...I'll let ya know the day I am goiing...it will be last minute for sure. As a side note made it out tonight for the 3rd walleye fish of the ice season and came home with 4 at 16-17"....gotta love last day adventures....

    I'd add a pic but it's only the sink shot and that don't do it justice!



  3. well after the bacon left again at noon to find the fish...after getting stuck yesterday coming off the lake decided against the sled and took buddies wheeler....here's what happened....

    Little more aqua on dee lake...



    First fish...



    Water is actually flowing into the holes...



    The result and my favourite pic!!!!


  4. As its the long weekend and I got 4 days off thought I would make the best of it. Was out yesterday and worked hard all day to come back with nothin...I really hate when that happens. Talked to 3 other groups of guys on the lake I was at and between a total of 14 fishermen only 3 fish were on the ice by 3 pm..So i didn't feel so bad about comin home empty.

    Woke up today for the routine bacon and eggs and contemplated the plan. By noon myself and my counterparts (girlfriend, and dog) were off to see how far the bush roads were open. Made it far enough to unlolad the sled and hit up a wee lake. Trail in had some melted sections, but was ok for most of the 1.5 clicks.

    Anyway long story short lost a monster... <_< and iced this one for dinner tommorrow night...

    By the way still almost 3 ft of ice on the lakes.


  5. Sony makes a marine cd player and speakers...my buddies got one in his boat...it ROCKS...literally...and relitivley cheap, $300 for the entire package. It's awesome driftin for walleye under a beauty sky with the tunes just cranked and not another boat for miles!

  6. cant help ya with the ice question, but just thoiught i'd say hi, been a while!

    ...Hello my good man. See you have managed a couple out of 'eagle', good on ya. We gotta try to get out once again before the ice is out...I'll be back this way For A sunday fish if you goits any ideas. Upper Manitou?????

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