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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. Easyfish,

    Thanks for the map. Do you have one with parking rules? Just joking..... those bullets are actually quite helpfull!! Basically I want to know if my truck will still be there when I get back if I just randomly park on a local street. Going to try to stay away from the main access points if possible...if not I guess I will join the crowds.

  2. Fellas,

    Its been a long while since I have posted anything. Being back in southern Ont has really put a damper on my abilty to get into quality fishing...but like everyone else this weather has got the itchy's goin to the point where I might get a rash soon! I am heading to mighty Simcoe in search of some decent weight on the end of the rod for Friday morning. Having never truely fished Simcoe for lakers I am going to go with obvious and head to Kemp (also most direct for me) From all reports I have read it would appear that I am pretty safe to trek out anywhere from the south side...my only concern is that being a tourist to this mighty and formidable body of water I do not want to impose on those that sleep and eat beside her magnifigance on a daily basis... so can someone PLEASE clarify the parking rules and what not on this side. I have several locations picked that look to me to be legal access (public areas,points, right of ways, traditional access points ect)...I am not concerned about parking a ways away and walking, thats part of the game. Just dont want to impose...

    Its been a long time since I have got to watch the video game and jig a tube...I will post the pics on Friday eve when I get back.


    Cheers and hello to all again..



  3. Hey all.

    Got a buddy that is planning on heading into 18B moose hunting. He is interested in taking the train and and getting off at mile-X. How does one go about making this happen? I know it can be done but for the life of me I have no idea how?

    Any help?

    They would want to get on somewhere around Hearst is my guess.


    He really stumped me on this one so its open to those in the know.

  4. Said it before and I will say it again...


    No idea how thin it is, but married to right rod and real combo it is outstanding.


    I will however back the XT for abrasion resistence....you can bang that stuff on anything and it still holds up. Just not as subtle as the Ande.

  5. I worked / ran a few Pizza Shops in my day.

    I've made more than 25,000 pies for sure .( some of the best you'd ever have)

    I had a manager in BC " Pizza Factory "

    come to me one day and said " put this on a pie "

    He had handed me a sliced loaf of some sort , I chopped it up and added it to an "all meat" pie .

    ( Butcher can attest to this ) ... There was enough for me to make a free take home pie , so I added veggies and ginger , made my way home and we ate it ... Next day I ( we ) find out from Atwal that we had eaten DOG ! ( Akbash Hound ) .. Hmm , quite tasty ... never again ..


    Making pizza is an artform ... my favorite is a

    Rye crust , painted with EV Olive Oil , Ginger, Garlic , Mozza/ Feta (base) cheddar on top ,

    4 kinds of peppers , 3 different onions , shrooms, pineapple , olives , ham + bacon +capa, red sauce as a dipper .


    Ran the Pizza Man .

    Wow...and here i thought my creation was odd? dog eh?...almost as good as bacon beer....



  6. I decided last night I was makin pizza today. After a full day of doin' stuff it came down to makin the creation. End result I made a za chucked full of ground venison sausage, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, calabresee salami, and a ridiculous amount of mozzerella cheese.

    Wow....that was a good plan.

    It just came to me that I have never had pizza with venison? Any other creations out there that are not really the norm but come from the water or land??



  7. I know this going to make me look stupid.


    What does LUP mean?


    If I was able to purchase a parcel of land for fishing and hunting I would do the ground resurch first.


    Having said that I know of people that have bought into a property and either sold or abandoned it simpley because they did not realise the effort it takes.

    What Im saying is that you shoud look at access/ location/ what is it you want to accomplish?


    If it isnt in the middle of but ____ nowhere you probably wont make $$$

    If its just for you and the boys to go out and play then it will eventualy end up in one persons hand or sold and a couple lost friendships?


    Reality realy does have a way of ruining the best intentions.

    Good luck.


    By the way where is it?


    LUP - Land Use Permit, and we have been on the ground, so to speak.

    We are not in it for the money, just the joy of it's use for us and few trusted others. As to where it is.. :whistling: If things work out I will let you know once the permit is in our hands :whistling:

  8. The application process to aquire an LUP is an entirely different thing than buying an existing one.

    What is it you are actually contemplating?


    To the best of my knowledge it's a fairly straightforward procedure buying an existing outpost and transferring the LUP.


    However it's been many years since the ON government has granted any application for a new LUP.

    That's why existing LUP's are valued so high.


    The only other option available for a new camp is on native territory. That's what Eddie North did when he opened his camp on the Attawapiskat River 3 years ago. Struck a deal with the natives in Lansdowne House...


    We are considering purchasing an existing LUP. From what we have researched it does seem fairly straightforward though thats the problem...it seems 'too easy'????



    You may not need a "company" to obtain one, but you'll probably have to buy a current company as many LUP's are not transferable anymore. If the owner dies.... the LUP dies with him/her. Do your homework before making any offers on LUP's for sale...


    This was one of the questions that arose. Can we simply start a new company, rent it out to a select few over the course of the year, and use it ourselves a couple times of the year?? We have not read anywhere that the company has to be existing?

  9. Hey all.

    I figure someone on here can help me out.

    My fishing/hunting group is considering purchasing an outpost camp. We have done some research and found the applicable Ont Gov documents regarding the application process, ect. Basically we have determined we need to be a business and have a base of operations in Ont. Further to that we have to provide a quantifiable service (renting to clients) throughout the year and pay the applicable LUP fee.

    My question is to any of you that do this for a living. While reading through the government documentation is all well and good the advise of actual people is what we need to know. Obviously we are missing many details that are 'hidden' between the lines.

    Anyone out there know the pitfalls and hoops that we need to avoid/jump through???

    PM me if you like.

    Thanks all....



  10. Congrats on what is likely a world record fish. It takes a strong character to release a potential world record fish.


    Agreed...that fish is awesome. It's a hard choice that most of us will never know....good on ya. I can only imagine the feeling of watching it slip away into the dark, keeping those genetics out there for the future.

    Simply unreal....

  11. That's a great attitude,but 100% chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.That may give you a rough go?.Good luck! :good:

    Good point....I just checked.. :( ....I might be pooched....but the way I look at it is the sky was clear over the lake and house when I turned off the gravel. Thats all I need, that and I am thawing out my last batch of eggs over the woodstove right now. There's no turning back!

    Might have to tie them a wee on the large side, up the weight, feel the bounce,...wait for it...wait for it... and have my rod to get ripped out of my hand!!

    Think positive, get wet, and come home grumpy. Thats my plan.

  12. I'll be off Huron, had a look tonight on the way home. Liked what I saw.

    With it being this warm in January I will not be skipping the day when its the only one off.

    Flow looked real nice, might be a little dirty but if we do not get any rain tonight I expect tomorrow morn to have some nice water. I'll post the pics if I can for those that stayed home, looked out the wiondow, drinking a coffee and wondering. :whistling:

  13. Folks, I have been told I am getting a new tool for christmas. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

    My better half is going to get me knife that is more than just a skinning/weenie stick getter. I have several that I carry for various applications but have never owned a 'working' knife. Something that is tough/heavy and usefull. If I need to split kindling I can, if i need to open a can of beans it will also work...WITHOUT wrecking it. Does anyone out there have any input? I would prefer to support a company/artisian that truely cares about what they are selling and that I can talk to if need be.


    Let me know.

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