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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. That goes to show you how easy it would be to end in the drink for an extended period of time. I can honestly say I do not wear my jacket that often, mind you I am always within 2-300 yds of some sort of land mass (lots of islands, bays, and points on the lakes I fish), though it is vislible in the boat. Now I am not so sure that cuts it.


    Many times with the vastness of lakes and bays out here I will take off and tell my GF where I am planning on going and an expected return time. I feel this is a necessary action for the exact reasoning of this video.


    I know at some point, even with all precautions and unintentional errors I WILL get stuck out there for a night or 2, hopefully on land, but possibly in the drink. If that happens it makes me feel releived that there are people out there that are good at their job and will but forth the effort to get me back to my home and friends.


    6000 lives over 30 years, is a lot of souls that got their feet back on dry land...hands down to you all that keep us safe out there. An exceptional job and keep it up, you have my support.

  2. :wallbash: the pictures are of a wolf...maybe i just presumed that everyone would realize that, my bad.

    I just wanted to share them.

    There is no debate on the species. It is a wolf. Trust me.


    oh and nowhere near Algonquin...actually 1143.97 Km N/W as the crow flys....from the west gate on #60 highway.

  3. Sterile fish are not supposed to produce sperm or eggs, hence they usually grow bigger, faster.


    I thought they still go through the cycle, and produce both sperm and eggs. They are just sterile and do not develop. I know I have got stocked brookies that are packed with either/or.

  4. If you guys had fishing gear you don't need a trail pass to be on OFSC trails...if your fishing (and can prove it, ie:have a rod) your good to go.

    At least thats the way i understand it.


    Sucks when days like that happen, I'm goin witha crew of 8 tommorrow and gauranteed something is gonna go wrong.

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