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Posts posted by brkygetr

  1. As I understand it as long the boat is on CROWN land it is deemed property of the crown and is free for anyone to use...ie: therefore if you leave your boat or canoe on crown land don't be upset if someone else uses it, as you just gave it up to the crown. There are exceptions to this rule (Northwestern Ontario you need a 'boat cache' permit from the MNR) but generally I believe that is the only part of the province that you can not just leave a boat.

    So yeah have at er'... if they float :thumbsup_anim:

  2. are you learning anything here brkygetter???


    funny thing is i know better, I have been doing this for a while...I gues this is why it never pays to become complacent about your abilities or actions, hence the probability of chance. Usually i would have thrown a rock under the tire but this particular time ( and others that turned out fine) i did not as one was not readily available...and I did shut off the truck in 1st and let the weight set...I even shift the truck with my weight as i step out to make sure it will hold..it did. Just not long enough.

  3. and NO my weekend wasn't better than yours !


    well then I feel for ya...cause you know Wayne I have been in a lot worse situations that turned out way better, ...'normal and somewhat non-eventfull' I guess you could say.

    The part that bites my ass is that i have been in and out of that launch close to 50 times and never had a problem...regardless I hope your weekends improve.

  4. well, you all pretty much got it...standard truck and popped out of gear while I was unhooking the boat...i was in the truck within seconds but the water was allready over my knees..exhaust under water by that point and no way it was gonna fire...not that it would have done any good cause at that point the ass of the truck was floating due to air under the box liner and the boat was pulling it out due to momentum...I jumped from the truck as the water was coming over the steering wheel, to the box and then onto the bow of the boat.....by the time I was standing on the floor of the boat I was looking down at the tip of my radio whip about 2 ft below the water and lots of nice bubbles :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: ...

    And this is where it gets really NASTY...

    My safety chain was still conected the the bow of the boat which just so happens to have a lock on it...guess where the freakin key was!!!!

    I could therefore not unhook the boat from the trailer. It floated for a while but eventually the weight of the truck pulled it down.

    By the way its hard to tell but I did swim out to the truck in the morning and when I stood on the roof of the truck my head was about 1 ft below the water...which is actually lucky as this particular lake is about 80 ft of water no more than twice the distance my truck was to shore.

    I tell ya its a damn good thing I live in Northwestern Ontario cause I doubt many outfits from back home would have shown up with a towtruck a pair of shorts and swimming goggles to get er' out...just like its any other day!!!!

    By the way the water was only 52 degrees...

  5. This is just a heads up too everyone that it can happen to you. I spent a cold/wet night a long way from anyone or anything.

    The only good part about this is that I was fine and luckily because I was prepared with a waterproof emergency kit and gear things turned out ok.

    This happened at 7:30 at night on Sunday eve and concludes about 4 in the afternoon on Monday.

    I think the pictures tell the story on their own.
















  6. Looks like a nice boat Cliff. I'd really think long and hard about the power though. Max it out!! You won't regret it, and it does make a difference. I'm not talking speed, just overall responsiveness and handling. If you don't do it now, it will be more $ down the rd.


    My boat is rated for a 40, I put a 30 on it and its a whole different rig. I didn't like it at all. With the 40, its great!!




    Yes I agree, no two ways about it...nothing more annoying than an under-powered boat....especially when it comes to putting a few people or lots of gear in it.

  7. oh ya and that really sucks about the tree...it seems weird that one tree among thoussands could make a difference but it does..some of my favorite camping spots are based solely on the caliber of trees and the embiance they provide...oh well not far to go for wood...and by the way its a Spruce..or possibly a Balsam :P:P Not be critical or anything... <_<

    Good luck tommorrow.

  8. I'm waitin till sunday down here Simon and hitting a wee back lake.....no way I'm fightin that wind and crap and snow and crap and rain and crap tommorrow....supposed to be sunnny down here on Sunday so I'll be lake bound. Cheers to ya if you brave the bigger waters tommorrow....just remember how warm I will be sitting on my couch watchin a race when your soaked and freezin!!!!LOL :D

  9. six inches so far today and it's still whiteout conditions with all the highways closed


    Keep that to the north Grt1...we've had rain all day but changing to snow tonight...only a couple of inches expected...bloody crap weather I say!!!!!!

  10. Thats freakin cool....almost as good as bacon in the morning... :lol::lol: ....Good lord I need a float plane license. I was lazy and didn't read all comenets but I hope you gots a small lawnmower battery and a electric for that outfit????


    Either way amazing concept. If you ever feel like flying to NW ontario there's a few lakes out here that are inaccessable via non-air methods.

  11. Jiggin Lakers is easy if you have bait fish... Not sure of the time, size or depth of lake you fish....but if you have a graph and find the baitfish shut down the motor, drift and jig. Drop down till your at the depth and jig eratically...white tube is all I use, white Bucktail (2 onz) if its windy and you want a straight drop.


    The fish will find you at that point.

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