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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. How many years and or charges do you get out of your deep cycles? I have a car quest group 27 and its going on 3 years now. Feels like its not holding its charge as long as it used to. Thinking of replacing/adding a second one. I have heard relaly good things about the Everstarts from wallyworld.

  2. Was out on pigeon yesterday fishing some structure in about 10 fow... turned out to be someones dock. All the reed islands are under water. Be very careful if you are on pigeon. Highest water level in 100 years according to a guy I talked to that lives on the lake. I was actually fishing shorlines that were obviously peoples back yards. Saw some swing sets 2 feet under.

  3. People have been wrongly accused of all sorts of things but find me one incident where someone who was photographed at the scene of the crime and video taped by different sources then within hours they were stealing a car, confessing to people and lobbing bombs out the window at police while in a gun fight. Do you thunk that they were just there to watch the race? Or do you think maybe nasa implanted clones for all the pictures. There was a picture of one of the bombers standing behind the boy that died.

  4. hate to be a killjoy but Ottawa has 10 Stanley cup championships to their credit. Admittedly the last one was in 1927...


    Well noone counts the defunct teams... Like the harpoons, millionaires, maroons etc....The original Senators were disbanded shortly after realizing that noone watched there games.



    Ttechnically people only really start counting once there was the forming of the Original 6 in 1942. The reason being some of the teams that played for the Stanley cup wern't even in the NHL, they were in the PWHCL or some such thing.

  5. To be honest if this forum was fishing only with no non fishing topics allowed I wouldn't be a member here. This is a pretty HUGE story for Canada and Ontario. When was the last time there was a terrorist or attempted terrorist attack on Canadian soil. Very disturbing and hopefully this isn't going to be repeated.

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