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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. Guess what happens to the small towns that rely heavily on traffic generated from travelers that go through the east gate if there was a blockade? Towns like Apsley, Bancroft, Whitney would all stand to lose a lot. Having the FN's control the land at the gate is big trouble IMO. To be honest, extending there land treaties I am totally fine with, but messing with the Park that almost every single one of us grew up going to is real bad news.

  2. Thanks CH, I wasn't too surprised that some folks here were offended by a guy doing some demo with a sledge.

    Pulled the lag bolts out first, all that were left holding it to the wall were concrete nails. I guess a giant crane might have been able to lift it up, but wow what a price tag. Stripping it apart would have been far more dangerous imo as going on it with only two 4x4's hold it up that were in questionable condition was not something I wanted any part of.

  3. Yah, honestly it looks a lot closer than what it was. Just standing I was about 4 feet away from it. I think I should have just lobbed a big cinder block at the leg instead. I was a bit surprised at how fast it came down though. I hope if anyone takes anything from this, they should go check out there deck this spring before the summer season starts. don't take any chances. The top can look good but underneath can be rotted to sponge. Half of it as mentioned came down under the load of snow. Fortunately no one was hurt when it came down.

    Obviously I told tem to use different contractors than from the first time. I never hear of using 4x4's on such a big tall deck. Anyway. I told them to just build a smaller one with 8x8's. :) I guess I have a few weekends of cleaning up now for me unfortunately.

  4. The public in general don't care or even know about this. Few if any, including most here on this site will do much more than complain or sign a meaningless online petition.you can bet if the govt was proposing to take land away from the FN's that they would be organized into protests and riots. This will go through with little organized opposition. Its unfortunate.

    How many non natives here would actually join in on a march, a rally, a sit in, or a protest?

  5. Why what's wrong with knocking the deck out the same way the rest of it fell? The lag bolts were pulled prior. So no worries about the bricks being ripped out... even though they didn't rip the bricks out when the snow knocked the rest of it out.sure it would have been nice to have some more pulling power but it needed to come down and was far less safe to let it sit like that up. I guess it would been nice if it was possible to get say a skid steer or something but given the location its not possible to get in the back yard.

  6. Put up some stairs by door after, new deck is going to be put up when the ground dries a bit. A come along would have been good if I had one. Sometimes you just gotta make do with what you got. Was pretty amazed at how rotted the cedar got after 15 years.

  7. I use a St.Croix Premier Light action with a 1000 series Symetre. Love it. I guess those of you using ultralights must catch small crappie. :) haha I can't imagine an ultralight. Have caught at least a thousand crappie with this combo. I use 4 or 5 pound mono for line.

  8. Comparing the jagr and iginla trade....


    Jagr: Recorded over 600 assists in Pittsburgh, thanks to his uncanny ability to always feed the puck to the Penguins' best players.


    Iginla: Must have a similar talent, since he was only in Pittsburgh for one period before the Penguin's best player was fed a hockey puck.

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