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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. Muskoka would be my bet if you want pike and walleye. Only problem is walleye you need to go with someone that knows the lake to find em or put in lots of hours. Not really different than any other walleye lake though I guess.

  2. Anyone following the Tek Savvy Copyright case? If not the basis is this, a COmpany called Cainpre is asking for the custommer names of about 1000 customers whom they have IP addresses for that allegedly downloaded the Hurt Locker. Hereis a link with some info...

    http://globalnews.ca/news/554950/effort-afoot-in-court-to-sue-canadians-for-illegal-downloads/ It's a lawsuit on behalf of the movie studio.


    Anyway it was funny that someone pointed this article out to me...




    Basically on the Canipre website they used a copyrighted photo as there main photo without permision from the photographer... baha I wonder if the crown will press charges against them.... highly doubt it.

  3. At the beginning of this series I said if they win a home and away and lose I would be ecstatic. They have surpassed my expectations. Playing awesome hockey right now for the talent pool on the team. I am looking forward to an awesome game.

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