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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. Surely they have to have email. I mean really what the heck are they doing? sending out the reg updates by pigeon? This is really shameful in my eyes. I mean this is such a clear cut yes or no answer. Do I register my portable hut that I don't leave on the ice or no? It should be yes or no every time you call not random.

  2. I also spoke to the MnR office in Peterborough and in Bancroft and they both read the internal regulation to me word for word and both said that you NEED to have a Licence number on portable huts. The regulation States

    Any Tent Shelter or Object with a base of greater than 21.5 square feet that is erected, placed on, fished from or under needs to have a registration number.


    It makes no mention of huts being taken off the ice exempt.


    The numbers are now tied directly to your OOD card number and are permanent.

    Your number is your number for LIFE. You put it on all huts you have no matter what area or lake its on. You only need to register for a numebr once. You just re use the number. Btter get your number soon before the number get into 20 digit long things.

    I have a 4 digit number, but many areas are already giving out 8 digit ones. Just wait in a few years your gonna need a 3 foot long card with your 30 digit number.

  3. hehe I was just thinking the same thing, either him or someone else is gonna say I am 50 years old and never smoked a cig in my life. lol

    Dito to my case of beer, although I woul dlove to drink it, I am ok with buying my own, take my case to a local legion or firehall.

  4. I was at a friends house drinking and slept over on the couch. When I woke up my friends cat was sleeping on me and I could hardly breathe from my cat allergies. I lit up a cigarette out of reflex and nearly threw up. That was the last time I light up. No cigs' colts or cigars.


    Nothing like what feels like a near death experience to make your quit something. :)


    I never really went through any withdrawls or anything. My mind just told me enough was enough and that was it for me. Never really even wanted to smoke again. Not even tempted to have a puf here or there. I think I smoked the strongest possble ones too in the green death's.

  5. I honestly don't think the whole story will ever come out. The Farmer doesn't want his info released to protect himself from the hoards of dog lovers that would sooner shoot him than listen to what actually happened, and he was well within his rights to carry out the dispatch of these two stray pets.


    Unless he gets pulled into court no one will know what happened.

  6. BITEME. I agree 100 percent. On any farm I hunt at the farm owner asked the same thing, Foxes, Yotes, Cats, Domesticated unleashed dogs included.


    Also the reason I said Pet dogs and not Dogs is because they were pets.


    It was on the radio again today, still no info from or about the farmer. They said however that the owners teenagers were walking the dogs and they let them loose and they got away. They spent the next few days looking for them but didn't find out until the farmer returned the dogs to the SPCA and they phoned the family.


    My opinion hasn't changed. They let them loose in farm country. The dogs got into a farm field and got shot. Upsetting? Surely. Sad for the owners? Yep. Whos fault? The kids that let the dogs run free. Maybe thats cruel to say but its true. Thats why when in farm country I keep my dog securely leashed.


    And about Golden Retriever's. An inlaws daughter of mine got attacked by there next door neighbors Golden Retriever, she has been undergoing facial reconstruction for the last 2 years.

    Last year a Golden killed a child up north, Their are attacks with Godens every year, not as common as with other breeds but it does happen. Goldens are not unlike any other dog. They may look all nice and friendly but they are a DOG. Under the right or wrong circumstances they can do damage. I am certainly not condemning the breed as killers. But a Dog is a Dog. Any Dog can snap regardless of the breed.

    I am sure if some of you had a relative that was nearly killed by a Golden that was previously known to the family as a loving gentle family pet, you may have a different opinion.


    I unlike some others don't need to know the circumstances at whitch the dogs were shot.


    They dogs were off leash.

    No owner in sight.

    On a farm with Livestock.

    The farmer was well within his rights to protect his lively hood anyway he sees fit.


    What do you guys think a pair of dogs would look like after running loose for 2 days in the bush? Likely covered in mud and thistles stinky and dirty with matted hair. They would definatly look like strays. After a few hours in the bush my little husky looks like a timberwolf on crack let alone 2 days.


    Its not like the dog would look like a pair of show dogs with blue ribbons around there neck proudly perching in front of a dog crate.


    How would he know that they were gone for 1 day, 1 hour or 6 months. How does he know if they have had rabies shots or whatever. Why should he risk approaching a stray dog?


    Its not like he can sit down with the dogs and say, can I see your vacination chart, and how long have you been loose for? Are you intending to bite me if I try and put a leash on you? Will you run away and cause a stampede if I try and chase you out of the fence?


    It would be nice to know what happened, but I don't need to know. He was within his rights.

  7. I dunno, I agree with th above guy, media is always trying to sway a story that makes it sell the most advertisements. But the story itself is interesting. Sad for the family and slightly supportive of the farmer. Even as a dog owner I think I tend to side a bit with the farmer. But really the thing is if the dogs were in range of a shotgun. Then he should have been able to at least determine the danger these pets were going to or have caused. I am just hoping he used some sort of judgment and wasn't just target shooting.


    Also don't forget that a Golden retriver is a bread hunting dog. Maybe not to many suburbanites but Hunters see Goldens as long haired retrievers. Hunting dogs. If it were say a Black Lab, or a some other dog the story may not even get in the news. I would think with the goldens running loose in a feild full of sheep would and could cause some real havoc for the farm animals.

  8. Was listening on the radio this morning and they were yamemring about a pair of golden retriever that were turned into the Humain Society because the farmer shot them with his shotgun at close range as they were on his property. The family that lost the dogs while out for a lock was contacted and obviously distraught over the incident. The radio jockey was really trying to sway sympathy towards the family basically begging people to call in in support of the family. But mostly everyone that called in sided with the farmer.

    Just thought it was interesting.


    Apparently totally legal for any farmer to shoot and kill any stray animals. Poodles and Retrievers included.


    I pretty side with the farmer on this one.


    Oh yah this was in Uxbridge btw.

  9. That's quite a story Randy. One to tell to your grandchildren. As you said, respect is the key. I've got a few scars from when I was a kid similar to the ones that you've described. But they were made by a domestic dog. Not a bear. In fact, I've read many more newspaper articles in the past about people being mauled/killed by domestic dogs than bears. I wonder if people hang their steaks in a tree when they are bar-b-queuing in their back yards? You can't be too safe out there.



    If my dog was a wild dog like a Timberwolf I would hang my steaks. but since as you say its domesticated than no I wouldn't hang it. But if I was a stranger at someones house that had pitbulls I certainly would think twice about walking around with steaks in my hand. I would think if people kept Black Bears as pets in there back yards there would be more bear maulings than there would dog maulings. And I doubt very much you would go prancing around your backyard with a steak in your hand while a bear is in there.


    If all your basing your decsions on are statistics and not common sense then good luck to you. I studied statistics in greapth in school. The first thing they teach you about statistics is that its only a mathematical guess and common sense and logic ALWAYS need to be applied to any statistical information.


    More dog attacks than bear attacks, certainly does not mean its safer to walk around with a steak in your hand in front of a bear than a dog.


    You are comparing a domesticated dog to a wild bear. I would not treat them both in the same manor.

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