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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. With anything and boating especially common sense shoudl prevail above and beyond what the legal legislation is. I can see lots of people taking anything to extremes. Obviously you need to use some some brain power at some point and think about it. :)


    When the water is an inch below the transom you probably have too much in your boat.


    With 12 deaths on the water in Ontario this year its a good idea to air on the safe side whitch is why I have been trying to research my instance.

  2. Aside from the fact that it's imprudent and very foolish to try to surpass recommended people/gross weight limits, it should also be noted that should a catastrophe occur you can kiss any insurance claims goodbye.


    Just my opinion.



    Again I think your missing what I am talking about here. I will repeat it in case you missed it.


    My boat hull came in two seating configurations from the factory. one with a rear bench and one with a rear pedistil. I want to put in a rear bench. We are not talking about cramming 20 people in a 14 foot legend.


    If the OPP and the Canadian Coast Guard do not see any safety or legal concern with this instance, than I don't see if being foolish nor imprudent. Obviously going over the max HP rating, or over the weight rating could be dangerous, but seating extra people in seats that were available from the factory is not the same concern.

  3. To Add. I just got off the phone with the OPP from the 800 number on the website and the seargent I talked to said that they don't go by the capacity plate for the number of occupants. He said as long as you have all the safety gear and life jackets your fine. He said "Having 1 adult and 4 kids in the boat is obviously different than having 5 big adults" He said that sometimes at the discretion of the officer if the boat looks unsafe they will refer to the weight capacity of the boat in reference to the number of people but not at the actual number of people refered to on the plate.


    They are not after people with 6 people in a boat with 6 seats where the seating capaity plate may recomend 5. They are after people with 10 people in a 12 foot tin boat.


    He told me to just add the bench seat and not worry about it.

  4. Ok, so I just got off the phone with the Coast Guard. The Max Occupant number on the capacity plate is only a recomendation. There are NO laws in Ontario or in Canada that restrict how many people you seat in your boat nor how much weight you carry irregardless of the capactiy plate. It is only recomended by the manufacturer.

    She said its also completely legal to modify your boat to hold more people. In my case have a removable bench seat in the back.


    Below is the link she told me to check where it states it is a recomended number. Section a



  5. Hey folks. I was just wondering if there is a fine or if its illegal to have more than the seating capacity in a boat? EG My bass boat has plenty of room to add a bench seat that would allow for 5 people to sit in but the boat has a capacity rating of 3 people. Other hulls of the exact ame design but a different seating option have a capacaity of 5(a fish n ski model)

    Is it actually illegal? Can be charged?

    Just curious.


    See my last post for the answer in detail but in short its legal to seat more than the ammount listed on the capacity plate.

  6. It tkaes 3 bags of cow manure to make 1 bag of potatoes.


    How you gonna get the manure without being cruel to the cows?


    How can you plan stuff in the groundwithout tilling the ground?


    How can you Til the ground without displacing natural wildlife and destroying the habbitat.


    Face it we are hunters and gatherers.


    We need to kill or we will die. Its just how it is.


    Anyone know what happened on friday?

  7. Federal Parliament Vote Friday Is Critical For Anglers

    Join Us for a National Anglers "Phone Your MP" Day

    A vote scheduled for Friday in the House of Commons on federal animal cruelty legislation (Bill S 203) will be critical for people who fish and hunt. S-203 protects anglers and hunters and other traditional animal uses while significantly increasing fines and penalties for wanton animal abuses.


    The US based animal rights groups like the International Fund for Animal Welfare and others are mounting a full scale effort against this legislation. For ten years they have aggressively supported alternative legislation (C-373) which would make it a crime to kill a fish or a deer, even if the animal dies immediately. Extensive legal opinion obtained by the CSIA from the firm of Lang Michener confirms these threats to our traditional outdoor heritage activities. A fishing license affords no legal protection for killing a fish.


    In recent days the animal rights groups have mounted a last minute 'blitz' in the press and in Ottawa against S-203, and against legal protection for fishing and hunting. These are the same groups who led the campaign to ban spring bear hunting in Ontario and they are out to make it a crime to take your kids fishing.


    Federal Members of Parliament need to hear TODAY from all of us who value our right to fish.


    Call your MP's office right now and tell them you vote, and you want them to vote IN FAVOR of Bill S-203. Please click here to find the listing for your MP's phone number, or check your local telephone directory.


    Stand up for our freedom to fish along with the other eight million Canadians who enjoy a day on the water - before the animal rights people make it a crime.

  8. oh yah forgot about dace. :)


    as for the sly comment about whats a walter. everytime I call them pickeral on a forum I get raked over the coals even though thats what I have called them forever. I figure walter is a good alternative somewhere between the stuck Walleye and the back woods pickeral.

  9. Well here it is another useless poll. :)

    OOPs forgot to put Dace in, but put in mud minnow twice, use the first mud as dace as I think 3 guys already said dace.....

    I think the leafs had as good of a deadline day as any other, better than most considering they came out of it with more draft picks. I just hope to hell they finish in the bottom 5 so they have a chance in the lottery for the first draft pick. Woulda been nice to get a second first round pick though.


    I gotta say I'll miss belak's intensity, and for a minimun salary he actually played a role and was good at it. I love the CementHead Role.

  10. You and I fish for fun, thats why we follow the rules. This guy is fishing to pay his mortgage and put his kids through school. Thats why he cheats. Its no different in many other walks of life. If you can get away with it obviously you will try when it comes down to cash. Now oobviously not everyone is a cheat but many will...Look at baseball, football, etc... will we shoot steroids to throw 5 mph faster in our beer league? I doubt it, unless its your drinking arm maybe.


    Just like in pro sports you gotaa toss em in jail and kick them out before they will stop cheating, and check on them all the time.


    One guy won't ruin the fishery, but when the 100 other commercial guys know they will only get a small fine comapred to what they will make in profit they will ALL cheat.


    Not good at all.

  11. I am gonna say one of two things will happen.

    Either the Pats will win in a no contest blowot from start to finish.

    Or the Giants will make a game out of it for the first quarter then it will be one sided.


    As much as I HATE the Pats they are too good and they will destroy the Giants.

    I hope I am wrong...but thats just like I hope the Leafs win the cup this year.

  12. Ok, so I talked to the person in charge and they said that someone from the aurora office will call me later today to confirm but she thought that anything over 21.5 square feet needs to be registered.

    I told her that I talked to the aurora office last week and they said if we remove it daily it doesn't need to be registered. She said hmm thats strange, I'll have to call you back.


    Damn that BUS.

  13. I did something similar to that in Highschool.

    I thought it would be funny to crazyglue a Looney to the top of a garbage and watch people try and pick it off during break one day. The first person down the hall was my Math Teacher. The glue didn't dry on top and his thumb got stuck to it. He went to the hospital with a garbage can lid... I gots in biig trouble.

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