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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Get in a boat and drive slow. Let all of your line out behind the boat and keep driving for a few minutes to let the twists in the line un twist. then wind the line back on. Make sure you have nothing tied to your line when you do this. EG no lures on the line just bare line. If you do alot of short casts make sure you fire a long cast every so often as lots of hort casts will put extra twists in your line. Also try and flip the bail over by hand instead of winding the bail closed. This will also prevent line twist. Of course you could just buy a WAVE SPIN!!!!
  2. VOB is just an MGEP just rename the .vob to .mpg and you can edit it with any Mpeg editor.
  3. Was on Muskoka Lake ice fishing and I caught an 8 pound laker....Not odd but when I got it up on the ice it had another hook in its mouth. and some line. I pulled the line and about 100 yards of line and out poped a brand new stcroix legend ice rod. My buddy lost it about 5 minutes earlier through the ice about 100 yards away.
  4. yah go for some bear mace rather than pepper spray. Its way more potent. err no comment on the scratched car....
  5. She bought the van with her line of credit and as such no insurance coverage minimums apply. Funny to imply her to be a liar. The reason she didn't have theft is when she was married they had theft on one of the cars but not the other as they didn't worry about it if the van got stolen, when she got divorced she just had them seperate the policies, she got the van he got the car. She thought they would have put the same full coverage on both but the only split the policy and didn't re write it. So is it her fault she didn't check, umm yah, no one is arguing she shouldn't carry theft, but what can you do? go back in time and get coverge on something that gets stolen? In cases like this weather or not there is coverage, when the person is found they should be held liable.
  6. Has insurance but didn't have theft coverage.
  7. Well so a lady(recently divorced) at work, was talking to me and she tells me about how her van got stolen and she didn't have theft coverage. I was talking to her about how to make a claim with her home insurance for the items in the car as I had mine stolen before as well. Anyway she gets a call from the cops on the weekend... Maam we found your car at such and such. She goes down and its upside down in a ditch completly totalled. Well it turns out four 14 year old kids stole two cars, went joy riding(off road) and totalled both cars. Now of course she gonna get nothing for the car, and nothing from the insurance, now she has to pay ot the loan, get new car seats, pay for a rental to commute to work til she buys another car, and to boot she is paying for the tow truck removal of the car from the location, and storage until it gets sent to the wreckers. Seriously what the hell? I mean someones gotta go bang 4 doors down and hold these kids upside down until they our there parents pay for the damages. What kind of an screwed up world do we live in? She feels bad and doesn't want to sue the kids parents but seriously. DOes anyone know a pro bono lawyer that needs some hours that could help this lady out?
  8. Don't forget that woman that caught the would have been new record largie up near muskoka lake. It got dq'd as her outdoors card was expired. Lots of monster Bass in some of those lakes up in the muskokas.
  9. E7 and a cumara is as price as m collection gets, I have 2 E7's one on a vrod one on the cumara, a couple of dhsv's on a few Compres. The cumnara is a kick ass rod. Just don't touch a cumulus.
  10. I fish docks too and near boats as well. Most tournament fishermen do. In fact I haven't met a single torunament angler that hasn't or doesn't flip or skip docks. I have never had anyone shoo me away. In fact if someone is on the property or it looks like someone is home we just skip it. I have even had a guy come out as we were passing his dock as he was on the lawn with some friends and shout "hey there is a big one under the dock give it a try" If your friendly, considerate and careful don't see you ever running into a problem and if you do just float away. bad common sense gets everyone in hot water no matter what the sport or activity. Hitting from behind in hockey, Unsafe gun usage, Bad boating habbits, bad snowmobiling habbits etc.. and so on.
  11. MediumHeavy Fast action is pretty much the universal Bass/Pike/Walleye, rod and a 7 footer is great for adding a bit of extra casting distance and ability to set the hook with slack line, it also lets you control the fish better and help keep it from running under the boat. If its a one rod does all then thats what I would do. However to be honest with you. You could be better off getting three Crucials, 6'6" M XF for Walleye and drop shoting/Worming for Bass 7'MH Fast for Bass spinner baits, and crank baits 7'H Fast for bigger pike lures and fishin the slop for bass jmho. Crucials are nice rods for the price. I have/had some of every rod from shimano, from Convergence, Clarus, COmpre, Crucial Vrod, Cumara, cumulus and the cumara is dollar for dollar the best rod, followed by the compre, Vrod, crucial, cumulus clarus and convergence. The cumulus is low because for that money I would buy a high end GLoomis instead, but its the best rod by shimano. If you get it you won't be dissapointed.
  12. Personally on cranks I run straight floro as it sinks and the lures run deeper. Also you get some more give and this helps to keep the fish from shaking the hook. I use a st croix medium Heavy, moderate action with 12 pound floro. Hooks fish and rarely do the get off.
  13. Just breaking in rand areas not anywhere near the knots.
  14. Just as a little follow up. I have been able to pull up 5 foot long pieces of logs off the bottom, turn a 20 foot bass boat around to point at a snag, and pull the boat in, with 20 pound pline and a uni to uni knot. I did allot of research on knot to knot strength tests and I think the uni to uni provieded the best shock strength when going from braid to Floro. I would have to see if I can find the article I read though.
  15. Blood knot is not good. Use a double unit knot. I use this on my 30pd braid to 20 pound pline floro and 30 pound braid to 12 pound p-line floro. never had a problem and casts pretty smooth as the floro tag is pointed away from the outgoing line. Make sure that when you tie your floro side that the know looks nice and clean. any bubbles or un evenness and cut it off and re tie. With your floro its a fairly brittel line so the knots have to be perfect or you will get breaks.
  16. Just eat em whole We use the guts to bait for bears so we can watch them mow down from across the lake. haha jk.... Gut them in the middle of the lake and leave em there. If you do it at another campsite someone else could be using that camp site the next night.
  17. PIcked up some Ultracast invisibraid. Seems pretty good, will have to see how it goes this weekend.
  18. Bought it at Bass Pro, so it could have been counterfit, it wouldn't surprise me.
  19. Seemed weird, I took the power pro that I had onoff and I pulled out rando 4 foot long pieces and I was able to break the line held between my hands in random areas. just breaks like its not held together. Other pieces were as strong as I have known power pro to be. I think I am gonna give suffix, camo braid, or the tracer line a try. I like to fish visually, and having an alternating high vis low vis braid will let me use high vis under docks without using a leader. Like I said some sections seemed fine others were as strong as 4 pound mono. I brought this 5.2(on digital scale) in and set the hook on her real good with no issues but two casts later brok off halfway to the boat with a 1.5 pounder. then broke off a few times later. was weird.
  20. Checked with cotton swab seems fine. I think I may try out that spiderwire camo braid stuff.
  21. I have used dozens of power pro, I used to use spiderwire stealth as well, but I switch to power pro last year, I have power pro on 12 rods for bass and 3 for musky, but I have had some issues with 3 spools in the last 2 years. The guides are the first thing I checked they are all fine. It seems like one out of every 7 or 8 spools of power pro I get are junky. I don't think i'll switch them all over, but i want to try something different this time. maybe I'll go back to spiderwire, I like to looks of the camo braid. looks like the visibility would be good and still let you tie on to the green part so you don't need to run a leader. I normally run 20 pound pline floro on my worm rods with yellow hi vis power pro.
  22. Just wondering what everyone is using for braid and how they find it? I think I got a bad spool of power pro, becuase it kept breaking in random spots up the line. I think its time i move off power pro. I broke off setting the hoo 4 times yesterday,no musky or pike in the water. Was pre fishing for Bass. Funny thing is on that rod I was using, I broke off 4 times, but I managed to land a 5.2 pounder that fought like a horse. It was a very odd day. I stripped the the line off my reel and tossed it out. So the question is, what would you guys use for a skipping rod setup for line? For this rod I go straight braid no leader so I would like to keep it in the 30 pound range. I find skipping with a leader throw it off a bit. I am using a St.Croix Premier, 6' mh rod with a shimano symetre 2500.... I was thinking suffix but I keep hearing how loud it is, and I am a a bit turned off by that.
  23. Most tourneys do release the Bass at the weigh in site. Its just not really feasable for tourneys to drive around the lake and scatter them. Besides who is gonna go put them back all around the lake? If the guy that drives out in his boat with 100 bass in his boat gets stopped by the MnR he would be in big sheat for having way over his quota. Tourneys, do their very best to play within the rules, most only allowing 5 fish in the boat between 2 guys, everyone must have a sports license, All fish that die are kept by tthe anglers that brought them in, Any dead fish are given severe penalties. The question of would the lakes be better off without Tournaments? I don't think they would. Its the sheer fact that tourney anglers are avid catch and release anglers, this promotes catch and release all over the fishing spectrum not just Bass. What would do more harm to a lake population, 20 anglers catching 100 bass and having 2 percent die. Thats 2 fish. or having 20 anglers catching and keeping 5 or 6 bass each? Not to mention all of the money that most clubs and tournaments put back into both the local economy and the various fishing and hunting conservation clubs, like OFAH and others. I think you would be very hard pressed to find a tournament angler that actually keeps fish on a regular basis. Most are very careful about the fish they catch, often doing hundreds of dollars in upgrades to there boats, nets and tackle to ensure a fish will survive to be caught another day. Is the fishing on a lake the day after a tournament more difficult? Yes no doubt it is. But just imagine if you put all those tourney guys in the water every weekend and they all keep a few bass for trophies and meals. I am not saying that only tourney guys practise catch and release, nor am I saying thats what started it, but catch and release is a huge thing for tourney folks, as is keeping invasive species like pike out of the lakes, maintaining good relations with land owners, putting money back into the sport and trying to promote our hobbies in a profesional and responsible manour. jedimaster out
  24. Thats good to hear, not much more you can do than that. I have no idea even what series it is, but it sounds like they are doing well. Just gotta be careful. at high speeds or even moderate speeds crossing wakes, wind and everything involved boating is dangerous. Good to hear that they were ok.
  25. Not a great weekend on the water at all. Having been in many Bass tournaments myself maybe its time for the bigger tourneys to consider breaking the fields down and doing staggered starts, one off at a time like most clubs do. Its one thing to follow a wake its another thing to try and straddle a wake. Its very dangerous, for those that haven't been over 70 or 80 on the water its very hard to explain, but you are not only driving a boat you are flying a plane partially attatched to the water. I too am surprised this doesn't happen more often. As for those of you who think just go slower. Thats never gonna happen. 50 boats idling with 200+HP under the hand, first to the best spot... Big money on the line... adrenaline etc.... this is one of those things where the organizers will need to take control, like manditory life jackets etc... There are rules in auto racin and essentially none in Bass Tourney's. As long as more than one boat guns it at once off the line this will always be possible. If you read this JP, hope you and Greg are ok. I would love to hear more about this and your reaction on your show or on a website one day once you shake the cob webs.
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