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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Now a sabre loss tonight would be awesome.
  2. Tonight is a big night. A leafs win and a sabres loss would be a big step forward.
  3. OMG I THINK I FOUND IT..... Here is a clip from a review.... "If you find a weird container from outer space with some monster in it, of course you sit on it and have your friend take a picture!" The movie is called Creature. from 1985.... Now how am I gonna find this movie...
  4. No thats way too new. This is for sure 80's or 70's maybe early 90's and thats a big maybe. Looked into outland its not that.
  5. Thats not the scene I am thinking of fishland. I'll look into Outland... The search goes on....
  6. I recently posted in another thread about a pair of pt tour edition baitcasters I found were a bit flaky. I thought I would sen an email to quantum service asking what parts I could replace, they apologized and sen to send them to them and they would fix them up. Other than the shipping to the us, I am happy with this service. I with they had a depot in Canada but at leat they will fix them. That's good news for me. Hopefully I get them back before the bass season. So far two thumbs up for quantum service.
  7. I though it was alien. But others at work said no way. I am gonna rewatch all the aliens to make sure for myself. Do you remember where in the movie the picture egg scene is?
  8. Ok this is it. I will finally burry the leafs playoff chances if buffalo wins and the leafs lose.
  9. Leviathan, Deep star six, I can't remember now.... Maybe the thing, I can't remember that one.
  10. Ok so I remember a scene from a movie I would think its at least pre 95's I seem to feel like its from the mid 80's or possibly earlier. The scene I recall is where a small group of people find something liek a big canister or something and they think its alien, so they sit on it and setup to take a picture of a video or something, and one of the guys has an alien go through his space suit and explode his head inside the space suit. Now I thought this was from Alien, but I don't think it is. Does anyone know what this is from? Another person from work remembers this scen but couldn't place the movie either.
  11. Haha chara took a good one for yah.
  12. Well here comes goon town. How did Horton not get an extra 2 for instigating?
  13. HABS SUCK!!!! haha just gettin yah goin....
  14. OMG It must be the Super Moon
  15. Well, my goal this year year is to put a 6 pounder in the boat during a tournament. Last year I caught several 6+ bass prefishing. So this year I would like to put one in the boat during a tourney. I am going to be changing it up as last year was a learning experience for me fishing from the back of the boat is alot different. I am going to be moving away from the slow weightless finese fishing, and go more for power fishing with some weighted presentations.I found during the prefishing when I was in my own boat I had lots of time to let the baits hit the bottom but during the tournies I didn't have enough time to hit all the spots I wanted. so this year I am going to change it up. What is your main goal and how are you going to get there?
  16. One of them feels a bit grindy every so often so I gotta always pull it apart and lube it. At least 3 or 4 times a season. The other is ok but has always felt a bit loose. Never really been too happy with them.
  17. OMG LUKE SCHEN WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Just dismantled a couple if reels to tune them up. These quantums pt tour's sure are high maintenance compared to my curado's. Crappie once the kawarthas melt, perch derby on Simcoe, trout at the end of April, eyeballs end of may... Damn still so much time before bass.
  19. Yah I don't think it happens very often buy anything mechanical has the ability to fail. That's why I prefer to know for sure the lifejacket will float. I mean 100 percent a life jacket will float.
  20. Fishing partner had one of those hydrostatic mustangs and it went off in the rod locker. While the boat was tied up at th dock during a rain storm. I wear a normal mustang lifejacket when under power or when fishing alone. When the boat is on trolling motor my lifejacket comes off and sits on the seat. May not be the greatest attitude but that's what I do. I just don't trust the inflatables. Although they are comfortable I have worn one a few times.
  21. on second thought now she is gonna be a back seat boater.... "Hey didn't you see that buouy don't you know what that means!!" AHHHHH
  22. get your GF's and friends to get it now, GF did hers last night. crap, she even scored better than i did, and I had been driving a boat for 20 years before I did my test. She doesn't even know how to start the boat.
  23. Well the moon is supposed to look big this weekend. bigger than it has in 20 years, and the biggest until 2029. Get outside tonight and look east after sunset. Its on its closest orbit today.
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