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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Boy, that is sure alot of running for a little boy, but I am sure that he loves playing, I bet you are debating if you should let him play tonight or not, can you do that? I am not to sure how these sports work, or do you have to show up on a particular game night?
  2. I hear ya Cliff, I am surprised that there are not certain "rules" for extreme heat or cold temps. There should be, maybe that would lessen the volume on our emergency rooms that they are always complaining about!
  3. Yeah I knew that car would catch some attention,LOL I wish it was mine but it is the guy next door that owns it. he really takes care of it but hardly drives it, and it does not have one scratch on it.
  4. Yes, you would think that they would cancel it due to the VERY HIGH temps. It's not good for the young or old to be out in the heat, nevermind running in it.
  5. Yes it is brutal, you got that right, at these times I am so glad that we live in a basement apartment
  6. Thanks FTOB!!! You just made my day even sweeter! Thanks!
  7. WHAT????? is she nuts?, that is a fish of a lifetime, that sucker is huge!
  8. Thanks guys and gal for your kind words!
  9. Thanks Cliff, it means alot!
  10. CONGRATS on the marriage! That is what I just want on my wedding day, an outdoor wedding and a great honeymoon with fishing and a hot tub in my plans.
  11. We have been told that she does look like a "mini" mom,LOL. And for her outfishing us, I wouldn't doubt it, all weekend she would NOT come off the dock, she wanted to fish, she wore us out.LOL
  12. You got that right Cliff, she is a GREAT girl! And now matter what I will always support her in what she does or chooses! Thanks Cliff!
  13. Welcome to team 9 Addy79! Glad to have you aboard!
  14. I know what you mean Mike, I never remember "graduating" into grade 1 but things change over time.
  15. Thanks guys! And Smokey, yes she ALWAYS wears her helmut, if not she DOES NOT EVER ride without it and if she does, she loses her bike for a couple of days, I am very strict about safety.
  16. Well I made a post a couple of weeks ago about that great chinook salmon that I caught on Lake Ontario with Shawn and his friend. I entered that beauty to team 9 and then I enterd the OFAH award program for the very first time. Well four days later I got my award for the salmon along with my decal It is my very first award that I ever recieved for fishing and I will be entering more this year. My aim is to get 5 species out of ten to get the special award, but even if I don't reach my goal at least I have this which I am going to frame very soon! Thanks FOTB and Fishindevil for reminding me about the OFAH award program.
  17. Way to go!!!! She will remember that for the rest of her life! A job very well done! CONGRATS!
  18. I wish we could have made it up there this year Nanook, I would have really liked to meet you!
  19. Well now that fishing season is into high gear, so is the end of the school year. Last Friday was Angelina's FIRST graduation into Grade 1! And what a busy day it was because after the end of the day we were headed up north for the weekend. We were so proud of her that day. She has come a long way in the last 2 years! It is unbelieveable to what they learn in 2 years. Dad (Fishindevil) took the pics and of course mom was in the audience shedding a few tears. And today after she came home from school, she found a BRAND NEW bike in her bedroom! She did not know anything about it and she was so surprised when she saw that shiny bike and we told her it was for graduating and doing so well in school! She is in her glory right now and has not come back in the house since.LOL. Here are some pics of her graduation and her new bike that we wanted to share with all of you!
  20. How come you did not come to this site until now??? with only 2 posts to speak of I would not expect alot of feedback.
  21. Shawn and I and our daughter are doing bass opener this weekend. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon and coming back Sunday night and we cannot wait! I am still holding you to that fish fry Keram!
  22. My prayers,thoughts and respect are with all the families, comrades and friends of these 3 HEROS!!!! It breaks my heart everytime we lose a great soldier. I am not looking forward to my brother-in-law going back next year for his second trip back.
  23. Hi HH, I just wanted to let you know that some of them do know about this site, when my brother-in-law was over there, I told him about this site and all of the support that shown from here and I passed on all of the thank yous and prayers to him and his comrades, so yes they do know how much WE support them. I made sure of it.
  24. WAY TO GO BUDDY!!!!!! I am so happy for you on both your engagement and your awesome new job! I knew that you would go somewhere when you told me what job you were doing part-time! It could not have happend to a much derserving guy!
  25. This has made me so mad, it makes my blood just boil! They have the nerve to sit there and complain about the decals and how they should not be on our emergency vehicles, people should know by now that these decals DO NOT support the war BUT THEY DO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!!!! So by taking these decals off, what is Toronto saying???? Exactly! Our soldiers are the reason why we have what we have today, and they are the reason why these so called people are sitting in MILLION DOLLAR homes and driving their fancy cars !!!!! And all they want to do is sit there and b&*$h about how wrong these decals are! They should all be ashamed of themselves, and who would be the first city bawling if something ever happend here in Canada???? I thought so! They should not forget that Toronto is one of the main targets for an attack! Can't SOME people read anymore, it says in plain english, Support Our Troops, it does NOT say Support The War! There is a BIG difference. Total disrespect to OUR soldiers, my brother-in-law and the families of these wonderful HEROS.
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