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  1. You should first calculate all of the loads, in watts, you think you would have operating at the same time. Either total all of the equipment rated in watts or find the amp rating of the equipment and multiply by the rated voltage to convert to watts (i e 10amps X 120volts = 1200watts). The total load in watts should never exceed 80% of the rating of the generator so if you have 3000 watts of load in your trailer then you need a 4KW generator. Hope this helps.
  2. DEEP THOUGHTS BY MEN WHILE FISHING Two men are out ice fishing at their favorite fishing hole , just fishing quietly and drinking beer . Almost silently, so as not to scare the fish , Bob says, 'I think I'm going to divorce my wife - she hasn't spoken to me in over 2 months.' Frank continues slowly sipping his beer, then thoughtfully says , 'You better think it over - women like that are hard to find.'
  3. Good for you, an inexpensive fly rod outfit is a good starting point, especially if you have a ton invested in spinning gear already. Two problems come to mind though....... If the rod/line is not that compatible and/or the rod does not suit your casting style then you may become disillusioned with it and pack it in before you get to really enjoy it. If you do get the hang of it then the credit card comes out and you go crazy because now you need a 4 weight for small stream rainbows, a 3 weight for specks, a 7 weight for steelhead, a 5 weight medium action for smallmouth as well as the associated reels, line, leaders, flies and so on. What you should consider is looking up your local fly fishing club or tackle shop and get some guidance on casting, fly presentation etc. Taking one lesson can open up your eyes and your mind quite a lot, or even hiring a good guide can help your casting, fly presentation and where to find fish. Good luck and trout season is open already, can't you sneak the rod out on weekends until Fathers Day? Also, I believe there are some fly fishers in your area who post here regularly, maybe you can find someone to help..... http://www.hipwader.com/
  4. Always been a Bruins fan, since before Bobby Orr (God's gift to hockey) played there and have noticed that Boston usually, not always but usually, makes the playoffs. Have no fear, Boston will still come out of the draft with a few excellent players. I would suspect that there are teams with more talent and attitude to offer who would covet the 1st pick, we'll know come draft day.
  5. I'm not a Leaf fan, Bruins fan actually, but I thought this was pretty neat. This is a leaf trivia item, a letter from Punch Imlach to Jim Pappin inviting him to training camp. Pretty interesting as it seems like a bit of a country club atmosphere. I can imagine what the training camp invites look like today.
  6. Incandescent lamp failure is usually a result of overvoltage, bad connection (causing arcing & excess heat) or age of lamp. Check the voltage with a proper voltmeter, hot wire to ground, and if it is at or above 120V then 130V lamps may cure the problem. If voltage is below 120V then remove the lampholder and check the terminations. If the terminations are loose tighten them and check the conductor insulation for signs of drying out due to the excess heat. Could also be a bad batch of lamps. Another cure, as mentioned above, is to replace all of your lamps with compact fluorescent lamps. They are available in different wattages, will handle a wider range of voltages and will also lower your energy costs. Most of the advice you have received has merit, however after 40 years in the trade (licensed in 1975, master license in 1980, registered contractor with ECRA/ESA) I know that your problem is not unique. It may not hurt to contact a local electrical contractor as you may not be the only person in your neighborhood with this issue. Best of luck. You are too far away or I would consider trading services.
  7. THE DIFFERENCE WHEN YOU MARRY A CANADIAN GIRL The first man married a woman from North Carolina. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning.. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away. The second man married a woman from South Carolina . He gave his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table. The third man married a girl from CANADA. He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher. He still has some difficulty when he pees.
  8. No easy way out of your predicament. Do you not have a spouse, child, girlfriend or whatever that could use the phone? Would be cheaper to subsidize someone else using the phone. I got rid of Bell Mobility years ago when we had 2 phones, service was ridiculous, no help from them at all, had no contract but could not negotiate any better deals. Funny thing was after we switched to Telus (3 Blackberry Mike phones, 3 Mike flip phones, Bells loss) Bell called my new number a few times wanting to know why we switched & offering a better deal, better rates, better service and my answer was.... "Why didn't you offer this to me when I was still your customer?" Got rid of Bell Canada as well after 3 weeks of heavy static, intermittent phone service and numerous technicians trying to fix the problem. Mountain Cable now has our phone, fax & internet. Cheaper, more features & way better service, comeone on the line that you can understand. Good Luck!
  9. Wasn't criticizing your work, actually looks very well done. Didn't say you needed an electrician either, master electrician and contractor myself but with more work than I can handle so am not digging for work. What I am trying to say is that if there is a fire in your garage, related to your wiring job or not, and your installation was found not to be inspected, then your insurance company will deny your claim citing unauthorized electrical wiring. You could fight them, if you have the money but more often than not you will lose. Insurance companies spend a lot trying to find a way out of paying a claim, a $5,000 investigation is still cheaper than a $50,000 claim.
  10. #1 Most residential panel breakers will not trip until at least the breaker rating is met or exceeded. The Canadian Electrical Safety Code states that circuit loading should not exceeded 80% of breaker rating. I have seen 15A breakers hold up to 26 amps before tripping. Well done getting this machine working. How many HP is the motor? Does your manual say anything about providing a manual starter with overload protection? Did you extend the wiring and if you did was a conduit or metal raceway used where subject to damage? Also did you take out an electrical permit to comply with your homeowners insurance as well as the Electrical Safety Authority requirements? Extension cords, temporary wiring that somehow becomes permanent and wiring by unauthorized persons are some of the major causes of house fires. http://www.esasafe.com/GeneralPublic/ir_001.php?s=3
  11. I think the only integrity here is every player on every team giving his best effort every shift. Each of these boys is auditioning for future employment in professional hockey every time they step on the ice. There should be no holding back or passing practice to slow down the scoring. The object of the game is to put the puck in the net and it would not do the Latvian boys any good in their development if they don't play against the best opponent out there. I don't know if anyone has ever played or coached at an elite level but there is quite a difference between recreational and competitive levels of play. I really think that if the Canadian boys held back that the Latvian players would be dishing out some 'chin music' of their own. Holding back at this level is similar to mocking your opponent.
  12. Q How many Leaf fans does it take to change a light bulb? A Five...............One to change the lightbulb and four to talk about how good the old one was!
  13. This is not only about not embarrassing teams, this is junior hockey at the highest level on the planet. If a team cannot compete at this level then perhaps they should be relegated as there could be another team ready to play with the best teams in the world. There should be no letting up by the Canadian Juniors, they should continue to play at their best, asking them to take it easy at this point in the tournament would definitely be a drawback. Anyone who watched the game would have seen that the Canadian boys made their share of mistakes and to improve they have to keep up the intensity and allow the coaching staff to make the group and individual corrections right up to the last game. The intent was not to embarrass any team and any fan who does not understand this should listen to Don Cherry for a while! Most of these boys have been drafted by a PROFESSIONAL hockey team and a lot of them will have a career in Hockey. This is not a house league tournament where they have a "mercy" rule, there is not one in any professional sports league that I know of and there shouldn't be one in sports at this level, is there one in the Olympics. I'm amazed that anyone would even ask this question!
  14. I wouldn't generalize too much here as I do not believe that most people would trespass just to fish forbidden waters. Shows a lack of respect for other people and their property. Don't really blame the guy for getting upset with trespassers, maybe the 12 guage cure wasn't the right approach but it works, nice sometimes to intimidate people who have no respect for others.
  15. All of the above is sound advice, and as noted above, rod preference is usually a personal thing, what feels good in the hand and is comfortable to cast. When I fish the Upper Grand I take a 8' 5 wt medium-fast rod with suitable reel and a WF5F line. More than enough for the average fish there and still got some backbone for any of the larger fish. For the smaller trout streams around the area a 7' 6" 4wt is usually a good choice. The Lower sections of the Grand hold a good smallmouth population which needs a 5 or 6 wt and longer is better as the river is much wider with more casting space. If you are fishing trout water which is accessible to steelhead you may want to use a 6 or 7 wt. And so it begins........after some time the need for more and different weight and length rods becomes evident, also each rod has to have an appropriate reel and line, floating or sinking, depending on the purpose. Next thing you know the spinning gear gathers dust and is set aside to create space for the fly rods. Check here for postings by new fly fishers in this area asking similar questions, also great advice from experienced flyfishers and also a buy & sell if you are interested in acquiring tackle with experience. http://flyfishingforums.hipwader.com/
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