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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. I recommend the big easy oil less turkey fryer. Works great and save on the cost and hassle of the oil.



    That looks pretty good, have you used it much Hoppy? The cost of the oil and the clean up afterwards is a bit of a pain in the butt, but worth the taste of the food. :) If the taste is as good or better than a fryer I might have to look into getting one. Seems like a healthier choice as well.

  2. I've been using a couple abu's (5500, and 6500)for more years than I care to mention. No issues yet. I fish for everything though, not just musky. I only use the abu's for musky. One of them I bought used to boot.



    x2 The ABU's have been a very good reel for me as well, trolling or casting for close to....I better not say either...lol! With only one reel that gave me some grief out of the 5 or 6 I have in all that time. They have seen a lot of use over the years, I'd say they are pretty tough to beat for the price. Not sure if they are built as well now a days but the ones I have are tanks.

  3. The area off of Cedar has been blocked off. There other launches to the east and west of Oshawa if you're not stuck on fishing there specifically. Whitby is just a short ride but you'd want good conditions for getting over and back, Darlington would be the other option.


    It would be nice if the friggin' governments would get off their :asshat: 's and fix up the marina and get it functional again instead of all the bloody finger pointing. Bunch of morons with nothing more than their own agenda to get elected and promise that the harbour will be fixed up. 11 years later and still no concrete sign of this being resolved anytime soon. Pathetic! Although they seemed to be all keen to put a ethanol plant in there in a matter of no time. :angry:


    Sorry to the op for the side track but it pisses me off. lol! Welcome to the board.

  4. Sucks that they got your tackle Cliff. Being a city guy I'm forever locking everything and if it can't be locked and has the slightest value, I bring it inside. Hell I even lock the truck when I'm pumping gas and standing right beside it. Paranoid, perhaps, over cautious, sure - why not. You never know who is eying you and your gear up. Hope you find the PR's and get your gear back.

  5. Thanks for the report Joe and a great time as always!! Thanks for putting up with us again Bernie.





    It was the size of a snot rocket....he was running 6 pound mono....it's teeth sliced through the line when it went crazy. That's the story and I'm sticking to it!!

    It was at least a 50 to 60 class fish.....cm..... BTW - Lousy story....lol!

  6. Great thread to dig up the old video for Rob, thanks. Some of us do look younger Brian, I don't think you or I have changed at all...lol!


    I've met a lot of great people off of this board and mostly do to just getting out to the GTG's shortly after I first started. Ya there can be a lot of crap on the board but there is a lot of good as well and for the most part we are a good group. There hasn't been a "big" GTG for a while and this is where perhaps the "cliques" have come in as people have broken off into smaller groups for one reason or another. There will most likely be some form of a Fall Quinte GTG. Likely we'll be spread out over a couple of weekends and venues. Come out to one of them and make some new friends.



    Almost all of us were new here at some time or other. I recall when I first joined, I felt like an outsider and was initially mocked. Thinking back, I probabaly deserved it!

    Consider the position of long time members and the never ending influx of "new members" all trying to make an impression or share knowledge.

    How many times has a long standing member given out info to a newbie only to have that come back and haunt them? I've seen it many times.

    So, here's a little secret for you newer members on how to become one of the "old boys"...

    GET OUT THERE AND MEET FOLKS FROM THE BOARD. It's really that simple.

    I attended two gtg's early in my time here. At the first gathering, I met one guy here that I have fished with ever since and he has become one of my best friends since.

    My second GTG was at a fishing for Tyler event. I met pretty much all of the "boys club" there and as a result, was invited to personal cottages and future fishing trips. Why, because I was no longer a faceless name on an internet board. That's really all it takes!

    So, get off the keyboard, get yerself out there, meet some folks and grow your fishing network. Carping about your own lack of effort to make things happen will likely fall on deaf ears...



    Still regretting that day eh Joe? :P:lol: Certainly glad to have you as a great friend Joe.....You were talking about me weren't you?? :huh:


    As for the rules, they are there to keep things somewhat under control. Are they perfect, nope but needed as some kind of a guide. If you saw the first days of the board you would know why they are needed. :whistling:

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