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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. In case you missed it part 1 is here


    This is when the MNR decided to pay us a visit and if you read my other post (skin or no skin) then there is no need to revisit it again. Yep, still got a bad taste in my mouth over this one but the guys were just doing their jobs. We chilled after they left and did go back out for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Well after dinner, yep we’re still eating; it was off to a spot that seemed to be holding a few active fish.


    A couple of dinner shots - the oil is hot!!





    We were picking up a few fish here and there. I was bringing in a small walleye when out of nowhere this pike T-boned the fish!! I've seen it happen before but the first time it's happened to me!


    Thanks for the picture Dan!




    While working the area we are just awe struck again as the cow and her calves paid us another visit. Fishing gets put on hold again and out with the cameras. This was great that they graced us again with their presence as Ken had missed out on the earlier sighting.


    A few evening shots.




    Cool markings on her ears I thought.



    This shot is courtesy of Dan.



    This one is my pov with Dan in the front of the boat. The moose is in the center of the frame and difficult to make out. Gives you an idea how close we got.





    A few more fish were caught then back to camp for some cards and a couple of beers.


    The next day was pretty much the same except no moose. Some fishing in the morning and afternoon, a bit more of a laid back routine and started to pack up that evening for our flight out the next morning. After some packing we went for a tour of the lake looking for the moose but no luck. I figure with the storm that was brewing they were hunkering down some where waiting for it to go through. A couple flashes of lightning and we were on our way back to the dock. We pulled up some chairs on the dock and watched the storm come in. Dan managed to get this great shot.





    Great shot Dan!! Some cards and beer then off to bed.


    An early rise to our last day, finish off some packing, of course we had to eat, clean up and wait for the plane. First in was the Cessna which took Dan, Gerry and some gear out.





    The second plane wasn’t far behind. Load up, one last check around camp and we were off.



    Last look at camp.




    The flight back was much better and quicker I think. Upon arrival Dan and Gerry greeted us with some Tim Horton’s coffee, very nice. On the drive home we couldn’t get over the temperature difference. In Cochrane is was about mid teens and back in TO it was in the 30’s.


    A few firsts on this trip for the guys, twin moose calves, first whitefish for Ken and Gerry (too bad we didn't get a shot of yours Gerry), first open fire fish fry for the group – I couldn’t believe it either but was very happy to make it happen for them, the first time that I’ve ever had a toothy critter come and try to take my catch. I’ve seen it before but the first time it’s happen for me. I wish I had a shot of Simon’s crazy lure he made up, it looked similar to the one the guy was holding in a commercial for In-Fishermen magazine I believe, and it did catch a pike. A first for the pike biting such a crazy looking bait. Thanks for the laughs Simon.


    All in all it was a fantastic trip!!! Thanks again for the invite Ken! What a great bunch of guys to spend a few days with. It really amazes me how you can take a sport like fishing, put a some people together that don’t know each other at all, (I should note here that they I was the new guy, they knew each other, I only knew Ken before the trip), and they get along like they are long lost friends. This was my first year fishing with these guys and I told Ken if there’s room in the group for me next year just let my know. He say’s to me no need to worry, once you’re in, you’re in! I’m sure looking forward to next years trip wherever the might be. The cabin, boats and motors were all in great working order. Two thumbs up for Air Cochrane :thumbsup_anim: Yea the fishing could have been better but with the conditions we had what can you do. I still had a great time.


    A special thanks for all the tips that were given before our trip. A very special thanks to John C. for the "hot spots map" and list of essentials he provided.



    That pretty much wraps it up. Until next year!!!



    Here 's a few more shots to round off the report in no particular order.


    This one is from Dan.


    White Admiral Butterfly



    Here's the gang.


    From left to right: Will, Simon, Gerry, Dan and Ken



    Another butterfly



    Dan and a nice walleye.




    Pair of loons



    Some sunrise shots - got up at 5am for these.








    View from the dock.






    Myself with an evening walleye. I'm looking like a deer caught in the headlights! lol



    Thanks for reading and sorry to the dialup guys.

  2. Great report. It almost took us with you. Mother moose likes your camera.


    Am I correct that you bleed your walleyes? Been doing it myself for many years.



    You are correct sir! I was showing the guys at camp the difference it made. Learned that trick from Headhunter's buddy. ;)


    Thanks for the replys everyone, part two should be up be tomorrow. There will be more moose pics too as they did come back to see us. B)

  3. Well here it is!!! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!!!! The reason you’ve given up fishing and been sitting by the computer for the last couple of weeks……my Floodwood Lake report!!!!!!! :rolleyes::P OK, I probably pushing it a bit too far but I’ve had people asking about it.


    We left bright and early on June 22 at 2am to make our drive up to Air Cochrane. We had a car coming up from the west end of the city and we were coming from the east. Our drive was pretty uneventful which was great; the other guys had a visit from the OPP while travelling up the 400. :whistling: On our (east end group) travels we did manage to see one moose as we were travelling through Temagami but the moose got spooked and took off before we could get a good picture.


    There really was a moose here.



    After some food in New Liskeard and a brief stop in Cochrane for bait and some Floodwood lake dinner jackets, we arrived at the base around 10:30am, checked in and squared up our bills. The west end crew wasn’t far behind and soon we were just waiting on our planes to take us in.


    The group



    Dan in his new dinner jacket



    The first plane to go was the Cessna which took Dan and a bunch of the gear.



    The next plane was the Beaver for the rest of us and the balance of the gear.



    Our flight in was a bit of a rough one as there were some very strong winds blowing us around. We had a couple of good drops in altitude but the last one was a really good and had us all hoping to land very soon.














    Once at the camp we unpacked and got some food to help settle our stomachs. Then it was off for some fishing.


    Here's Simon and Gerry heading out.



    We hit a couple of spots and marked a ton of fish but couldn’t seem to get a bite.



    I should mention hear that we were dealing with an extreme cold front. +35 a couple of days before we got there and it was to get down to -1 that night. Oh yea, there was a major mayfly hatch going on as well. :wallbash: We headed back into grab some dinner and re-group. We went out for an evening fish and after not getting a bite while jigging we decided to troll. Ken and I were the diehards / foolish ones the kept at it and the others picked a bed to get some rest. Our troll paid off and we picked up a couple of small fish for the table and released some as well. By the time we got back to camp, cleaned the fish and had a couple of beers it was after midnight, day 1: 22+hours for Ken and I.


    Nice sunset that night.





    The next morning we woke to a very cold cabin. After getting a fire going and Dan cooking up a storm, the place warmed up pretty good. Dan had decided that this was the year he wanted to try doing up the menu and meals. OUTSTANDING JOB!!!! :thumbsup_anim::clapping: Thanks again for all your hard work Dan!


    Shot of the Kitchen courtesy of Dan



    We went back at it and stuck to the trolling to start with. A couple of small pike and that was it. Into a back bay for some buzzbait northerns and that worked pretty well. All small fish but some very exciting action. After some lunch we went back to trolling and managed a few fish. But not the numbers or size we were hoping for. So back in for some more food and plan the evening fish. Did I mention that we ate like kings while we were there? :) The evening bite was still slow but a few fish to be had. Dan and I did notice some fishing jumping closed to shore and after some investigating found them to be whitefish coming up to feed on the mayflies. This fish were in 2-5ft of water! I hooked into a couple but lost them. Later in the trip Ken found a good pattern for the whities by fishing for them in the pads, yep they were in the lily pads. He got 4 or 5 doing this. Some euchre and a couple of beers and off to bed.


    One of the many small pike we got. This one had a chance to meet Ken up close and personal.



    Ken and one of his whitefish



    Sunday we woke up to some warmer temps but still in the single digits. A quick coffee, and off to jig up a couple eyes. Finally a good pre-breakfast fish with a couple of dozen fish being caught but again, no size. Kept 4 eyes and a whitefish, the fish of doom, had some breakfast and back out for a couple of hours. It was during this time we witnessed one of the greatest sights I’ll ever see, a cow moose and her twin calves. We spent more time watching these beautiful animals then we did fishing and I’d do it all over again.











    Back in for some lunch and to clean up some fish for dinner that night.


    Some food for the table.



    I'll end part 1 here, part 2 to come.

  4. Sounds like a memorable trip actually!

    Too bad about your friends illness, but you still caught a bunch of fish of a lifetime.

    Monster lakers, big brookies, and huge pike will be stored in your memories forever.


    Thanks for sharing,





    You took the words right out of my mouth. Great report and thanks for sharing!!

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