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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. first thing i said it "how the fck am i gonna land this thing" lol


    after 15 mins and many runs for the bottem I got my chance at the jaw and went for it !


    Luckly I got only a couple scars on my hand !


    I got him on a drop shotting rig with a bell sinker and a circle hook... the Line was destroyed after i looked at it .... twists and kinks everywhere... I was lucky to say the least !


    A bit of luck, patience and skill I'd say. Congrats on the PB!!! :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Hmmm...I'm not sure, but you get used to it after a while. I just crank the tunes, dont let the blood pressure get high and go with the flow (or lack of it!!!)


    That about sums it up Cliff. I'm out of here so I'll save you 2 a spot on the roads. Might get home by 5:00-530pm :dunno: Safe weekend everyone. ;)

  3. Thanks for the responses everyone.


    After getting some legal advise (thanks Kirk) I will be sending off the money for the fine and be done with it. Lesson learned. I certainly agree that these charges could be fought and I think I would probably win. But as the busy season approaches for work, getting time off for this would be very difficult. This fine was a chance to train the rookie that came along on how to right out tickets and perhaps some court room training as well. I guess the ticket might pay for the gas in the plane :dunno:


    A firm warning in this case would have gone a lot further then a fine. I have a lot of respect for what the MNR do and have always been a supporter of their work. They have a tough job to do. So let my bad experience be a warning to all those out there to leave some skin on the fish and keep a few bucks in your pockets.


    Good point Whopper,

    On a lot of trips that I have done with my buddies everyone pitches in a does a job, some cook, some clean, some maintain the boats and some clean fish. With that being said what if I was the designated fish cleaner for a group of say six guys and I am in the cleaning house with say twelve walleye. Since the twelve walleye are in my possession am I over my limit regardless of which license I carry? Can a CO then fine me for over limit possession?


    I never really though about it before until this came up, but if one was splitting hairs that would make me a criminal.


    That is exactly what happened on our trip and I was the fish cleaning guy. I suppose that I would have been fined for over possession as well, the CO did mention that. Since we were claiming that we had 4 walleye (within my limit) and 1 whitefish, I was not charged with being over my limit. Even though the fish were caught by everyone in the group.

  4. Some Great pictures there, that lake looks nasty. Too bad about the battery, never seen nor heard of that happening before. Looks like it could have been alot worst and as GCD said,

    don't forget to hose down the inside of that compartment to wash away any acid remnants.
  5. IMO it makes no difference. I got my biggest walleye trolling with AC/DC playing. We caught lots of whitefish and lakers with the tunes going. Flippin' and pitchin' pads in a very calm bay and managed to pull out a couple of dozen fish. Now I'm certainly not one to be blasting the tunes and maybe that makes a difference. Loud enough to enjoy it myself but not so loud that the guy fishing the other side of the bay can hear it. I've done a test with my buddies to see how loud is "too loud" (when they can hear it about 75 ft away) and have a pretty good idea of what volume I should be at.


    Now having said all this, I very rarely have the tunes on in the boat. The odd time when I'm by myself or the fishing is very slow.

  6. You never mentioned " transporting" in your first post.I would say that 95% of us would of answered different.


    BTW,I soak mine in butter milk before frying.LOL



    No transporting involved Brian, so I didn't mention it. I believe that close to 100% of us here would be transporting fish with the skin on when going back to camp, cottage or home. I know I always do that. The point I was looking for was once back at camp, cottage, home and cleaning the fish for a meal later in the day,(hence the fish will be stored for a period of time) do you leave a piece of skin on? According to the regs you must. We were just back at camp and had no intentions of moving the fish any further then to the frying pan when it was time for dinner and got the fine.


    Snag - I'm not sure that the poll is flawed as I said above, no transporting of the fish was involved.

  7. Just as I thought. Over 85% of you are going to jail, well, could be getting a fine. (At the time of this post.) Here's the scoop. While on my trip to Floodwood Lake we had the MNR drop in a pay us a visit and this is how the story goes.


    One morning we had kept 4 walleye and 1 whitefish to go with our dinner that evening. During the trip I was the designated fish cleaner and while brunch was being made I had my job of cleaning the fish. Cleaned them up into nice fillets, no bones, no skin, into Ziplocs and into the fridge. While getting ready to head out for the afternoon fish we hear a plane coming and lands on the lake, low and behold it's the MNR, 2 officers and a pilot. They do the usual checking of licenses, how's the fishing been, have you got any fish to which one of the guys says yes and tells him what we have.


    The officer asks to see them and is not very happy. Asks how long we've been fishing and if we ever have read the rules and regs? We all respond with most of our lifes and yes we have read the rules and regs. He asks who has cleaned them, I tell him it was me and then the lecture starts about leaving skin on the fish so that they can be identified. I was always under the impression that if you were transporting or freezing fish they needed a piece of skin to identify them. Apparently the skin needs to be on until the oil is hot in the pan, in the CO's words, not quite what it says in the rules and regs. It does say this though on page 4.


    Packaging Fish for Transport or Storage – When you are

    exporting, transporting or storing fish, you must ensure that

    the fish can be easily identified and counted. Where length

    limits apply, you must also ensure that the length of the fish

    can be determined except as described in “Transporting

    Sport Fish in Ontario” (Refer to page 6).


    So keeping your fish in the fridge counts as storage I guess, well I know now as does the rest of the group. He said he could charge all of us but wouldn't as I was the one who cleaned the fish. I was also with in my limit (sport license) of 4 fish (walleye) and therefore wouldn't be charge with being over my limit as well even though they fish were caught amongst the group. So a $125 fine for me for not having the fish being identifiable but we got to keep our fish. (BTW – The guys all chipped in on the fine, thanks again.)


    Now I'm not posting this to complain about what happened but just to make everyone aware of this rule. One of our pilots told us on the way out that last year the MNR were into 2 of the lakes once each. This year they are in every week so far. So save yourself a few bucks if you are heading up to the Cochrane way and leave the skin on until you’re ready to cook and the oil is hot in the pan.

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