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  1. My Dad joined the Navy in 1940 and his brother joined the army the same day. Both gave up 5 years of their lives to help beat Germany and both came home safely at the end of the war. My mom's brother flew bombers over Europe and sadly was killed in 1943 when his plane went down. My dad's father spent WW1 as a sniper in the British Army in the trenches of France and said he killed far too many people but it was something he had to do. He was hit by shrapnel and awarded the Military Medal but made it home in 1918. Thankfully he lived a long and wonderful life in Ontario and I was lucky enough to love him till I was 35 years old. 3 of my mother's uncles fought in WW1 with the Canadian Army and also all made it home. I'm always very proud of my family and the contributions and sacrifices they all made to help make the world a better place for the rest of us but especially on November 11. My Dad home on leave. And Mom's brother delivering Airmail in Ontario before he started flying bombers.
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