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Dear Sir,


            I just got around to reading the latest Ontario Out of Doors and discovered that the MNRF is proposing to impose new bait rules on Ontario. In Temagami we discussed bait rules more than a decade ago in the Temagami Stewardship Council. It seems the issues are still the same but maybe the cure is going a step too far.

I agree with the MNRF statement that, “the use of live bait is a staple in the Ontario fishing community. As in the past I totally agree with restrictions on the transport of bait fish from one Bait Management Zone (BMZ) to any other. Makes sense that if you cannot transport bait you will stop the spread of invasive species and viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) from one zone to another.

I do however strenuously object to the proposed regulatory change that, “Anglers would only be able to personally harvest bait in the BMZ of their primary residence.”  Cottagers would not be able to personally harvest their own bait before going fishing but would have to purchase bait from a local supplier, if one exists, and display the receipt.

Firstly, this proposed regulatory change will do nothing to stop the 2 reasons for the legislative change: the transfer of invasive species nor the spread of the VHS virus. The cottager who is personally trapping his/her own bait is trapping the bait from their own lake. They are not bringing bait fish into the lake that are invasive species nor bait fish that have VHS because the fish are from the lake their cottage is on. (Probably safer than trusting that bait fish from a retailer will be free of invasive species or VHS as they have been harvested anywhere in the BMZ). If the cottager’s harvested bait are discharged back into the lake there is no contamination because the fish came from that lake.

Secondly, as a Grandparent, the harvesting of bait fish is, for some of the grandkids, one of the favourite activities of the fishing experience. Little people can be entertained for hours just trying to catch the bait.

Thirdly, this regulation change would be a Hardship to cottage owners who already contribute handsomely to the local economies involved with this proposal, in that cottagers would have to leave the lake and travel to the closest bait dealer. The cost of the bait could be considerable over the 5- or 6-month summer stay because bait does not last very long in the hot days of summer.

            Since the proposed legislation to restrict cottagers from harvesting bait fish will do nothing to stop the spread of the VHS virus nor the invasive species of baitfish, I would suggest that the regulation to restrict cottage owners from harvesting bait fish might either be removed from the proposed legislation or be re-worded to allow property owners or residents of the BMZ to harvest bait fish.







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