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Special Offer From inReach Canada - Satellite Communication Devices


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Hope no one minds me posting this!


In any case I'm pleased to announce a special offer from inReach Canada in conjunction with my company, Canada Fishing Guide. If you fill out this form and mail it in you'll receive 15% off any monthly service plan for the life of your service!


For those that don't know inReach makes FANTASTIC handheld satellite communication devices about the size of a handheld GPS. With them you can send and receive emails and texts anywhere in the world, especially handy if you're off the grid! I'm off the grid constantly and frankly could not function without one of these units. They're far cheaper to purchase and operate than a satellite phone and provide an extra level of safety when you're in the bush.


VERY soon I'm going to publish a detailed review of the inReach Explorer on the Canada Fishing Guide website. Until then if anyone has any questions I'm happy to help!


I know there's plenty of people on this board who are off the grid themselves, whether it's canoe trips, camping trips, fly in trips, whatever. I wouldn't back this product if I didn't use it and believe in it, and the rebate is worth mentioning.


Cheers, Mike












Here's the form:







Edited by Mike Borger
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