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~~~Like one of those daze, you could shoot your self in the foot and miss, Or like back in the 80s Star Derby, was out all day washing lures, when finally I get hit on the port rod, have a great fight, and get one of the biggest Kings I've seen at the boat net ready, and the line snaps damn! When the starboard rod goes off again another great fight this time in the net, only to find out it was the same King we just lost, the Celo was still in his mouth, and it had snagged the other lure, Weighed in at 39.6 (3rd Place). Or lose a rod over board on a rough day, while trying to set it in the rigger, then bring the rigger up hear a strange noise look down and there's the rod snagged on the cable. Some one was smiling on me that day.

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