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Anyone fish Wahwashkesh Lake?

Court R

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A buddy and I went a few times a few years back and did ok. A few walleye, a decent northern (8lbs ish), a few bass, saw a school of big largies in the back end of Tracy Bay (also where we caught the walters). Supposed to be lakers in the south end, completely different than the northern half of the lake. Nice lake, nice spot, congrats on the new place you should have a good time. We also took a hike into Pickeral Lake and a had a great time with the bass there.....not at all sure how it got it's name "Pickeral" lake. First and only time I've seen a hognose snake, swimming across Tracy Bay, thought it was a rattler. There was a great "party" beach midway down the lake on the east side where people were camped, swimming, socializing.

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