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Bell Customer Service - Unbelievable


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Heres a little communications history on a system that always worked no matter where you lived . Dose any one remember the benefits you received back when by going into town once a month , no .... well thats when you picked up every thing you needed to get by with for another month , you got to see friends and relatives you had'nt seen for a long time , which generally lead to a large get together before heading back home , by meeting together you got to hear all the latest news that every one had to share plus plan some things for the future . If there was a story told by some one who had spoke with a person from the cariabean it would have stole the day . You don't belive me , maybe thats because we all have to much ringing going on in our ears today . The people who once did live like this have only been gone now for just a bit more then twenty years , one being my grandfather who passed away in 1996 , he would never understand this thread ........ LOL .

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