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Before everyone gets all caught up in the season ...Merry Christmas !!! Someone spiked my egg nog!!!!!!!



Ill Leave you with this :





On the first day of Christmas, my true love said to me,

I've bought a big fresh turkey, and a proper Christmas tree.

On the second day of Christmas, much laughter could be heard,

As we tucked into our turkey, a most delicious bird.

On the third day of Christmas, came the people from next door,

The turkey tasted just as good it did the day before.

On the fourth day of Christmas, some wine and cheese we had,

We were bright and happy, the turkey a little sad.

On the fifth day of Christmas, outside the snowflakes scurried,

But we were nice and warm inside, we had the turkey curried.

On the sixth day of Christmas, the Christmas spirit died,

The children fought and bickered so we had the turkey fried.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love he did wince,

When he sat down at the table, and was offered turkey mince.

On the eight day of Christmas, the dog has run for shelter,

He had seen our turkey pancakes, and the glass of Alka-Selzter

On the ninth day of Christmas, by lunch time Dad was blotto,

He knew the bird was back, this time as rice risotto.

On the tenth day of Christmas, we were drinking home-made brew,

As if that wasn't bad enough we were eating turkey stew.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, the Christmas tree was moulting,

With chili, soya and oyster sauce, the turkey was revolting.

On the twelth day of Christmas, we had a smile on our lips,

The guests had gone, the turkey too, and we dined on fish and chips.



and to All a good night ...cheers !!!!!

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