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Carp a sportfish?? YOU GOT IT!!!


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I have been trying to get Carp as a sportfish for some time. This is a return email For Jason a Biologist for the MNR.


Hi Daniel,




We do recognize the increasing popularity of carp fishing and the economic benefits it presently generates and the potential it has in the near future. Under the Ontario Fishery Regulations (http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showtdm/cr/SOR-2007-237) there is a list of fish species for which the regulations apply, in addition to a list of baitfish. The common carp is present in the same list of fish species as the most popular “sport” fish such as walleye and lake trout and therefore is not considered a coarse fish under the regulations. In addition, carp are listed in the Ministry of the Environment’s Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish for lakes where this species is present (http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/guide/).




The annual fishing summary is a plain language translation of the Ontario Fishery Regulations. Where fisheries management requires seasons and limits to insure sustainability of a species or to properly manage fishing opportunity, species are listed in a species table in the summary. Given that presently there is no sustainability issue with carp populations in Ontario, we do not feel the need to list them in the species tables; however, we do manage non-angling methods of carp fishing opportunities with seasons, the same as lake whitefish and lake herring.




Through the promotion of angling opportunities and organizations like yours, public education is the best tool to profile the common carp and its fishery.




Sorry, once again, for the delay in responding to your request.




I trust this answers your questions.




Jason Borwick, M.Sc.




Management Biologist,


Aurora District


Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources


50 Bloomington Rd. W.


Aurora, ON


L4G 3G8

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