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Shaun Rickard

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Everything posted by Shaun Rickard

  1. Here\s a good video tip from a UK show that I found on YouTube, hope it helps. Cheers, Shaun
  2. It's only a matter of time Skeeter Cheers, Shaun
  3. Darned rock fish I catch a lot of those Joey lol! Cheers, Shaun
  4. Way to go Dave!
  5. Just to show everyone that I'm a bonehead too sometimes lol! http://sruoa.blip.tv/ Cheers, Shaun
  6. We just finished uploading a bunch more episodes, for those interested simply follow the links below: http://sruoa.blip.tv/?sort=custom;view=archive;date=;user=sruoa;s=posts;nsfw=dc;page=1 http://sruoa.blip.tv/?sort=custom;view=archive;date=;user=sruoa;s=posts;nsfw=dc;page=2 http://sruoa.blip.tv/?sort=custom;date=;view=archive;user=sruoa;nsfw=dc;s=posts;page=3 Cheers, Shaun
  7. The best bit of advice I can give you is fish slow, really sloww twitch pause retrieve, and downsizing baits can help, all the fish we have had over the past few weeks have hit the HJ12 size Husky Jerks Cheers, Shaun
  8. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tkl4ziRNVU&feature=player_embedded#! Cheers, Shaun
  9. My mate Kris and I headed out Sunday morning for a couple of hours, it was bloody chilly out on the big lake! We hit a couple of bays and fished them hard, mainly just to stay warm lol! Husky Jerks produced the only fish we boated, we lost 3 or 4 others boatside and had a couple of nice follows. The two fish below were all we could manage for photo ops. A slow twitch pause retrieve turned a few followers into biters. Water temps have dropped ddrastically with these frost mornings we've been having, the warmest water we found was 47F... brrr! Cheers, Shaun
  10. Thanks yakpiker, would love to get out in a kayak one day, I think I'd need a big model to carry me though lol! Cheers, Shaun
  11. Sorry to hear this news Lonietoon, be strong and stay positive mate. I went through a similar deal with my Mother, my thoughts are with you. All the best, Shaun
  12. For those of you that missed these shows, or might be bored on this wet and windy Sunday, or perhaps you're a newbie thinking of heading out float fishing for Trout on Ontario tributaries, Walleye fishing on the Bay of Quinte or drifting for Steelhead on the Niagara River, if so feel free to check out the full length episodes of Urban Outdoor Adventures S2 for free by following the link below. We shot the episodes in October thru January covering topics relevant to the time of year: Urban Outdoor Adventures full length episodes We just finished uploading these episodes and hope to have more posted soon for those of you that are interested. Cheers, Shaun
  13. Thanks Rattletrap, I really appreciate the positive feedback Cheers, Shaun
  14. I must say those carp in the 'twins' episode are very lucky fish Good one MJL, classic mate! Cheers, Shaun
  15. Done, good luck mate!
  16. Thanks LD17, glad you enjoy it Cheers, Shaun
  17. Good job Joe, kicking myself for not getting on the water yesterday, it was a beautiful day here in Pickering. Cheers, Shaun
  18. For those of you that missed season-2 or would like to watch full length episodes of Urban Outdoor Adventures we have uploaded the following 3 episodes to Blip.tv: City Pike Fishing w/Les Stroud - Euro Style Carp Fishing w/The Twins - Pre Fishing Bass Tournaments w/Blake Rankie. Here's the link: http://www.sruoa.blip.tv We plan to have all 13 episodes uploaded in the next week or so. Before some of you beat me up for spam here, the episodes are free to watch and are not hosted on our website. I'm just sharing Cheers, Shaun
  19. Yep, try me tonight, just heading to a meeting
  20. Give me a call Geoff
  21. bassman, the beauty of this type of fishing is that if you live in the GTA and only have a few hours on a weekend you can head out early in the morning, catch some quality fish, and be home before lunch time, thus avoiding spousal abuse lol! Cheers, Shaun
  22. Very nice fish guys... good shootin! I'm quite jealous lol! Cheers, Shaun
  23. Yes LD17, I always use a wire leader, a really fine 7 strand one, with a small swivel at each end, I tie one end to the main line then slide the other swivel directly onto the split ring on the bait. As for the show, we're working on some stuff, stay tuned You can view updates on our FB page at the link below. Cheers, Shaun
  24. No, we're just fishing buddies, can't keep him out of the boat Cheers, Shaun
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