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Everything posted by BCLT

  1. Hey for you carp guys, heres a video on making boilies - these boilies are 50/50 protien/carbs and will only cost 55 dollars for 12kg which is far cheaper than the 180 you could pay by buying them from a store! I have included the base mix and its cheapest to get most the ingredients from bulk barn...... enjoy http://www.youtube.com/apeioj Tight lines everyone!
  2. spray it with a hose until its soaked, at about 6 oclock, on a night its going to be close to freezing overnight - then throw tennis balls at it until it falls down - put a garbage can right under it and let it fall right in! tie up the bag and off she goes!
  3. Hey I recently put in a 30 hour session on the harbour fishing for carp - here is a video of the session - it was good times for both Mark (hairwig) and I and 8 fish made it to the mat!
  4. thats my girlfriend! I thought we were being inovative and creative!...............kidding - it ties into "sub-scribe" cause its a sub lol
  5. Hey everyone, heres a video of the recent CAG fishin held by Mark (hairwig) - this event had a great turn out and some new faces! Everyone had a blast, several fish were caught and overall it was a great time had by all! Fish up to 21,4 were caught! - Thanks to Mark for putting this event on and thanks to everyone who participated - Shawn
  6. hey everyone, just did a 13 hour session producing 9 fish up to 23 pounds! all on the float and centrepin reel - feel free to watch this video!
  7. hey, I would personally start low end to get the feel for pinning if you havnt already done so - okuma aventa VT1002 is a great start, I pin carp and have landed fish up to 28 pounds on this reel! Pinning is great and can be killer in the right hands! good luck mate
  8. great pics mike, great write up
  9. one of the best reports I have read in ages! well done to you and the family!
  10. Hey everyone! im new to this forum and thought I would share some of my videos! I really hope you enjoy and thanks to the creator of this forum! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=hiE-KBM-zmk http://www.youtube.c...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/apeioj
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