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Everything posted by BCLT

  1. Do you work in Marketing?
  2. Hey guys, two thoughts to add, dont take offense, there are big pit baitrunners with high tension baitrunner capabilities and in the toughest flows take a loop of masking tape and loop it around the rod to hold the line, fish takes the rig and line pops right out and begins stripping off! As good as quick drag reels are advertised to be, they are a bit of hype in my opinion. This is just my opinion, im not saying its right though
  3. Thats good, so If we dont share a bank by then, that will be the day! Its usually good times - see ya soon man
  4. Thanks for you kind words, appreciated greatly - best wishes to you this season!
  5. What tournament are you talking about, please tell me its a carp tourny Shawn
  6. Its all good, it happens all the time! You going to the fish in April 22? Shawn
  7. bump! Help lol
  8. I have been desperately seeking out a trailer - I have checked kijiji and other places with no luck - they either dont reply back, or the trailers are garbage Any one have one for sale or know where I can get one - PLEASE HELP! Shawn
  9. Thanks Mike, appreciated greatly - hopefully we can hook up this season for some lumps - if you have the time and are willing to take a visitor - feel free to PM me, well hook up some time....... this is Mike from the CAG right? we met at valley of the bullheads once recently? shawn
  10. Mike hit the nail on the head! Swim = spot Venue = lake or river Bivvy = tent Boilie = chunk of dough or corn meal Inline pear = big sinker Gutted = upset I lost my fish Chuffed to bits = Happy I got my fish Maize = corn Method mix = a bunch of oats and cream corn that can form a ball to bring fish in Baitrunner = reel that can switch to free spool (loose drag) Ex, I was in my bivvy at the local venue, in my favourite swim, fishing an inline pear with some method mix and maize with a single boilie when a proper common took my rig and the baitrunner wasnt clicked on............ my rod went in the swim and I was gutted but I grabbed it quickly and landed the fish and I was chuffed to bits! That should get you started - the rest is downhill lol...... ps remember.... until you get a baitrunner....... loosen your drag or so say goodbye to your rod when you grab a sandwich, take a leak, check your phone, or have a nap! Shawn
  11. Had a chance to get out to a swim an hour away - been fishing the centerpin for commons and landing a few fish up to 6 pounds isnt cutting it - heres a video of the session and a nice result at the end! Thanks and best wishes to all of you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhxPb4zVPQY&list=UUwWE8tYJaiHRujsQbb1p5wQ&index=1&feature=plcp
  12. theres always a hall monitor ruining the fun lol
  13. as a relatively new fly angler myself, my first thoughts when fishing waters are to check the rocks around the shore - there is usually a good idication of whats available - I know this may not be helpfull - sorry - additionally I would try egg patterns - good luck
  14. im new to this myself fishing bronte for salmon and etc - I primarily got on the pin for commons and have landed fish over 30 pounds on korean floats 18 inches long with single kernals of korn! - so after being told many times "your wasting your money pinning for commons, I hit up bronte with the pin and a 10.5 light action steelie rod, and nailed 5 chinies up to 35 pounds! my questions are - 1) I thought in our zone steelies, bows etc are out of season with the exception of the mouths of tribs? 2) Are you guys who are landing these chromies, risking it by tredding out for these fish or is there something im missing 3) It seems that the locals are hitting the piers and floating single eggs, yet Im seeing pics of fish being landed in tribs, regardless of tribs in Ontario apperantly out of season........please explain Im new to this, Im not asking for hot spots, just an explanation on how things work, if your worried about public posts, please pm to explain how this works........ as I know nothing, and am not about to LURK, I know spots myself, but just dont know if I can fish them shawn
  15. im new to this myself fishing bronte for salmon and etc - I primarily got on the pin for commons and have landed fish over 30 pounds on korean floats 18 inches long with single kernals of korn! - so after being told many times "your wasting your money pinning for commons, I hit up bronte with the pin and a 10.5 light action steelie rod, and nailed 5 chinies up to 35 pounds! my questions are - 1) I thought in our zone steelies, bows etc are out of season with the exception of the mouths of tribs? 2) Are you guys who are landing these chromies, risking it by tredding out for these fish or is there something im missing 3) It seems that the locals are hitting the piers and floating single eggs, yet Im seeing pics of fish being landed in tribs, regardless of tribs in Ontario apperantly out of season........please explain Im new to this, Im not asking for hot spots, just an explanation on how things work, if your worried about public posts, please pm to explain how this works........ as I know nothing, and am not about to LURK, I know spots myself, but just dont know if I can fish them shawn
  16. to start off, business and fishing are very similar - your throwing out lures, (sales pitches) in hopes that people (fish) will bite - secondly, your regional is an idiot - and third always answer stupid questions in a work related manner, so that way there is no room for additional stupid questions.......... what is your passion........... my passion is of coarse my work, how I can do better, and be a positive contribution to the success of the company! never go on for 20 minutes about stuff a boss doesnt care about! best of luck!
  17. thanks guys, thanks a bunch! it was good times, it was very rewarding to land some decent fish in those conditions - best wishes to all of you through the holidays! - and thanks for watching the video - shawn
  18. Thanks man! appreciated - I cant deny I love fishing! best wishes to you and your close ones!
  19. Hey everyone, I got out yesterday and did some carping in heavy rain, and winds up to 45 km - I even saw a guy driving a speed boat through the harbour and got in camera lol - anyways I landed 8 fish in some interesting conditions! Merry Christmas to those who celabrate, and happy holidays to the rest! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggtDsD7VzRw
  20. sounds great, thanks mike - what do I do about lights? I assume (and please dont laugh, im new to this) that I need some sort of break light set up? would there be a wired harness ready under my bumper, or do I need to take it in and have one installed? its a 2011 any advice would be great so I dont get punked going to the shop cheers mike - I appreciate your help shawn
  21. what does that mean in laymen terms lol
  22. hey guys im in hamilton area (ontario) - looking for a small trailer that can be hooked up to a masda 3 - we have yet to outfit the hitch so any advice on what we need to do, to tow the average trailor would be great thanks guys shawn
  23. I have that as well as a portable electric from coleman, very good - problem is my boat is a hard bottom aluminum - with three panels that you lay down, with running beams on each side - its a 4 man, two seater hard bottom that is a lot of work to put together - I mounted launching wheels so once its together you just wheel it to the water I will look into this ideas you guys left me, and I really appreciate you taking the time to comment Shawn
  24. Sorry to leech you guys for answers, but can someone tell me a good place to look for a used trailer for a 12 foot zodiac - and what it may cost, im hoping around 300? please help! I got a brand new zodiac, 7.5, and electric that only got out once because im lazy to blow it up and deflate it to transport it in the car shawn
  25. depending on flavoring, days to a week or so - also temperature dependant - these are freezer baits, shelf life baits have preservatives im sure you know, so as freezer baits its best to unthaw before fishing, ill take them out before bed, to chum the next morning, then the day I fish, I take them out when I wake up, the sun usually takes care of the rest! anything unused is either thrown in the water or taken home and refrozen with the oldest bag to date checking pm now, this is getting personal lol - (joke - which im not to good with)
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