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Everything posted by Jigs

  1. Looking for a PS30 transducer if someone is looking to sell one. Ty
  2. Jigs

    Ice huts

    Thanks guys.
  3. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone's had experience with any of the following ice huts. I'm looking to buy one and narrowed it down to these (based on my needs and price range). Thanks! Sherpa M3 Rapala HT Enterprise Instashak 4 Clam 2000 Frabill Outpost Clam Vista
  4. haha. Good to know! Thanks guys.
  5. It went back for sure!
  6. Here is another (better) pic.
  7. Hi guys, hope everyone's enjoying the fall fishing. I've been catching a few walleye with these types of growths on them in the st. Lawrence this year. This one I caught the other night was covered in them. They look like some kind of melanoma and bleed. I'm wondering if anyone knows what this is, viral? Parasitic? Cancer? Thought some of you might know. Thanks!
  8. I have the 15$ one for Iphone 4S and I get 1 foot depth contour but not for the St-Lawrence. Might be that certain lakes have that feature and others don't.
  9. It's called Xenophobia Paul, and it's unfortunate that it's still prevalent in 2013. Some people can't help themselves the second they see the words French or Quebec. But then again when you're comfortably anonymous behind a keyboard it's the easy thing to do. Anyway, I work in Montreal and I can guarantee you that language won't be an issue. I would even go as far as saying that English is more prominent in the downtown area. St-Laurent boulevard is a traditionally known divide line between East (more francophone) and West (more anglophone) in the city. Typically you'll find more French is spoken East of St-Laurent and more English West, but by no means should you avoid any area. The city runs on tourism and you won't be the only American tourists here by any means so no worries there. The restaurants are fantastic as others mentioned and there are really good suggestions in here. If you like asian food there are a lot of really amazing places for Vietnamese Pho, dumplings, dim sum (which is like a Chinese buffet except they carry trays and bring food to your table) etc. Tons of small, hidden gems like this one spot I love called Khyber Pass (Afghani) that serves the most amazing, fall off the bone Lamb I've ever tried. There are ridiculously good Indian restaurants that will cost you nothing too. These are away from the traveled areas a bit up on Jean-Talon but well worth the trek up if you like Indian food and you don't want to spend a fortune on a meal. h and personally I think the Shwartz thing is overrated, but that's just me. I prefer the Main across the street. Better smoked meat and less chaotic. Also featured on the food network's "You Gotta Eat Here". Anyway you could go on all day about restaurants in Montreal. About the fishing, I've heard some great things, including a unique American Shad run that takes place in Rivière des Prairies each spring and draws hundreds of anglers, but surprisingly I've never tried fishing around the Island. Lac St-Louis and the St-Lawrence river near Montreal are one of the few places where you can still fish for Sturgeon and I know they are caught regularly. I've also seen some Monster walleye and smallmouth caught near and around Isle St-Hélène. I've always wanted to try fishing around the Montreal area but just never got around to it.
  10. Congrats again Mike! Great to talk with you guys after the tournament. And I second the part about the experience present. Getting to hang out with these guys and talk fishing is worth the price of admission. Had a great day. edit: And thanks for the plug pikeslayer
  11. Nice job guys! Beautiful musky. Got a pretty nice one too on Saturday myself.
  12. It happens often that someone looks to be headed straight for me but they always end up veering off. I can't imagine the day someone doesn't. Glad everyone was ok. Scary story. Good reminder to keep your wits about out there at all times.
  13. Nice fish. I'm glad you find the walleye fishing slow too. I was starting to wonder if I was losing my touch lol.
  14. Thanks Mitch. Very nice of you. There's a good chance I'll be back up there next summer. Rick, I might hit Dozois next time. I was thinking about trying it out and we opted for Cabonga because I wanted to catch my first laker. Would be interested to know how you did up there. Good luck!
  15. Thanks guys. Mercman! Long time no talk. Hope you're doing well!
  16. Thanks guys. Tomcat, you're right the place is huge. Something like 500 square kms. Hundreds if not thousands of Islands and you can go the entire day without seeing another soul. We took a day and went up to the Northern part up the Cabonga River. We found a nice place for shore lunch up there and spent a couple hours there. Moose tracks everywhere you look. You could spend a lifetime exploring it. Just beautiful. One thing though, when that wind picked up, I was happy to have borrowed my buddy's kicker just in case we ran into engine problems. It would have been a tough paddle back to camp. There is no calling for help on a cell phone up there or waving down another boat. It could be days before they find you. So I packed extra gas, extra batteries, spare tires for the trailer etc...Two of everything vital basically. If you guys don't have it and have an Iphone I suggest downloading the Navionics app....Wouldn't have been able to travel so much on that reservoir without it. Even though it wasn't entirely accurate in some places it definitely helped a lot. Came back without a ding in the prop (and my entire lower unit intact lol). I'd like to go back for sure. Now that I have a good starting point I can get to catching right away.
  17. I was trolling in the St-Regis once about 7-8 years ago and some guys showed up and asked about a Mohawk license. I had a Quebec, NY state and Ontario one as I always do. A friend of mine told me that he always gets his Mohawk license at Fence Depot now just in case. Might pick one up. I think they're 10 bucks for the year. 10 bucks is worth spending just so you can flash it and get them off your back if it does happen. One thing I've learned as I'm sure you have about fishing here...no one is quite sure who has jurisdiction over what in these waters.
  18. Hey guys, A few weeks ago I posted about solar chargers and generators and everyone here was really helpful so I thought I'd share a quick report about how the trip went. First off, why I went there. When I was a kid I saw a fishing show about Cabonga Reservoir and it's always been on the bucket list since. This year I made the trip happen. The place we stayed in was Barrage Cabonga. The Sepaq calls it "rustic camping" and I'd say it's as rustic as it's got for me so far other than camping on the French River. It's up a 48km dirt road (which I call a driveway) off the 117 about half way between Maniwaki and Val d'Or. A two hour driveway as I call it lol. We stayed in tents for 8 nights. Set up camp as well as well as we could (not exactly real experienced with camping so that was all new to me). Also new to me was the lake Trout fishing. I kind of expected to catch walleyes easily up there, seeing as my past experiences up North always had easy walleye fishing in comparison to where I live. Mind you that wasn't the case. Though we did find walleye, we had to fight to catch them a bit too much for my liking. So seeing as everyone there was fishing lake trout, I figured when in Rome... We loaded up the truck and boat with everything we could think of but with trying to not overpack. I'd say we did quite well. We ended up with plenty of food and ate fresh fish every day. Lake trout is absolutely delicious, never had it before, and they fillet like a walleye just have that extra set of bones that are easily removed. We brought enough water for 2 days and boiled some for the rest of the days. We had trouble catching fish early on, but once I figured them out we ended up jigging up some beauty lake trout. I had never fished for Lakers in my life so figuring them out was a bit of a challenge. I also have no water deeper than 80-90 feet where I normally fish so jigging structure that is 75 feet deep next to a 200-300 foot main lake basin was certainly different. Anyway, we ended up catching a few beauties and of course as any fishing story goes, I missed a really big one. We were over 100 feet of water and something grabbed my jig as I was letting it down at about 40 feet. I set the hook and it bolted for the bottom and the hook didn't stick so I ended up with a couple scales as a souvenir. But there was a lot of power in that fish. One guy up there got a 26 pound one while we were there and apparently he's seen a 52 pound fish come out of there. Mind you that might have been the rum adding a few pounds . Our biggest fish was 12 pounds. We were the only guys jigging up there. Mind you there were only 3 other groups. It's very very isolated. And I'd say we did as well, if not better than guys who have fished it for years. Let's just say when I saw a bunch of crawfish legs in my livewell it helped narrow down how to catch them. We did pretty good numbers wise. Anyway, we had an absolute blast. Here are the pics and a couple videos (which I couldn't figure out how to embed at the moment) at the end if you're interested. Thanks again for everyone who helped me out with the solar panel/generator conversation very appreciated. If you're curious we ended up renting one and it did its job perfectly. We had plenty of battery power for the bowmount which ended up being vital for keeping the boat on that structure. < <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/F1JAhadEmDY?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/G44L3bHtBWM?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Tight lines everyone! Jigger.
  19. I have but briefly about a month ago. If I recall renting one would not be cost-effective unless you only rent it for 1 or 2 days.
  20. Thanks! Lots of great info indeed!
  21. I hope it's quiet for that price . That's a nice looking unit. I'm going up with 2 buddies. Cabonga Reservoir in Verendrye park. The original plan was to stay on a designated campsite on an island, but they are reserved for canoe camping, so I have to go to a communal campground. I spoke with a few people up there, but it's always hard to get a visual idea of a new place until you've been there. So I'm not sure how far the neighbours will be and even if there will be any neighbours. I asked if I should reserve and they said not to worry about it. But I'm going June 24th to July 1st so might be a bit busier than usual. Anyway, I assumed these portable generators were fairly loud unless you spend the big bucks for a nice quiet one. I've looked into them and my budget is more in the 300-400 dollar range, but I'm worried they'll be loud as hell at that price. They do have some 1000-1500W ones for 250-500 bucks, but I wonder why they're so cheap... Might get lucky and find a used one, but people tend to hang onto these I would think. Knowing my luck though I'll pass on buying one because of the noise and the guy next to me will have one running the whole time lol. Thanks, I'll look around and try and find one in my price range. Which is definitely under 500 and ideally under 400$. I assume the cheaper they are the louder they are though...not sure if that's the case.
  22. Yep. Realized that a bit after I posted. I think that's my best bet. Batteries probably won't last me the whole 8 days I'm up there but I can always go for a boat ride to charge them up here and there. Plus it will be useful for those long days on the water back home too. I was hoping it would charge while I'm trolling but I read in one of the comments that you have to run at 2000Rpms for it to charge so... Anyway, great info, learned a bunch. I now know what my options are, which are a few not ideal ones lol. Many thanks. Have to say this is a great forum.
  23. lol. Alright, thanks for the all the info.
  24. Yeah I was thinking about going the generator route but I'm trying to avoid that because we're camping where there might be other people and I don't want to bother them with the noise in the evenings. Might look at one of those 2 bank on-board alternator chargers. Sounds like maybe my best option. And thanks about the solar panels. Looks like they haven't invented the magic charger I need yet
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