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Josh Rogers

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Everything posted by Josh Rogers

  1. You guys and wanting to see pics. Jeez I don't have a digital camera so no pics right now.
  2. Well I got out to my laker lake this weekend. 5-6 inches of ice. Managed to get 1 4 lb laker and lost another. Hope to get back out this weekend. FM
  3. was up in the Bancroft area on the weekend. About 6 inches on the lake I fished. Got one 4 lb laker and lost another.
  4. Nice report and fish CC. I figured the tribs would be froze up by now. Might have to give it another go sometime next week. Supposed to get rain on thursday. Again nice report!
  5. The main reason for fishing for salmon when they are spawning i because that is the only time that they are accessible to most anglers. Most guys don't have the money to go buy a boat and riggers and rods or even to rent a charter for the day. When they are spawning you just have to drive to a trib and start fishing. Even though these guys are fishing during the spawn there are a lot of conservation minded fisherman that release most if not all of the fish they catch.
  6. I'm heading up to the bancroft area. They've had pretty much 2 weeks of blow freezing and there was already ice on the lakes so most of them up there should be good to go.
  7. HEy everyone how are ya today? So who all is making plans to hit some hard water this weekend? I know I am. Gonna try some small splake lakes and check if my laker lake is good to go. Will post reports on Monday when I get back to school.
  8. Thanks for the infor fellas.
  9. I was just wondering. This is the first time I have fished the winter run and it just seems to me that there are tons of fish in the river now and that the spring run may not happen as it is happening now.
  10. So will they stay in the river when the water cools down or will they drop back to the lake?
  11. Nobody has any input on this subject?
  12. Hey guys I have a question that I am hoping one of you may be able to answer. With the warm temps we have been experieincing lately is it possible that some of the steelhead that are coming into the tribs are spring run fish? If they are and the temps drop will they drop back to the lake? Thanks guys.
  13. I don't think lighted bobbers spook fish. I've caught steelhead all throughout the day. it really just depends on the day and what the fish are doing. If there is less pressure at night that's when I would go. Better spot avaialbility plus you don't have guys hooking into fish all over the place spooking them. Also if the place you fish permits it try some glow in the dark spoons. I have heard they work.
  14. That would have to be about the worst day of fishing I have ever heard of. Hope your luck turns in the other direction.
  15. Yep she was a great morning of fishing. Hoping to get out tomorrow morning again. Taking my buddy who doesn't really fish therefore has never caught a steelhead. Hopefully I can get him into his first tomorrow.
  16. Nice pickies man. Great report.
  17. If I had the dough I would. But at the moment I'm a starving student
  18. Yeah I know living in the stone age. I already asked for one for christmas too. Thinkin ahead, you know.
  19. I got a pic of the 2 8s just gotta get them developed then I'll post them
  20. Made the trip to my fav trib this morning. Was contemplating not going when I woke up but glad I did. Started out in one spot and got nothing but watched some guys catch 4 or 5. So I moved about 100 yards upstream from them. First drift hook into abou a 1 lb fish. Get him in put a new roe bag on (I was using Chartruese) very next drift set the hook into an 8 lb fish. Go through the same routine very next drift hook into a 10 lb fish. Lost another one about 2 lbs. Not too bad for the first spot though. Moved up to another known productive spot, a couple locals there said they weren't gettin any so I took my float off and tossed on a hot pink roe bag 2nd drift 8lber #2. Land him and about 5 minutes later I got a 3 lber. This was my personal best day of steelheading. Hoping to get back out on Friday morning and do some more of the same. Just in case anyone was wondering the tribs have great colour although the current isn't moving as fast as usual. ATF
  21. Thanks guys. Great info. I think I will head down tomorrow after my presentation. I need to get into some more steel!
  22. Sure that would be great. Thanks man
  23. I was thinking about going down to wet a line on friday afternoon. Wanted to go tomorow but have a job interview and an exam that I gotta do so I think it will be friday for sure. the thing of it is I have to drive at least an hour to get to a trib and like to know what the conditions are before I go so I don't waste what precious little money I have at the moment to get there.
  24. Hey everyone. Was just wondering if anyone is going out steelheading this week. If so would you be kind enough to post trib conditions please. ie colour, current speed and any fish caught. Thanks all ATF
  25. I wonder what gave him the idea to chomp down on that wire? did that bucket contain the wire?
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