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Posts posted by adolson

  1. So, in the classifieds I saw someone selling a 92 and 94 Dodge Dakota within my budget. I don't know the kms on either, but I know they both need some body work and the 92 needs a new windshield. I believe both are on the road right now. They are both V8 4x4s.


    I only want a truck for picking up large things from hardware stores if/when needed, and, primarily, fishing down backroads. So, I don't think there'd be TONS of use on it, that's why I was planning to get something cheap and older.


    I've never bought a second-hand vehicle from anyone before, it's only been through a dealer. Is there anything I should ask the seller specifically, anything I should look for, anything I need to know? This is pretty much new ground for me.

  2. So, when you guys go to this lake....do you take Chad's truck? I just want to make sure I'm following the right vehicle thumbsup_anim.gif Great job!




    rofl2.gif those glasses make me look like an asshat.gif . I might as well wear white rimmed lego glasses.


    To start the walleye-fest with a double header was quite the event...Dana was ahead 5 - 1 at one point and I had to get my butt in gear to catch up. He's got them dialed in now I tell ya, he's jigging and retrieving like a pro.

    Dana, now you have to tell your friends that "jigging for walleye" doesn't mean working the shoreline and casting spinner baits. laugh.gif


    good times!


    I just assumed anyone with a $10K boat knew what I meant when I said "let's jig for walleye at that point." lol


    Good times, indeed. Thanks again for the invitation, and instilling me with a need to buy a bush beater so I can get to more and better lakes.

  3. Originally I was supposed to fish yesterday but didn't have a vehicle until too late in the day, and so I invited my cousin (we'll continue to call him Adam) to either head to Liberty (AGAIN) or a brookie lake today instead. He couldn't make it today, so it looked like my weekend would be ruined...


    Luckily for me, OFC's own Rod Caster invited me to meet up and test out that lake we hit last time, to make sure we didn't just get "lucky" or if it was because of a full moon, or something.


    So we get there probably between 4 and 4:30pm and load up his Sportspal with all our gear and snacks and away we go.


    We headed pretty much straight to our little spot, and we jigged here for a while, and nothing. We drifted around with nary a bite. Kinda like last time, there was not much going on here until the sun starts to set, so we headed towards shore to cast for bass. Chad got a little tiny one that flipped off the hook, and shortly afterwards, he saw a little guy chasing after his creepy crawler plastic bait. It was cool to see - if I had been more prepared, I could have filmed it because it was clear shallow water. After, I don't know, 45-60 seconds he committed and he landed the first fish of the day. We cast a while more, but no luck.


    The sun was getting low in the sky, so it was time to head back to see if we had left any wallies in the hole. It wasn't long before we both hooked into fish - we started off with a bang of a double-header. Mine was tiny! Chad's was much bigger, but I don't think we got a picture of it.



    We were off to a good start. It was definitely slower than last time, but only slightly. The fish weren't hammering on the bait as hard, so you really had to pay attention and feel for the nibbles.


    After the first two, I think I landed four more before Chad finally got his second, and from there he gradually caught up. I'd pull ahead, catch up, pull ahead, and so on.







    Alt. angle:


























    Eventually I was up 9-8 and at this point, I lost count, but I know he pulled ahead of me and kept the lead. For a brief period there, I felt like I might come out on top this time, but nope. Not only did he get the first fish of the day, he got the first walleye of the day (seconds before mine), and the biggest of the day, biggest One That Got Away of the day, and the most fish of the day. Outclassed in every way, except maybe in hair? My new self-cut uneven shaggy look is hard to beat. Or so I tell myself...




    We landed around 30 fish, Chad having a few extra over me. We didn't snap pics of all of them, but enough. At the end of the day, the sun went down, the bite died off, and we headed back to shore. We took home a few fish, but there's more in there for next time. And there will be a next time, sooner or later.

  4. Hello all, this will be one of my first threads as I have been lurking this forum for a few months.. I have been fishing since I was old enough to walk, but this year decided to step it up a notch by purchasing a new Legend Prosport 16 with a 30hp mercury 2 stroke.. Got really tired of having to fix things for 2 days prior to a fishing trip, only to have it not troll nice, or have to paddle back to shore. A blown piston on my 2000 Johnson 9.9 sealed the deal for my new purchase.. Anyway, enough about me...


    My question is, I notice alot of threads about fishing in Southern Ontario ( simcoe, quinte, etc.).. So how many forum members are from Northern ontario? Namely Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins..

    I'm in Cobalt... Used to live in North Bay. Parents in Timmins. HATE SUDBURY. LOL (Sorry)

  5. best bang for your buck is the Shimano Voltaeus. they go on sale from time to time too.

    I love my Voltaeus.. It was a whole lot cheaper than the rods that I was considering, and it was an impulse purchase. It just felt right in the store... Thinking of getting one as a gift for someone I know this Christmas.


    I previously used an Ugly Stik and what a difference... I can't go back to that heavy noodle now. It's now my guest fishing partner rod. Poor suckers!

  6. I was inspired by this to try out my own Live Target frog last night. I only had about an hour to fish, and didn't go in a boat, so I was just fishing from shore. Not any slop around where I was, but a bit of pads and some reeds and weeds. I cast the frog a few times towards a dock and dragged it back near the reeds and I hooked into a smallie that fought really good, but it spit the hook after about 15 seconds. It woulda been my first catch on a frog. :( It was still exciting while it lasted.


    (Couldn't get anything to take it after that, ended up changing lures and got a pike right in front of me as I was watching my lure's action at the end of my retrieve.)

  7. Yeah, it's not completely accurate, but it's sure better than nothing at all.. If you look at the stocking data, and it says they put 3000 splake into a certain lake in 2010, then that's an example of good info that's likely reliable. But yeah, some species may have died off, and on the flip side, some species (seems to be smallmouth, mainly) that I can readily catch in lakes near me are missing from that lake's list in the tool. I hope they get around to adding rivers and access points, etc, as they say they have planned.


    One thing that IS accurate: it doesn't list any aurora trout in Liberty Lake!

  8. You know what's really lame?


    A stupid thread like this gets more hits and responses than a report that took you hours to write.


    But then that's what makes this board both good and bad.


    It's the fuel that keeps the engine running.


    I think part of the reason is because there's less to discuss in a report post - you tell your story, you post your pics, and that's all there really is to it. It's appreciated and interesting, and I try to see them all, or at least most of them, but I don't comment on all of them because usually others have said all that can be said, and I rarely go back in because discussions don't usually happen much in there.. I could be way wrong about this, but that's how I look at it. I think it'd be a good idea to have NF stuff in it's own section, though, so the good stuff doesn't get pushed off the front page so easily, but that's not my call and I'm sure there's a reason why it isn't.

  9. Haha! I know this exact pain and concur heartily. It's worse when you tell them no, and they agree to the price you asked, and then they give you less money ANYHOW! This happened to me once, and I didn't notice until after they left, but I wasn't going to go after them and start trouble for $5 or $10, whatever it was.. But wow, talk about ballsy. I count money now, of course - learned that lesson just the once.

  10. "I'm a computer programmer, so I seem to have a natural inclination to care about numbers.


    I track most of the fish I catch in a spreadsheet so I can look at the data and analyze it to hopefully learn more."


    Your quote about weighing fish. Let us know the results when you plug them numbers into your computer.

    What is your point? I was explaining to people in that thread why I would care about weighing fish. I haven't yet, and I won't. YOU WIN.

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