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Posts posted by adolson

  1. HA! I had no idea my little tale of woe was embedded in this old thread.


    Glad you enjoyed, and yes Johnny at some point we'll fish together! :)


    I went back and read it too after Miracon mentioned it, and it was hilarious! I did actually laugh out loud several times while picturing it in my head. And I was thinking Monty Python before you mentioned it, hahaha

  2. I hope to get a St.Croix Musky rod




    As you can see, i am not a brand loyal angler, and i fish with what feels good in my hands, rather than what the big advertising moguls tell me is best.


    You're not fooling anyone. We know you've seen this before!



  3. The Fenwick Highlander goes on sale at CT for 49.99 sometimes... Best rod for that price and CT has an easy return policy, although I've havnt had to use it in 3yrs. I'm VERY hard on equipment but I like quality... The Highlander is the answer for me. It sounds like the St.Coixs are in a different league nowdays, but for 50.00 I will take the Fenwick anyday thank you very much.


    CT's customer service is sometimes sketchy in my area... (I believe the company as a whole changed their policies in recent times, but I could be wrong on that). Be sure you ask them about it, and if it were me, I'd be getting it writing.




    Some day, when I have extra money, I plan to get a St. Croix. Until then, my $50 rod with lifetime warranty will do.

  4. I have this thing about me where, when I do something, I do it intensely, and it usually comes in cycles. I'll go through a photography phase where that's all I do for a while, trying to get all kinds of cool pics, reading photography books, etc. Then I have a music phase where I'll write and record a bunch of stuff in a row, and a game phase, where I drop like 120 hours on something like Fallout 3. There are other phases, and they all come and go periodically. Since the start of summer, fishing joined the rotation, but hasn't left yet (and won't until the snow starts falling).


    I have learned to balance most of my hobbies out a bit better now, but I am so interested in fishing and fish at the moment, I want to watch a bunch of videos about it. Not so much the traditional guy-pulls-in-30-fish-in-30-minutes type of shows, but more like long documentaries, preferably species-specific or area-specific (Ontario, especially Temagami and north of it).


    For example, one I saw recently was called The Underwater World of Trout. In that video, they went into detail about trout (mostly brook trout) feeding and habitat, they explained how fast they can move, how they stay still in flowing water, and more. They showed efforts to protect a roadside stream throughout a widening, they talked about stocking, and so on. It was really interesting and in-depth stuff! I want to buy a bunch of videos like this to fuel my fishing fire.


    Do any of you guys know any good ones? Species I'm most interested in learning more about are of course the various trout, pike, smallmouth, walleye, and even perch and whitefish. If nobody has any good recommendations, I may just buy a handful that looked good from the title/description, and hope I luck out.



  5. For the guys who tricked their wives into believing they were going to be using ducklings for bait.



    Pass this video on to the old balls and chains. They should get a kick out of it.




    Thanks for sharing that. I found it pretty cool to see. Do you have one with a poodle?

  6. So, finally, today was a nice day with little wind, in contrast to the previous two days of the weekend where I caught nothing and

    .. Rather than waste cleaning lures that are already clean at Liberty, I met up with Rod Caster to try our hand at lake trout, brook trout, and walleye - going for the trifecta of perfection.


    So we troll around the stocked laker lake, and not even a bite after around 3 hours or so. At this point, we thought we wouldn't get our three species... Not off to a good start.


    So we headed off to a brookie lake, the same one I went to last week. Within minutes, we had bites and he landed the first one of the day:




    We putted around the little lake, casting into shore. I had lots of bites, missed a big one early on, and several others throughout the day. We even saw a few of them attacking the lures, including a reeeeally nice male that I wished I had hooked into. Even from where we were sitting, it looked pretty. I was sad.


    To cheer me up, he decided to show me a magic trick...






    He caught the second one, and the biggest I've seen from here so far.


    We weren't at the lake for long, as we had an appointment with our walleye lake and a third fishing partner, but the minutes turned to hours as I sat there, without a brookie for my plate. Finally, I got one. The pic doesn't really do it justice. It was 11 inches, as big as my biggest the first time. Not as big as either of Chad's, but boy was I happy to finally catch something this weekend!




    About 4:30ish, I spot one jump near where I had hooked and lost one last time I was here. I cast over to it, hook into it, and lose it a few seconds later. Bah! Oh well, we're off in a hurry to meet up with a third partner at the third lake.



    Somehow I beat Chad and his dad there, and thought this was all some elaborate plan for him to steal my lifejacket and hard foam/brick canoe seat... After checking out the lake and seeing I was alone, I drove back to the main road and there they are, waiting for me... lol


    By now the sun is getting low.. We pack in quick and get in the water as fast as we can and paddle off to our spot. The bite was decent, but not great like the previous two times. We still pulled in probably 18-20 fish between the three of us, and we each took a couple home. We only took a handful of pictures, and some are blurry because it was getting dark and I didn't flip the flash up. Oh well.










    The biggest one of the night, the other half of a double-header withe one of my keeper-sized walleye. It was a tad over 17" so it had to go back.



    The sun went down, and we occasionally pulled up a fish here and there. It died off, and after Chad pulled up a rock bass, we had our trifecta. We paddled back to shore and headed off.


    Thanks for the invite again! Even though you wouldn't trade my walleye for your specks... :angel:

  7. have you ever ice fished dana?

    Yep, years ago I went a few times.. Didn't enjoy it as much as real fishing. hahaha


    In all seriousness, I want to get into it because it'll help make winter pass quicker and with company it could be a good time. I wish I had a snow machine but I need a truck long before toys like that. If I get a hut myself, it'll probably be a portable tent type I think, because then I can carry it to various lakes and it'll fit in my car and stuff... I need an auger and some other gear too, so this might not happen this year. I don't even know much about it all to be honest, like when is it safe for a fatty like me to step on the ice, or where to drill holes, etc. I have a lot to learn because prior to this year, almost all of my fishing was done with adults when I was a kid or teen, and I didn't pay much attention.

  8. You're kidding right? This season has been awesome!


    Not if you watched the first three. :P It's been so slow, soooooo slooooooooooowwwww. Unlike the other seasons. I debated not even watching anymore, but it's only redeemed itself in the past couple episodes. At least it's done that, unlike Weeds, which has steadily tumbled downhill since Agrestic burned.. This is my last season of that trash, that's for sure. I'll miss Andy, though. And Shane.


    Y'all oughtta be watching Sons of Anarchy, too, though I haven't started this season yet (Kurt Sutter has yet to disappoint me, though).

  9. Are the deeper in the lake? Close or far from shore?


    What lures am I supposed to use to get to them this time of the year?




    The only bass I caught in October were on tube jigs. I'd start with that. They were close to shore, near their usual hiding places - downed trees, to be specific.

  10. In my limited experience (which began in June), the lures the fish want changes from day to day and from body of water to body of water. The one lure that I've taken fish at my three main bass lakes with is the topwater Hula Popper. The original floating Rapalas work well too (perch color for me). I've caught them on tube jigs as well, Cordell Super Spots, Matzuo Rattle Eye Joes, gold Rattlin Rapalas, gold Wally Divers, and green Mangler Frogs. I also had fish on or follows with white spinner baits, Jitterbug, Live Target Frog, and Beetle Spins too. Lots of options, but for excitement, I say make sure you grab at least one topwater in your mix and give it a shot when the water's calm.

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