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Posts posted by adolson

  1. DanC, I think you missed the humor in my post, and I don't think I'm out of hand at all. I think the eight thousand people repeating the exact same thing is out of hand. I've read the same stuff over and over again, first in the thread I posted about scales, and then here, and just now what you wrote again. I get it, don't weigh fish. Don't buy a scale. In fact, I threw away the one that I did own after the first batch of peer pressure. But my satirical point was, it's a bit ridiculous to keep repeating it, and going a bit overboard - don't weigh the fish, don't handle the fish, don't photograph the fish, don't breathe on the fish, don't look at the fish... Don't talk about the fish.

  2. For me, all I want is a photograph of a fish. What exactly are the wrong reasons about that? I don't measure or weigh them unless it's an exceptionally large fish, in which case I'll take a quick length measurement. I've never taken a girth measurement ever. Nor have I weighed a fish in the boat in the past 25 years. In this age of catch and release fishing, what's wrong with a photograph?? :dunno:

    Clearly, the more times a fish's eyes are exposed to camera flashes, the more likely they are to go blind, and that is bad for the fish,


    The bottom line here is: don't do anything that may harm a fish in any way! Well, except you can trick them and then drive sharp hooks through their faces, and then drag them around a lake by said hook, that's OK. Just nothing else, otherwise you're a jerk.

  3. Nice fish! I love catching bass, especially on top water.


    Yeah, Saturday was cool too.. I hit Liberty Lake A BODY OF WATER at about 5:30am, and the sun didn't rise for well over an hour, maybe close to two and holy freaking crap it was cold on the hands. It warmed up a bit by the time I was leaving. In the afternoon I went to Anima-Nip A DIFFERENT BODY OF WATER in the afternoon, and it was warm enough that I could have worn shorts. Almost immediately after the sun went down, it was brutal cold again (at least on the hands).


    I need to find some gloves for times like this, but I want good ones that let me still feel the rod and cast easily.


    You're right too, fishing alone can be super relaxing. I've yet to take my canoe out alone, but I do from the shore often enough. Your post makes me wanna go out tonight or tomorrow, but I've not been having good luck lately.


    Edit: I said "then" way too many times.

  4. If we aren't supposed to name lakes, regardless of size, then the rules should say that.


    As written, they are not VERY SPECIFIC. Can I say I fish the Montreal River? Can I say under the Latchford bridge? Can I say I fish in water??? Rules need tweaking so nobody gets their panties in a knot if we mention a river that runs for hundreds of kilometers.

  5. I cook my bass the same way I cook my pike, which is the same way I cook my walleye - heat a bit of oil in a frying pan, put the fillets in, flip once and immediately season with fresh ground pepper and seasoning salt. Simple, but I love it.


    I have some garlic & butter fish crisp my brother gave me, and I use that sometimes, too. It's good, but I prefer my other way. I might give a couple other ideas here a try sometime, just for variety.

  6. You can dump length and girth in a spreadsheet as well and you'll even have more numbers to play with. Bonus! :)


    Yeah, I track the length using my Rod Rule decal. Tough to wrap my rod around a fish, though. I could use a string or something, but I never remember to. Half the time I forget to measure length as it is, haha.



    Well, I guess I don't need a scale to measure the pathetically small fish I catch after all..

  7. I've owned more than a few scales since I was about 10 years old... and have NEVER weighed a fish. Yes I've caught some... just never see a need.


    I'm a computer programmer, so I seem to have a natural inclination to care about numbers.


    I track most of the fish I catch in a spreadsheet so I can look at the data and analyze it to hopefully learn more.


    I'm odd, I guess.

  8. I was looking in a few stores in my area, and there seems to be a rather large variety of scales for weighing fish. I'd like to hear from you guys if there are any you recommend.


    More about my needs:


    I catch mostly smaller fish, so it probably doesn't have to go much over 10-15lbs if it makes any difference in accuracy.


    I think I'd prefer digital, unless there's a good reason to go with a traditional scale. I've only owned crappy spring-based scales, and they're no good unless you're trying to tell the difference between a 40lb fish and a 50lb fish.


    Price doesn't matter too much, if there's a big difference, I'd pay more if I had to. I'm not in any tournaments or anything, but I'd like to be more accurate than 0.5-1lb increments if possible.


    On the flip side, I'd also take anti-recommendations if there's a particular brand/model I should absolutely stay away from.


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Hi guys first off I want to appologize for breaching forum rules. But don't people name water bodies every time they post a fishing report?


    Yes, I *usually* post the name of the water body when I post, especially if it's a common lake that others in my area are keenly aware of. For example, you'll see posts of mine from Anima-Nipissing and the Montreal River, two large bodies of water that are certainly no secret. And smaller lakes such as Sharpe and Gillies...


    Why? Because I interpreted the forum rules as "don't post VERY SPECIFIC spots" and not "don't post names of water bodies." But maybe that's just me, because that's what the rules actually say...

  10. If you're fishing mostly reaction type baits (topwater, spinners, trolling cranks, etc.) the chances of a deep hookset are low, I'd stick with the barbs.


    Smallies are hook spitting experts!


    Hmm, yeah? That's mostly what I do... I often get pike by mistake, though, and one time a smallie somehow got hooked by my Hula Popper under the bottom jaw, from the outside, and it was near impossible to get out - luckily I was keeping that fish anyhow.


    The worst hooking was a pike on my floating Rap with three trebles, so I took one of the trebles off and that seemed to help. I'd love to go down to one treble, but not confident enough, not sure which to leave on, etc.


    Well anyhow, I do know I won't be pinching any barbs next time I try for an aurora. I'd add more barbs if I could..

  11. I primarily target bass, not that it makes a difference, but I have lost a lot of them with barbed hooks. I want to be a better angler all around, so I think come next season, I'll start pinching some barbs on my trebles and see what happens... Worst case, I will lose every fish and I'll have to get better at fighting or go back to barbed... Maybe I could pinch the rear treble on my lures, and leave the barbs in the front hook until I gain confidence. The rare time I have issues getting little fish (usually pike) off my hooks makes me wish I had hook cutters, so barbless is where I want to eventually end up I think.

  12. I use ffmpeg to convert videos, and I know it supports MTS. I run Linux, but I'm sure there's a Windows port by now... It's probably command-line though, so it may be intimidating.


    I also use Avidemux as a GUI tool, and I know there's a Windows version, but I'm unsure if it can read MTS files.

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