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Posts posted by adolson

  1. This is what did the last two trips to Mattagami Lake, got some walleye that way, yup. The people I was fishing with were not doing it this way, they put the sinker above the hook. We all caught fish. I didn't know it was called something specific or anything. But now I do.

  2. As cruel as this is, I find it funny that you have the WORST lucj with rattin raps. May i suggest looking at the floating version?????<evil grin>

    Next time you are down in southern Ontario, look me up and we can go for a fish.


    Well, I've had some good success with the Cotton Cordell Super Spot, including early morning bass and my PB birthday bass... But I hooked a floating dock with it the other day and had to cut the line... It's at a family cottage, so I'll get it back soon. I tried to canoe out to it but the waves were super rough and I was not getting anywhere I wanted to be. First time hooking a dock, but it was mostly the wind's fault. :P

  3. Part Two:


    My cousin and my friend came over and we hit the Montreal again tonight. My friend always uses pickerel rigs, and today was no exception. The difference this time is he was the first to hook a fish (a little bass), but it got off after a nice jump.


    I was trying all kinds of lures to see what they were hitting on, but when he had that hit on a dead, frozen minnow, I put on my trusty floating Rapala (this time a new, jointed natural gold one). Within a few casts, I also had a hit - a little pike:



    By that time, it started to rain lightly, and picked up shortly after and didn't let up until we left. We were drenched, cold, and tired (especially me), but there are few things I'd rather do on a Saturday afternoon/evening. :)


    Here's the second one:



    I didn't want to keep either of them, but my buddy wanted them so I let him have them.


    Aside from these two, I had a bass hit as I was shore-walking with my lure in the water. I wasn't expecting it, and it jumped and I lost it shortly after. I had another pike on at another point but lost that, too.


    I clipped on my BRAND NEW Rattlin' Rapala, as I told my cousin about how I bought it and lost it at Gillies Lake, bought a replacement and lost that under the Latchford bridge last week, and then now was going to try the third time I bought it. First cast, the knot on the swivel came undone or the line broke or something and the freaking lure flew into the middle of the river. :wallbash: This is the only lure that does this to me! My knots (palomar) are fine, it's just that cursed lure, I tell ya!


    Woulda been nice to land some bass (or walleye), but hey, at least I got something. My cousin didn't even get a bite, and my friend lost a couple minnows from his hooks after losing the bass, but nothing hooked. All in all, it was a great night with friends in the pouring rain at my favorite spot. I've never left there without landing something, knock on wood.


    I'm thinkin new avatar.... :tease:


    hahaha, I agree.

  4. Liberty Lake is so peaceful (and misty/foggy) in the morning. It was almost cleared up when we took this pic:



    I did not catch any Aurora Trout. I've now put over 18 hours into this lake with nothing but a lost lure to show for it... Hard to want to go back, especially when my fish-finder shows me stuff like this:




    The red Tetris bricks are supposedly fish, but I think they're ghosts. Shoulda brought a Proton Pack instead of a fishing rod. Ghosts also jump, apparently. Right near the boat, too. Little buggers teasing me, they were.


    On the way home I stopped to do a handful of casts at a couple water access points along the road. And I caught something!!! My new personal best sardine!!! I was so happy!!!




    It was a nice morning with the wife, at least. She wanted to keep that perch as a pet, lol! And man, outside is pretty. So peaceful. And I love the rain. Just wish I could figure out what I'm doing wrong at Liberty Lake. Waking up at 4am again doesn't appeal right now.


    Time for a nap, and then hopefully hitting Montreal River again with a couple friends.

  5. Thanks. I'll look at the sparkplug idea and the other retriever instead. The logic of these things makes sense, but why risk it, and then have a fish with a hook left in it out there? I feel bad enough the couple times my line snapped with a fish on years ago.


    Think about any Bill Dance show you've seen...now, have you even seen another boat, cottage, marina, shore fisherman, whatever on the same water? Come to think of it, I can't remember him even standing up in a boat.



  6. I'm investigating the best way to not lose lures to snags... I found the Ultimate SmartLink Lure System, and it looks convincing to me, but I wanted to ask the experts.


    It's basically a split ring replacement that will allow you to pull lures out of snags, losing only the snagged hook.


    http://www.ultimateluresaver.com/ is the site.




    Apparently Bill Dance uses these... I bet they come in handy when he gets his lure snagged in a spectator's shirt or in his boat seat.

  7. As I mentioned in my original reply to this thread; yes, I am in the industry, I am a Key Account Manager for the largest Canadian owned coffee distributor LOL.


    I have and do use Keurig, Tassimo, Flavia and many, many other systems, we sell/supply them all primarly to businesses and food service accounts but there is a growing demand within the retail market as well.


    I guess I missed that part. Not sure how, since it was literally the very first thing you wrote. :) If you sell to consumers via an online store, shoot me a link, I'd love to check it out. Right now I order my coffee from about three different sites, depending on what I want. I can always add another.

  8. I'm gonna be heading to Timmins soon for a couple days (work) and I'll have my rod with me. I probably won't bring my Sportspal with me, though. I'm curious if anyone knows any good places to go off the shore there? I'm mostly looking for bass, walleye, pike, trout, whatever can be had from shore - not too picky. Not a catfish fan, though.


    One thing I know: under the bridge might not be a great idea. My brother went not long ago, and he landed the following with 10lb test:







    That last one weighed in at about 43lbs! Not too shabby.


    Anyhow, suggestions?

  9. Any time you have a monoploy you can be sure you are going to pay more than you need to. It is my understanding that pattent extensions have been applied for. Will they be granted? We'll see! You seem to know a lot about Keurig and GMC, are you involved in the industry?


    I'm not in the industry, no (though I did look at the stock prices for GMC - wish I knew about trading because I saw the Starbucks announcement a mile away, and the stock went up pretty quick after that). I'm a programmer for an ISP. Are you? You seem to know a lot about coffee, too. I love coffee, and I love my Keurig, and so I know some stuff... I've tried a ton of the K-cups, including the Folgers and Barista Prima K-cups and other stuff you don't find in retail stores around here. I just know I hated the Tassimo (slow, messy, plus it broke down after about 4 months - they replaced it), though I miss the cappuccino/latte capability. It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good. Terrible selection, though (last I checked, there are more tea varieties for Keurig than all of Tassimo's selection combined). I am not very familiar with Dolce Gusto or any other pod-based competition, and my only hands-on experience is Tassimo and Keurig.


    I hadn't heard about the patent extensions, and I hope they aren't granted.. Paying more does suck, in any industry and any commodity, but given the crop issues, it's not really a shocker that prices are trending upwards. I'm the only one in the house who drinks it, and it's still cheaper than hitting Tim Hortons every day. Especially since the nearest one to me is like a 15-20 minute drive away. And at least with Keurig there are several options to use your own grounds - something the Tassimo design makes nearly impossible.


    When I say I love coffee, I'm not joking. Here's a slightly out-of-date pic of my coffee cupboard:


    And there's more than that - I have a huge box of mixed ones on top of the fridge, including teas, decafs, and various flavored and unflavored coffees.Those green-topped bottles are another beverage system... Anyone know what they are? :)

  10. Problem! A company called Green Mountian has bought out all the K cup manufactures. (they had an angle in that they licensed all the manufacturers, then threatened to pull the license if they didn't sell out to them)

    Well, I used to have a Tassimo, and the thing was a bloody mess. I miss the Starbucks breakfast blend, but not for long. Starbucks is jumping ship to Keurig, so GMC must be doing something right. But you didn't explain why it's an issue that they own a monopoly on a product they also own, as Keurig is owned by GMC? It's not like they own Kraft and Nestle and every other coffee option in the world. In any case, the patents on the K-cup expire in 2012, so their evil K-cup monopoly won't go on for much longer.


    I have noticed some of the inconsistencies in the pricing, and in the quality of Timmies coffee. Hit the Timmies on the 400 service plex and it is the worst dish water I've ever tasted. Hit the Beamsville QEW Tim's and it often tastes burnt. Then there are some good outlets as well, but I don't want hit and miss quality.

    True that... In North Bay, you could go to any of the what, four or whatever Timmies and order the same thing and end up with four wildly varying coffees. I haven't had this problem with McDonalds, or Tassimo or Keurig for that matter. Making it the old fashioned way in a drip machine, however, I did. I guess maybe if I tried measuring... :)

  11. Do you have a car adapter for it? :lol:


    Haha, nope, but I have a Starbucks travel mug that keeps coffee hot-to-warm for like 3 hours.


    The McD's coffee doesn't taste quite as good, but the muffin sure makes up the difference :D


    :o I think it tastes better than Timmies. It's the only thing worth consuming from McDonalds.

  12. and where a watch, keep track of time. As you learn a spot, keep track of when the fish seem to be most active. Alot of great spots are only great at certain times of day, or times of year. If you notice that the bite turns on at certain times, well, you know when to head out and be successful. If the fish only bite in the evening, you know not to go too early, etc.


    Yep, my uncle fishes a lot and he recommended I track everything in a spreadsheet. So that's exactly what I'm doing. Every fish I catch, I write down the time, lure, weather, species, size, location, etc. I don't wear a watch, so a good thing to do is if you have a camera make sure you have the time set correctly on it, and then just have someone take a picture of each fish (be fast if you're releasing, of course), so you can easily look at the EXIF data to get the times and look at the pic to see the lure, weather, etc. Works well for me, and the info I'm tracking will likely pay off in the future.


    This guy landed me in first place of the local fishing derby this spring, yep, from shore I beat out 21 boats!


    That is so awesome! Hahaha

  13. Yep, thanks guys. I can actually turn off the fish ID on this unit if I want to. I really only wanted a depth finder so I could tell the depth. Anyone I've fished with ignores the fish on the screen. Figuring out structure will be something that takes some getting used to for me on this thing, because it's all binary pixels, and so there's not a whole lot of detail. It should do me fine for now though. And this one can apparently be used for ice fishing without a heated shack, so that's a bonus.

  14. lcr4id.jpg


    My uncle won this thing in a fishing derby in the 80s, apparently it was like $700 back then. Tried it out last night, saw some red dots, but didn't catch anything. I like the depth alarm so I know if I'm about to smash my trolling motor to bits.


    I've downloaded the manual, but I didn't get to reading it yet. I need to figure out why the temperature doesn't show up. I'm gonna guess it's because the transducer doesn't support it. I'm new to owning a fish-finder, so that's just a guess.


    Fun times.

  15. Good fishin'...Where's the walleye? The montreal's full of 'em!

    :dunno: I've never really had luck getting walleye from shore. Any tips? I love catching bass, though I love eating walleye too. :)


    Gotta love those floating Rapalas :thumbsup_anim:

    Indeed. I mostly ignored them until my wife told me to try my little one in Anima-Nip while trolling. I have liked other Rapalas, but now this is my favorites. I did pick up a Husky Jerk too, but haven't really used it yet.


    Must still be an at risk species...

    Judging by the 14 or so hours I've spent lapping that lake, I'd say it's no longer at risk, but extinct. :D


    That's the same feeling I get about some of the inland rainbow stocked lakes.

    Tried one of those tonight, since Anima-Nip was a bit rough and I am anxious to get a trout now anyhow for some reason. No luck. The fish-finder I have is real old... Humminbird LCR4ID or something like that. The screen is just gigantic dots! But hey, it tells me the depth, warns me when we hit shallow water, and kinda shows the bottom. The fish are in giant red pixels, but I can't tell if they're baitfish or rainbows or what. I think I have to read the manual. And I don't really know what to use to catch trout (except worms, which I forgot at home).. I have some research to do.


    Very nice Dana... if the planets align just right I may get into that "fish sanctuary" before it closes this year!

    If you know much in advance when you're going, let me know and if timing is right, I could plan to hit it again that day and meet you too. Unless you figure the less boats on the water, the better - but honestly, didn't seem to make a difference for us since we were alone this time and no luck. (Or if you're going alone, I could just drive and meet you there if you want to boatpool..). I'm sure you know you gotta be there before the sun wakes up, and that road has about four nasty spots on it, so make sure you've had your coffee.



    Some day, I will catch this fish. Until then, I think they don't exist.

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