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Everything posted by SHINNY

  1. looking to buy a ultra light to fish from perch to trout, ugly stick and the shimano are the last 2, which rod would be better
  2. so i got bare neoprene waders for christmas and they are 3mm....how will i have to dress in the fall for steelies
  3. got out on the opener and got some fishing in on saturday and sunday, went 7 for 10 and got a nice fresh fish then got out today and got another 2 on the pin
  4. right in the middle well just abit up from the middle so theres a little more room att the back
  5. ya lol i meant because and i think i might just get the kingpin another question, sliding rings or fixed
  6. that one fish, was it a atlantic slamon?
  7. so would it be a good idea to get it bc im only 15 min away from where the guy lives
  8. dont know, iv looked them up on google but nothing really came up but i seen a guy on the river with one
  9. iv looked around for a new float rod and i came across a 13 ft kingpin im8 for 180, is it a good deal? said reg 400??
  10. asked my dad for a new float reel about 3 months before christmas and got it
  11. wow, thats one thick bow and that fish has some shoulders!
  12. id say this year bc i just got into the pin and caught the most trout iv ever caught in my life Devon
  13. we got some nice fish this weekend
  14. islander steelheader!

  15. i got nothing after you left chris but i have a debit card if that counts haha
  16. haha im going again on sunday so ill tell him then
  17. today, just got up and went fishing while my mom racked leafs at the trailer instead of playing hockey with some buddies and ended meeting up wiht one
  18. thanks guys lol i got a kwikfish from that fish to, got scraped off the bottom
  19. Wow, nice fish, nice to see those big steelies
  20. SHINNY


    havent really looked at the stats but i seen this i wished i didnt, my teams at the bottom
  21. ya that was great meeting you and ccmt, gotta get up here again
  22. SWEET!
  23. thanks and ill be up next weekend, NO HOCKEY lol
  24. Saturday , just caught my first ever steel head on a float rod.
  25. 11 foot fenwick till i get a new one
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