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About OutdoorDan

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  1. Definitely in whether it's on Simcoe, Nip, or wherever else. Had a great time last year on Nip. Would be glad to help out with food and I *might* be able to get my hands on a BBQ.
  2. Just to clarify my position - I am not justifying the behaviours described in this thread. I completely agree that there is so sustainability without C&R. I'm not defending the behaviour. I was just trying to explain that it's a more complicated and sensitive issue than just people having a lack of respect or being uneducated. Lots of people know the limits but choose to go over them just because they are wired differently. Explaining things doesn't usually go far either because people will justify or find excuses anyway. Ideally, you want to solve problems such as this through education and awareness but I don't think that works very well in practice. What you need is stronger deterrence. The reason most people don't go 150 on an empty highway isn't because they think it might be dangerous, but because if you go 50 over your car gets impounded. Right now, the risks to minor poaching are so small that when people weigh risk/reward they choose to poach. You are pretty unlikely to get caught in the first place, and even if you do the consequences seem pretty small. I actually don't mind light punishments for lighter stuff (say you keep 2 walleye but one is in the slot). The problem is that the consequences for the heavier stuff are non existent. Every now and then, relatively major poaching stuff comes up in the News section of OOD and the consequences are a joke. For poaching of big game you would often see something like losing your licence for a year and a fine in the 4 figure range. When someone reads that, of course they are going to think that if they keep 75 crappies nothing will happen to them. And unfortunately, they are right.
  3. Who's been flushing sticky socks down the toilet?
  4. I don't think it's any of these things. It's a cultural/contextual divide. If someone from Europe or Australia visits Canada and they get a meal at the restaurant and don't tip, is it because they don't respect/care about the waiter? No, it's because they are used to a different set of values and consider different things to be culturally appropriate. The same thing is happening here. I'm not really buying the financial argument either. Even if you go somewhere that is an hour's drive away, you are likely spending at least 20$ bare minimum on gas. So even ignoring the cost of a licence, tackle and equipment, the cost of the trip could get you several pounds of fish at the supermarket. I only skimmed through this thread so sorry if this has been mentioned, but some people/cultures actually find it offensive/inappropriate to catch and release edible fish. This concept shouldn't be hard to understand. I am sure the hunters on this forum would be disgusted if I suggested that if you like to hunt but don't eat much meat, you should hunt with a tranquillizer gun, then take the picture while the animal is tranquillized, then go home, letting the animal get back to roaming shortly. To some people, C&R is the same.
  5. Way to go! I went out also for a few hours, but only got this little guy. Was off Toronto Island. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. OK, everything makes perfect sense now. Thanks you so much, Bill.
  7. Sorry for dumbing up this thread, but I am still confused. I downloaded the Navionics PC app. It was free since I already had the Gold edition for the plotter. So, the chart opens fine from my computer, but when I go to import data from the card, no files of the type it can import show up. It's a Hummingbird 788ci. Are the waypoints saved locally by default and not to the card with the Navionics chip?
  8. Thanks, Bill.
  9. I still don't understand if we can take the chip out of the GPS and run it on a computer or not. It would help a lot with re-naming/organising a lot of spots I have marked.
  10. Hopefully the drivers will pull though okay. I really hate to say this about something that involves an accident - but man this is fascinating.
  11. Does anyone know if you need the Harbour Licence if you are docked in Outer Harbour marina and are only going straight out into the lake from the docks and not into the inner harbour? It's a little unclear to me.
  12. Unfortunately I doubt that if it actually came down to it you would have much luck proving that you were operating a firearm legally and as per safety standards if you shot someone.
  13. If you just want liability insurance it is insanely cheap. The marina that I'm going to be docked at this year actually requires 2mm liability coverage, I think this is a pretty good policy.
  14. Damn, a fish for every 10 guys is a really tough day, at least you got out there though...
  15. Could someone recommend me a place to store my boat around the 401/400 area? I'd like to have the option to store it inside year-round but the problem I'm having with most of the self-storage places is the 100" beam which won't fit into the standard 8' door most places seem to have. Any recommendations? Cheers.
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