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Everything posted by Dan668

  1. Kessel is awful in the shoot out. Not sure how Carlyle doesn't realize this. Surprised they skated into bernier. Just pick a corner from the outside.
  2. Guy takes dumbest penalties and has like 6 own goals in five games and there going to reward him with 7m. This team is going nowhere
  3. Anything but Mickey Thomsons.. Junk
  4. My friend used his on simcoe in 110ft. No issue's
  5. Great unit for the ice the elite 4. I sold my portable unit. Have to figure out how to make my hds8 portable.
  6. Futureshop when they were clearing them out. Not sure whether stores still have stock. If not wait for boxing day or price match the 300/1000 with Gibbys Electronics in St Kitts. They have them both on sale.
  7. See if you can find a denon 1713. Better than the 300/1000. I picked up one on clear out for 200$. Prob hard to find now though.
  8. I know. Next will be a too many men for Chicago if he keeps it up.
  9. Did you see the other players on the list? Sedin and Ovi. Dion is overrated. But SI has no clue what they're talking about when it comes to hockey
  10. Elite 5 is a good unit. A friend of mine runs it
  11. Pilon phaneuf. Ah well decent game. Should of been winnable, stupid penalties took momentum away again
  12. Not sure what gardener was thinking. Just let the sen grab the puck.
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