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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Let's hope it's not too long.
  2. Second January thaw coming,this can't be good!!

    1. Freshtrax
    2. misfish


      River will open YA BABY

    3. Freshtrax


      Best of both worlds for a few days

  3. Gotta love them Brian,the more things change ,the more they stay the same.Having said that,when's the next game? lol. Go Leafs Go!!!!
  4. As said a hundred times,I agree ,they need a veteran goalie to steal the game for you on tough nights. Don't mean to repeat!.
  5. These are the types of taps guys!!!
  6. I picked up a new spout with a diverter,but the bypass/leakng water wasn't enough to keep the diverter closed.while the shower was on.
  7. No it was a wall and tub surround repair
  8. Chamber being part of the seat?,or the removeable stem with the washer and holes in it? Thanks for your help
  9. What part?,the stem has new o rings and washer. The seat must need repair?.At this point not even thinking about tearing the wall out. Did that a couple years ago,not ready for that much fun yet lol.Thanks for the tip.
  10. Not really sure Paul?,when I pulled the stem,it looked like a slightly worn washer. Must be the seat?.Any experiance with this Paul?.
  11. Bruce,looks like every four days or so.It sucks but out of our hands.Probably still get it on the radio.What can we do?
  12. There sharing the wealth,CBC,TSN,sports Net,leaf Tv,3 games already this week.That's alot of hockey.Good for everyone!,have to justify paying for Leafs tv lol.
  13. Sorry my friend,I have it!! lol.
  14. Few guys at the marina today,two with portable huts,guessing there not getting the new message?. Fines!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Maybe there a little scared yet?

    3. misfish


      Chip chip,step step.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Brian,that $1500.00 pick up if they fall through, might make people now think twice?

  15. That sounds just like me,treat it right,last a lifetime. I use to drill holes for anyone as well.Wasn't so much the cost,kinda,but one wrong careless bit of handling it's toast.When they cut well,hardly any work at all.!
  16. Great start so far,as said he is there for a reason,and what a good reason,players know he's out there .That works,gives the Leafs a bit of a edge.I hope it's not his last year.
  17. Jim I think I have to ream the valve seat,that makes sense. What did you use Jim?
  18. They would be 20 plus years anyways.I'll try and get a pic later. Is there always some bypass in tub when valve turned to shower?.The more I try to remember I think there is always some bypass.Haven't used a different shower for a while lol.
  19. Hope a couple of you guys could let me know if what I have going on is normal. I have a older set of tub taps,Waltec or Emco,not quite sure.They are the crystal looking set with the splined collar in the handle to fit on the valve spline behind. They also have the pop out centre cap with a blue or red ring showing you hot and cold taps. Noticed forever that a lot of water comes out the spout while you have a shower. Pulled the centre valve out and the rubber washer at the end was worn a bit. Changed washer ,cut flow out of the spout by half. Is it normal to have a low flow of water coming out of the spout when the centre valve is in shower position?. My centre valve only turns a 1/4 turn left for tub,or a 1/4 turn right for shower. I do not have a diverter valve on my spout. Do any valves stop the water from coming out the spout when the shower position is in use. Hope this makes some sense. Thanks for any help.
  20. Can't say much about the ice today,but the temps from than till now are like night and day. Would think a lot better.At least after this week anyways.
  21. We will have to wait and see. I liked Gardiner,Let's hope they get someone descent for him!!!!,Any one know the time of the announcement?
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