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About edmichit

  • Birthday 05/18/1964

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  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Family

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. interesting that the claim areas, just happen to be the entry points to the park...hmm
  2. I've had my maui's polarized with bi-foculs "readers" awesome on the water, re tie's are a breeze again now that my arms are long enough again.
  3. These are actually construction barriers, they are working to improve the launch for summer boaters, and improve the access to the lake. If you have ever tried to launch there you can understand how difficult it is in the fall when the water level is dropped. The docks you see are actually new. PS - During safe ice times, you can drive off the end of the 9th line and park on the ice.....or keep on driving.
  4. still interested in the snow goose coat?

    I'm around the 9th, and 25th side road.

  5. Snow Goose or mustang floater?

  6. May be interested in the coat, where about's in Alcona are you?



  7. I Really appreciate the feedback guys.
  8. great thanks,
  9. Dang, small crack on the manifold, just after the individual pipes come together. Looks to me like it could be welded on the truck. (enough room and in sight) Pretty sure it's a cast part. 2004 Bravada (Vortec 4200 engine) Any one out there make a recommendation on a good welder/weld shop? Midas already told me if they would try, but if they break a bolt......you know the story... thanks
  10. I live with Fear everyday.........sometimes she lets me go fishing!
  11. So......after about a 15minute wait because "my call is important" i got to the audit people, and answered the same questions....this time i gave the right answer. they thanked me and that was it. What difference does it make where the exam takes place anyway? I'm left wondering; what if they didnt get me via email? what if i did move or something, either way if you do get the audit and you do fail the test(like me, just one wrong click) just call them back.....correct your answer....and all is good again. My buddy can rest assured that the card he has will keep him legal in his aunts little tinny.
  12. Last summer I supervised my buddy writing the boaters card tax crab scam(sorry did i say that outloud!) Anyway, he passed the exam, according to the rules, he was interested in learning some boating rules, so it was a good exercise for him. Now last month i was contacted online by the G guys to confirm that i did in fact supervise his exam, and that i was required to take a short test to validate the exam.....well long story short.....I failed because i answer 1 of 4 or 6 questions wrong, go figure. I shortly got an email that said they would call me to continue the audit, they called on the weekend, I missed the call (I was out fishing....in a boat!) What surprised me was that they actually called to follow up, now the funny business...the folks calling are from Boatsmart.....wanna bet they want more cash! I'm gonna call them now and find out...anybody else going through this rediculous stuff? btw the question i got wrong was "where was the exam taken"
  13. Unfortunately very few laws out there related to social media, to protect you or them. I've seen your 1080 stuff, and it's excellent stuff that others can use for free. I suggest you "watermark" it when publishing to protect it...that way at least they will contact you for original material.....then you can control and decide. I hope it doesnt discourage you from continuing to produce it...we all sure enjoy it! thanks
  14. I'm gtg for either(buck or doe) in wmu89a.
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