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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. On 1/5/2018 at 10:34 PM, mikeh said:

    right from the start of the game they had someone in front of the net trying to screen the goalie or tip the pucks in, lately they have been trying to get the pretty goals with the perfect passes (wasn't working) .    go leafs go

    That's what I love to see, especially with jvr. He's real good in close!


  2. Nothing wrong with weight watchers and I'm glad it's worked so well for youse!

    It's basically just relearning or learning to eat for fuel/nutrition.

    Alot of people don't understand how much they overeat.

    That's ok too. As long as you get lots of cardio and weight training. 

    After all food is one thing in this life we can enjoy!

  3. 14 hours ago, dave524 said:

    MB2, with our weight loss program we have swapped out the white rice in our recipes with Quinoa, including fried rice, you should give it a go, there is actually food value to it rather than empty carbs. 

    Good on ya! We normally do it the same but for us, this was a post workout meal. 

    The nutrition comes from elsewhere. After training you WANT high glycemic carbs to increase insulin production, IGF-1 and replenishing glycogen.

    Quinoa and barley are both Staples in our diet.

    I've get the bodyfat loss science to a t, lol. And I should, I've only studied that and related fields for 19 years.

    If ya ever want some tips pm me.

    And again, good on ya looking out for your health and we'll being!

  4. here ya go doug, two of our kiddos wanted to learn to make frybread so i figured what the heck, we teach them to cook other foods etc so here goes...


    preheat oil in skillet, put the burner on about 3.5-4, youll be cooking 3-4 pieces at a time

    as that heats, grab a bowl to mix dry ingredients.

    add 2 cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, one teaspoon of salt.

    mix dry ingredients

    add one cup of water and stir preferably with a wooden spoon, once it forms it kinda looks like a bad mixture, kinda flaky, but thats normal. work it into a loaf but dont work it hard or itll be tough and wont rise.

    grab one piece of the dough, form it quick into a circle and press gently to flatten it out on a lightly floured surface. make 3-4 and add to your oil when ready

    then ya just eyeball it. they should rise. if not, you worked the dough too hard or formed them too hard, its a fine balance. flip after about 6-7 minutes or until browned, cook other side similar. you just have to eyeball whether its ready or not. not light coloured, not too dark either

    add to a plate with papertowel to soak up some of the oil


    this only makes 3-4 pieces, but you can easily adjust the simple ingredients to your preference.

    myself, i prefer to keep making more dry mixes and keep doing 3-4 at a time.  i can easily have 4 more ready as the first batch is pulled

    anyhow, here is the kids making it for sloppy joes(totally their idea) and it turned out awesome! but remember frybread is very filling!









    bonus pics from a few nights ago, homemade chicken balls and chicken fried rice (done with partrdge not chicken)





    these were deadly good! nothing to look at really but tonnes of flavour!

  5. thats cool doug?! i woudnt wanna miss that either

    we have plenty of time, plus my leg should be healed up fully by then. ive made alot of progress these last few months (thank god). Plus im sober now so i have alot more energy and losing alot of weight etc,

    when it happenes it happens and well enjoy the crap outta it!



  6. So u finally decided to hook up the desktop so I can post pics again.

    So with the kids asleep, I uploaded a bunch of photos. I just left it open and didn't turn it private.

    Holy crap is that site full of trolls! It's actually hilarious.


    Probably turn it private in a week, until then I'm enjoying a few laughs.

    That's is all

  7. Nice!


    I hammer em at night(actually never caught one in daylight)


    20-25 fow off a mudflat, when the walleye bite dies the ling turn on!  Super fun, I just hate the dinks that barely move the rod tip and by the time you check your lure it's wrapped the line 1000 times around itself lol

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