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  1. Motorola MS560 Waterproof, and float 56 km range** Headphone jack to keep quiet when in the bush or hands free use.
  2. ya gotta get lit before ya get bit!
  3. I know the owners of southview very well, you will have a blast! Try casting off the docks at night for walleye and crappie. Bonus of fishing off the docks is you can do it with a beer in hand Also, if you head to the west of southview along the same north shore the resort is on, you will come to a point on the edge of a bay that has a very distinct weedline ranging from 6-13 fow. you're welcome
  4. lol ive tried fishing Rice for musky numerous times with zero luck. the only musky I catch are accidental while bass fishing. would love to hear some tips on where to catch em..
  5. Can any confirm what the ice is like by Stephenson point road area? South of goreskis?
  6. Happened to me on nippissing last year! Ran to my tip up as the bells were goin off and when I got back to my hut my rod holder was upside down in the hole and my rod was no where to be found. Must have been a school of eyes that moved in.
  7. Should of been here yesterday, couldn't keep em off
  8. Hey Guys, Will be fishing West Lake, near Picton this weekend for the first time. Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to land some fish? Also, are there any hazards I need to worry about? Thanks, Rob
  9. Well, summer is done and it's time to start thinking about how I am going to feed my addiction throughout the winter. I just got into ice fishing three winters ago and fell in love with it. My first year, I built an 8x4 hut out of scrap 3/8" chip board I had lying around and put it in Scugog. Did the job but didn't last me more than one winter because it rotted out over the summer. Fishing was OK, caught lots of crappie and a few walleye. Bought a Mr. buddy portable heater to heat the hut and it did a fantastic job. I bought a portable CLAM pop-up on sale for $180 that I used the past two seasons on a number of different lakes and although it did the job, it was a piece of junk. It ripped on me after the wind got a hold of it and snapped one of the poles. It's a 6x6x6. Can fish 3 guys in it, but I want something bigger thats going to last me more than two seasons. This year I plan on putting a permanent on Rice and using my portable for when I travel to fish other lakes. The plan is to make it 8x6, insulated and durable! I contacted a guy on Kijiji who does building demolitions that had some insulation for sale. He was selling 4x8 sheets of 2" insulation, R-12 for $12/sheet. These go for $25/sheet at home depot and are only R-8. When I got to his house I noticed he had a bunch of sheet metal that was torn down from an old barn. So I grabbed enough to side the walls and roof of my hut in this stuff. Its way lighter than the 3/8" plywood I was originally planning to use. Just gonna have to rust paint it. Got enough insulation to do the floors, walls and roof plus siding for $200 total! I am going to make my ski's out of two 2x6s bolted together and cover the bottom of them with some puck board I got from a friend who works at a hockey rink. Should make it real slick on the ice/ snow. Going to frame it out of 2x4s and spray foam any cracks to make it air tight. I grabbed an exterior door on my way home from picking up the insulation. Someone was throwing it away along highway 28. Will keep the build process updated on here. Ive attached two pics of the insulation and siding. My question is, who on this site has a hut and do you have any suggestions/ tips you can give me? I am still undecided on what I want my interior set up to be like. Would also love to see some pics of your hut. If anyone is looking to grab some insulation, PM me and I can give you the number of this guy, he is located in Havelock.
  10. Hey Guys, Im in the market for a new musky reel. I want something that is ideal for casting big bucktails - double 8's and double 10 cowgirls. What gear ratio is best recommended? Any certain/ specific reels that are designed exactly for this style of fishing? I need a left hand retrieve. Budget is around $300 or so. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rob
  11. Hey Guys, Just wondering what everybodys favorite technique or lures for walleye opener are? I'd have to say jointed cotton cordells and rapala countdown at night along island shorelines in one of my favourites. During the day I'd have to say drifting chartreuse worm harnesses along deeper weedlines
  12. Motorola MS560 !! These units are awesome! Waterproof, they float, vibrate call/ alert and headphone/mic jack for when youre hunting and need to be quiet. and a range of up to 56km* (under "optimal" conditions of course). We've got a set at the cottage and have had no issues what soever. We have tried about 3miles apart from eachother on the lake and havent had any problems. havent tried any further tho. These radios are the best we've used
  13. Hey Guys, Heading out this Saturday for some musky on balsam. Haven't really fished the lake before so was looking for some advice please. Was going to try deep diving baits along the trough in South Bay? got some new Live Target perch colored baits that look pretty sexy. Just wondering if any of you have fished balsam recently and are finding the ski's deep yet? Want to know whether to target shallower in 8-12 fow or 15-20 fow. Also what baits/ presentations are best for this time of year? Was going to slow troll around 2mph till I find some bait fish/ a hookup and then try casting? Do you guys find bucktail spinners are still producing this time of year Or should I stick with jerkbaits over top of weeds? Appreciate the help!! Rob
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