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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Just what we need . . . . . more drunks on the ice! That would never get off the ground in Ontario . . . . the O. P. P., M. N. R. and the local constabulary would be down on 'em like a ton o' bricks! (Rather novel idea though!)

    Very true, especially in this province where the hypocritical nannies run the cigs, booze and gaming. Except in the no-go zones(Reserves).

  2. Focusing on " ONE" person is simpleton and raw raw go sports "TEAM "stuff? Ok then. Glad you made that clearer for me. The kid is a dolt and was chosen by the other members of that party. Does that say nothing about them?


    If I had my way every time there is a gross misstep by a politician they would be made an example of in a way to be remembered and feared to be repeated. These clowns play games with our very lives with no repercussions and knowing that a party holds our intellect in such high regard by trying to swindle an electorate with this punchable faced Rookie tells me all I need to know about what they have in store for us if they ever become the governing party. Save the lipstick. Smells like pork to me.

  3. Why would you focus on just 3 people?.... it's the party you vote for, not the person. There are lots of good/bad people within every party. If you don't get that, then step away from the keyboard.


    Modern politics reminds me of a Sens/Habs/Leafs debate.

    With all due respect I beg to differ. The argument of good vs bad strikes me as a simpletons view. The leader has everything to do with any group being led. Armies, Corporations, Families, Animals. They can and are usually a galvanizing force and can be the difference between the groups success and its ultimate failure. No?


    The lieberals have been reaching for a while now and when this kid came along they saw a simple solution to a very nagging issue. How to win an election. The very fact they chose this kid for his looks rather than what he brings as a true leader is more of a reason to throw out the baby and the bath water. They are as useless to this country as he is. Since when did governance turn into pageantry? You remember the lipstick on a pig thing?

  4. You need to smoke a lot more Moxie. Harpo is blowing smoke up your where it don't shine and you are buying it. Don't forget that when harpo was elected PM he was 45 or 46 and disappeared for a few days because he was terrified and anxious. He was put on a valium type of drug and came back to the public eye. Trudeau is too young or no experience? This would have applied to harpo when he won in 2006 but hey everyone ( 32%) voted for him LOL.

    Harper disappeared for a few days while this kids mom was puffin and swiggin up a storm for years leading up to the 9 months till his birth. I'll take my chances with Harper.


    I hear ya though Squid. They're all the same once they take office. Seems like they forget everything they learned in the real world. Theres the other difference. This kid has never and will never live in the real world. He majors in acting at 40+!!! This boy is a hollow puppet. This guy is going to lead who, where and how??? That is a scary proposition.

  5. I have a 25 h.p-2 stroke tiller with no electric trim on a 14 ft starcraft with a factory floor. With 2 guys and too much gear... it works awesome IMO. Gets up on plane in a hurry,n zips along at 30-32 m.p.h. Although put 4 of us in it and gear it will not come up on plane. I've tried the engine in all the positions, and it doesn't seem to make a difference. At put away this fall I turned it into a 30h.p. by die grinding the restriction to the carbureatur, which was a well documented mod, in hopes to help this no plane situation with a full boat. I was wondering if this mod doesn't help, would Smart Tabs make a difference? or are they not going to help? I'm maxed out on horsepower for the boats rating so I don't have any room to go bigger h.p. wise. I'm sure others have had this same problem and was looking for your experiences.


    Cheers M.M.

    Prop hub drilling(Free if you do it right) and a doel-fin($50?). A lot less money and just as effective in your case.

  6. Should be interesting..The kid has the vote of the youth and every pot smoker in Canada..There will be a huge movement from the students of Canada he will get them to vote like no one has before..

    You have a point . Not to worry though. I had a "movement" or three today and I do have to say they were common fair. The usual. Just like that kid and the hoards of dead eyed students that might vote for that silver spoon fed, never seen an honest days work, wouldn't know politics if it ran him over multiple times drama queen.


    Once the Harpers and Mulclairs are done leading this kid into tripping over his own feet and making him stuff those feet firmly into his own mouth repeatedly even his dope hound followers won't be able to deny he is all but worthless in leading a high school band down a city block let alone this great country on the worlds' stage.


    How much pot we talkin bout anyway? Cause with pot smokin comes munchies and that leads to more "movements". Doesn't it? Its all crap I tell ya, crap!!!!



  7. For some Reason I have been being blasted by Justin Trudeau and his group..Some how they got my email address and they wont quit..I unsubscribed and sent nasty emails in return..Just gets ignored and the emails just keep on coming..Is this the guy that's favored to be our future Prime Minister? He wont stop his aggressive fundraising how the hell will he run this country the way we see fit....

    Business is business and at least they're trying to get the word out regardless of the pie in the sky bull they're looking to sell. The lesser of three evils would be an option instead of sitting on my ass and refusing to vote. Those that choose not to should be ashamed as it is a freedom of choice that was bled for.


    As far as this Justin kid goes he should stick to something he's good at and if someone has any idea what it is let me know what it is cause it sure isn't politics. All he shares with his late Pappy Pete is his last name and one look at the other side of the gene pool he was spawned from seals the lid on that coffin of debate for me. No nine inch nails needed unless the masses of unknowing and easily fooled, forever down looking generational unwashed vote for this boy. Votes for this political lightweight would solidify my belief that the Zombie Apocalypse is truly upon us.


    No name calling here, simply an independent observation.

  8. There are a few shops in TO that carry horse meat as stated previously. Father in law has butchered practically his whole life and was raised in a place and time where the last sibling to wake up usually didn't have a pair of shoes to wear that day.


    That being said there is almost nothing that is taken from the animal of choice that isn't used as food. Over the years he has introduced me to a world of interesting food choices and horse meat has been one of the tamest on the menu.

  9. Incremental, arbitrary and continual increases on a scale I've never witnessed in my lifetime in every facet of our daily lives


    . Get used to it folks. There is no money in any kitty and they're taking whats left from you and I. Debt loads are at or approaching and in some cases have surpassed record levels. It isn't going to get better cause the only social class that used to be able to comfortably afford it is being squeezed out.


    Look around at every economy across the globe. The confiscation of whatever wealth is left is picking up steam and barreling towards us all. Suck it up and pay or don't but try doing something more productive than whining about it here where it does absolutely nothing.


    Still sending multiple angry e-mails every week in the hopes of hearing a knock at the door and maybe being made an example of with no luck thus far. Guess they figure there aren't enough of us to concern themselves with just yet. At least my hands aren't falling asleep from sitting on them.



    Doom and gloom? Tic Toc, Tic Toc............

  10. These things happen because we allow them to. It never ceases to amaze me how we are led around by our noses and swallow everything corps and governments feed us and don't do anything about it. They change things to cut costs, sometimes at our own peril and we blindfully accept them. They funnel us into every facet of life like cattle and we just bow our heads and clop along in a row in total acceptance.


    I thought we lived in the first world? If the internet or the cable was down we'd be on the phone within seconds whining and demanding the world while threatening to unleash our fury on anyone who failed to rectify the problem but with things of real importance we just meow, moo and bah.


    Power of the masses I think not. More like the powerful stench of conformity.

  11. Welcome to the board SB. Fished creeks and rivers east of the GTA a quarter century ago when tree canopied waters ran cold and the fish were plentiful and it still took me almost full fall and spring cycles to land my first Bow. Years afterwards it became a case of basically taking fish at will until moving to making tin rather than rubber soles the choice mode of transport over water.


    Enjoy the sport and the board as there are more than a few fin junkies here who possess a wealth of knowledge to answer questions and lead you in the right direction regardless your species of choice.

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