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About devy

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gatineau Qc- originally from Lanark Cty
  • Interests
    fishing, camping, all types of music

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. What a bunch of crap!!- targeting the person works hard to buy a few things and give tax breaks to the rich or let people off who embezile millions of dollars from others! Your tax dollars hard a work going after the wrong people...
  2. I may be Canadas Worst Handyman, but yesterday was able to install MinnKota Terrova trolling motor bracket and motor, move batteries from back to front compartment, upgrade to 24 volt system with battery trays, minnkota circuit braker, as well as 2 bank charger. Ran wiring through conduit by attaching old 12 volt wiring and pulling through. Ended up working out well!! Last year installed my Lowrance HDS system myself. Was a little more tricky attaching power lines to fuse ( under driver console, but had problems at all. You can do it!!
  3. Insure for full value!! Having Marine Expert as insurance company and living in Quebec mandatory to have Amp locks installed as well as amp bolts that fasten hitch onto trailer arm. If not then only covered for 25% of value!!
  4. Went from an old springbok tiller to Lund 1625 REbel XL sport with console!. Console the way to go as it breaks the wind and splash up from waves especially during spring and late fall! Rebel is a great stable boat
  5. Great plans and pics!! thanks for the idea!! Will use this summer !! devy
  6. Congrats on your new Lund!. I got the Rebel sport 1625 last year and really like it. Really stabile in the water, planes easily and well constructed!!
  7. Thanks Minnow for your information
  8. Great Looking Northern walleye and even better that you put it back!!
  9. I just purchased this chip in the fall but I do recall that is shows contours on the Ottawa River around Ottawa/Kettle Island- downtown Ottawa/Gatineau. Unfortunately My power cord for my Lowrance is in my boat ( put away) so I cant check for you for other parts of the Ottawa. ( I fish the Lakes in Eastern Ontario- even though I live in the National Capital Region.)
  10. Still fish Eastern Ontario area a lot!

  11. Again thanks for the help. Am leaning more towards the Yamaha 60 or 70 as mentioned with the ability to troll down the rpms. Decision was made re trolling motor got a new toy!! Terrova 80 lb us2 i pilot. Will my boat should pull around nicely. Will be able to plug in my Lowrance hds as well. Only have to rewire for 24 volt, add fuse breaker, change plug in in bow and mount ( with quick release). - a spring project Thank you all. a Great Site. Hope I can contribute!
  12. I purchase the Lowrance HD5 last fall, Runs for about $700.00 plus navionics chip. REally impressed with ease of use and sonar definition. Only thing is that screen is smaller then say HD 7 or 8 or 10 but fell into my budget.
  13. Thanks for the info and suggestions. I am usually fishing for walleye or bass and like working structure. Looking at getting a new 4 stroke to replace the 2 stroke as I know they are better on gas. currently have a 50 merc, my boat max is 75- . Looking at 75 Optimax but realizing a lot more heavy then say the 60 or 70 yamaha or 60 merc. When I went out with the guys with their terrova I really liked the autopilot feature so that you can concentrate on fishing and let the boat keep you on course. But my concern is how much rough water can it handle ( as mentioned in this topic) .
  14. Great to see such a site available for info! I currently own a 2009 Rebel XL 1625 sport model. Currently have the motorguide 46 lb bow mount but after touring this fall with guys who had the Lund 2025 Pro sport and 101 lb thrust Terrova, am interested. Considering getting the 80 lb 24 volt system. Confirmed with Lund that could put a 24 volt system in my battery box. Have been trolling with my 50 hp Merc 2 stroke and know that not good for the plugs etc as well as use of fuel . My question is that if there is a good chop on the water, would the Terrova 80 be enough to troll with ( I find with the 46 that is questionable). I generally work around structure. Or, should I change my main motor to a 4 stroke 60/70 Yamaha or Mercury or 75 Optimax instead? I am fine with the top end speed of my 50 ( 32-33 mph) and more concerned about trolling/working structure. I know the the electric is quieter so would the 80 be good enough? Thanks to everyone for their input!! devy
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