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About dobee

  • Birthday 03/16/1985

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  1. hey, no sleds. we have done both bungalow and cabin - pretty open to either.
  2. Hi All, A few pals of mine have done the nippissing buzz the last few years for early ice in january but have decided to mix it up abit this year, can anyone here suggest a nice lake with some good fishing in the same area? we love our big fish, CPR for the most part. (don't mind a small fry every now and then) any info in that area would be appreciated! thanks!
  3. Looks like my buddys ignition switch went kaput tonight!! wanting to head out in the am - this is a distress call lol! our last ditch effort to keep our plans for tomorrow!! if anyone here knows what theyre doing and can replace or fix toss me a pm!
  4. Im stumped here! im looking for some little nick nack that every cottager doesnt know they need until they need it!!! haha help!
  5. thanks for the replies! was a slow day - cold, wet and windy! soft plastics seemed to be the key.
  6. In a kayak tournament on saturday - wondering if anyone had any ideas how to fish the islands for early season pike?? Ive been once, stuck around the pike cut, did ok. nothing spectacular.. any tips or advice would be welcome!! thanks!
  7. Chasing Ice is the doc... eye opening yet sad documentary! highly recommended!
  8. anyone know where i can rent a flasher for the weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      weekend is 5* c, I'll be on the river most likely.

    3. misfish


      Not up here you wont.

    4. Christopheraaron


      ya, now that I think about it most places will be blown, may just give lakers another shot.

  9. 165$/guy driving from k-w friday 5am
  10. bumping this to the top! still need 2 ppl!!!!
  11. Slovakia was all over them the first half of the game... eventually got tired and Canada took advantage. The Camara hit was clean.. what a nice hit, too bad the Slovakian d-man had his head down, when you play at that level of hockey you should know that you cant put yourself in that position... when you do, its gonna hurt..
  12. Hey dudes, we had 2 buddies drop out of a Jan 4th - 6th ice fishing trip up in nipissing! we booked with Idle Tyme fishing camp! we booked a 6 man.. 3 are confirmed - we are leaving 1 open bed for baggage etc... 3 good guys, fishing, smoking and drinking for 3 nights! PM me for details if interested!
  13. awesome! its about time a Toronto team spent some $$ - if you build it they will come! take note burkie
  14. Thanks for the kind words everyone! Misfish – Golf keeps you humble, that’s for sure! ChrisK – Thanks! Camillj – Oh im not done! I mean’t the tournament season is over, now it’s time to bundle up and get out the cart cover and propane heater!! Landry – sorry wrong person Backbay – Osprey was in great shape this year, I don’t make it there as often as i would like.
  15. Well, another golf season is over with! It was a pretty successful year, took down a couple team cash events & for the first time I ended up taking my golf club's Club Championship (Rebel Creek) this year. Golf takes up a majority of my time in the summer, which leaves the fall to make up for lost time. This time of year is bitter sweet, golf comes to a close and but the fish start to take their migratory runs up our beautiful ontario rivers and streams. I've been getting my fair share of water time this fall.. Last weekend was a blast with my favourite river clearing up, with perfect conditions. enjoy the pics & be safe out there!
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