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Dave Mercer

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Everything posted by Dave Mercer

  1. No Terry not really my wife is way hotter than her!
  2. No you have to see me in person to get the prize! But I am sure what we are doing will not make the TV stuff but it will be fun for those of you that are there.
  3. Don't know what you are talking about
  4. Hey Gang, Not sure how many Ottawa folks we have on the board but. The Ottawa Senators have asked me to be there special guest at the game this Thursday night. So I guess they will be putting my mug up on the big screen a few times and stuff but I wanted to have some fun with it. So if you find me and the Subway team at the game we will have a box of fishing prizes and all you have to do is say hi to get some cool stuff. So if you are going to be there say hi and if not spread the word about this to your friends from Ottawa. The whole story about what we are doing is bellow please help me spread The Fishing Fever! Dave Press Release Facts of Fishing Fever Tour: Stop #1 (Ottawa Senators Game, Thursday, November 26th, 2009) November 24th, 2009 Port Perry, ON Canada's fishing funny man and host of television's Facts of Fishing has done some off-the-wall things. I mean, this is the same guy who threw out the first CAST in Major League Baseball at a Toronto Blue Jays game, ate a worm on national television, jammed a hook in his hand just to see how to get it out and pulled his truck and boat up on the curb in downtown Toronto's financial district to conduct an impromptu fishing seminar! All of these crazy off-the-wall things Dave Mercer has done for one reason - to spread his love of the sport of fishing. Over 8 million Canadians fish and if this off-the-wall pro angler has anything to do with it, the number will be growing in the future. According to Dave Mercer, the only way to grow this sport and spread the joy of fishing is to bring it to people that have never experienced it in the past. "Hey, everyone that has fished loves it! And I kind of feel that its my job to tell other people about it!", says Dave. Dave and his Facts of Fishing events team will be making top secret Facts of Fishing Fever stops that, in many cases, have absolutely nothing to do with fishing. These events will happen in places you least expect it. It could be your local sporting event, a concert, heck, who knows with this guy - he may just start knocking on people's doors! If you spot Dave dudded out in his signature jersey at one of these stops, say hi and you'll walk away with a Facts of Fishing Fever prize. It could be a lure, it could be a free lunch, who knows?! Maybe he'll even give you his favourite rod and reel! Stop #1 will be the Ottawa Senators Game on Thursday, November 26th, 2009. Keep an eye out for Dave to cash in on your prizes and help spread fishing fever!
  5. Hey Gang, As many of you know Yamaha has a new crazy outboard the Yamaha VMAX SHO. This thing is awesome and It has been living on the back of my boat for the last three weeks. It has been a challenge hiding it everytime I have been on the water. It's the only one in Canada but we can show the world now. Check out this video Yamaha put together of the first time I got to drive it http://www.youtube.com/user/YamahaCanada#p/a/u/1/zFCljQsAu40 Dave Mercer
  6. Glad you like the fish guys I know you will love the show it was awesome! It will be the first show of our new season the first week in Jan 2010. As far as that video what those guys did with that fish is wrong and breaks the law. You can not take them out of the water it the law as it's hard on the fish. That's why I went for a swim with the big girl lol! Rizzo not sure where you got your info but It's WRONG you don't hand fish them as these things would break your arms! I'd love to see you shove your hands in a hole that has one of these lol! Please let me know how we were cheating lol! It was an awesome trip and if any of you are looking for the trip of a lifetime this is it and it's only an hour away from Tampa. So it is not a crazy exotic trip that costs a ton. Next time you do the Disney thing with the family save a day for this it's better than any ride at Disney lol! Send me a message at my site and I will hook you up with the info. Thanks for all of your support as always OFC'ers are great! Dave Mercer
  7. Hey All, Hope all is well with everyone. I don't often post fishing reports but this fish was crazy. This past week I hooked into the biggest fish of my life a 450lb Grouper! Check this thing out @ http://www.factsoffishing.com/news.php?id=119 I still can not believe it this is a dream fish for me! We will be kicking off the new season the first week in Jan with this beast. Dave Mercer
  8. Check out this weeks DTV! Amazing it's a gulp bait that moves by its self!!!! I posted it on you tube so you guys could share it on face book, twitter, my space or where ever you want it is that awesome. http://www.youtube.com/user/factsoffishing
  9. Hey, Hey, Hey! That was not me! I only use the yellow buckets they are safer and easier for someone to find lol! Funny thing is I would have never imagined how that story would spread after I told it. I think there has been a spike in minnow bucket sales since then because you guys would not believe how many minnow buckets I have been asked to sign since then lol!
  10. All great ideas so far and Trout eater you will be happy because this season we did a few shows on very small water. Please remember it's not the Facts of Fishing show we are talking about here it's the Dave TV web segments that are at the top of this page we are looking for feedback on. Thanks and keep up the great feedback
  11. Hi Guys, I hope all is well with everyone. I want to thank everyone that has been watching the DTV segments. Some DTV segments are tips, some are news, and some are reports from fishing events. My question to all my fellow OFC'ers is what do you want to see in these segments. What can we do to make them better and is there something that we are missing? It's your chance to be my producer and tell me what to do! It does not mean i will listen but I will try. Look forward to your feedback. Dave Mercer
  12. Hey All, I have not figured out what rod I will use yet I guess I better get on that lol! Mods please don't shut down the trash talkers my only question to them is HOW MUCH will they be donating to Cancer that day? If they wish we would love to have them sit in the Facts of Fishing section with me and maybe I can give them a hug as it sounds like that is what they need lol! LOVE ALWAYS HUGS AND KISSES! Dave
  13. WTG! Looking forward to seeing it!
  14. Sorry guys I have been on the west coast and the east coast all in one week it's been crazy! A new vid will be up today. It great to hear you like them we will keep on top of them more. The best way to keep these coming is for everyone to check them out. The more views we get from here the more budget we will be allowed to put towards them so we can do more! So everyone please make sure to check them out and tell your friends to as well. Hope everyone has a great long weekend! Dave Mercer
  15. Thanks Guys, I hope you will enjoy the DTV segments that we will be adding every few days. Some will be tips,some will be updates and some will just be there crazy stuff I see on the road! I am proud to be part of OFC and even prouder to have some of our videos on OFC now. We will be changing these often so keep checking the link at the top of the page for updates. Also if you have any ideas about things you would like to see please let me know and we will see what we can do. If it's a really good idea we may add it to DTV but will most likely tell you we had all ready thought of it lol! This is how I figure it; millions of employees waist hundreds of millions of minutes of there boss' time at work everyday watching junk on the internet. So why not watch our junk? Dave Mercer
  16. Hi Basserone, Welcome to the board! 2 posts on the board and you wanna slam me seems a bit FISHY. Sorry dude I don't jump on this stuff often but easy on your trash talk! [i]I had a hard time actually watching him, but he was bragging about the Mercer Magic crank bait. I do not have time for people who make a living from misinforming anglers into buying their products that might, and I mean might, have worked on that given day. The technology thay have today can allow them to chop, cut and edit the filming and the viewer has know way of knowing. Mercer might have caught one fish all day for all we know.[/i] First of all I was not bragging I was telling people about a new color that works! I guess when I do a show on a Drop Shot or a show on live minnows and I tell you about that I'm bragging about live minnows? As far as misinforming anglers and maybe only catching one fish on it that day give your head a shake. That is not what our show is about we are proud to show it like it is. Watch a few more times and I am sure you will see when I don't catch em we show it. All our shows are shot in one day and that is the point what really happens! Last season we showed me loseing a giant aligator gar on a show, get hooked in the butt on a show, try fly fishing for the first time on TV, catch 5 tiny bass and only one over 2 lbs one show, forget my rain suit and get soaked on a show, Oh ya and then there was the time I popped a jig of a rock the line broke and hit my lip almost giving me a fat lip! (Sorry that's from season 3) Now if we use this special technology you are talking about don't you think we would cover all this up!? Take care and good luck on the water! Oh by the way if you don't think Mercer's Magic works why don't you check back on some of the old threads about it here or ask some of the members here. Regards, Dave Mercer
  17. Why cant we all just get along lol. You guys are just to picky I will catch what ever bites my line! Oh ya and that Bass is not ugly it is BEAUTIFUL then again I did kiss a sucker once on TV so what do I know? See ya on the water Dave
  18. He was one of the greats Sam was an original and that is what I respected about him. Some may like him and some may not but his stuff was his and not ripped off which is very rare now days in any industry especially comedy!
  19. Wow Nice fish way to go! Dave Mercer
  20. Hey GCD! What are you a board cop? This is a great oppurtunity to promote our sport and raise a lot of money for cancer!!! All we are trying to do is get the word out as best as possibel. So we can show the world how great the sport of fishing is and how great the people are that do it by all of us getting together to raise money for cancer. If you can't see why this should be on the main board then I don't know what to tell you. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
  21. Hey GCD, I did not know that it was where gay guy's hang out but I will take YOUR word for it seeing as you seem to know! lol
  22. Hey Joey I have always been a Twit! You know that. I think it will be a pretty cool deal as I will be trying to update it a bunch when I am on the water shooting shows this year. I will be trying to let all the followers know what goes on in that messed up area between my ears MY BRAIN!
  23. I hope all is well with everyone and you are now dry from Walleye opener! Not sure how many of you are on Twitter but if you are you can follow me there at http://twitter.com/FactsofFishing I will be giving some neat updates while on the water throughout the year.
  24. Hi All, I am down in Arkansas right now but I wanted to post a quick note to say thanks to all of you that came out to a Facts of Fishing Live event last week. It was awesome we were blowen away with the huge crowds and are already in the planning stages of a bigger and better tour for next year. Once again thanks and I hope to be in a city near all of you next year! Dave Mercer
  25. Contact Paul at www.jpfish.com he is the best! I shot a show with him 27 fish in 3 hours!
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