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Posts posted by pikeguy

  1. Hi every body.

    If there is any of yous who would like bait but do not wish to haul it up with you.


    I will be there on Thursday and i set it up with my friend who owns a bait and tackle shop, Just call him or e-mail him and he will get it ready and i will pick it up and bring it

    for payment you can ether pay for it when you order or we can make some kind of arrangement,just let me know


    phon #(705)674-6113 fax # (705)674-7915


    e-mail,- [email protected] or [email protected]



    it is only 45 min for me so it will not be a problem

  2. hey all bought a northlander trailer and old lad could not find ownership,so my ? to you all is how do i transfer it????


    Hawg Hunter





    go in to the mto tell them that you took 2 trailers and made one out of them you did the work yourself


    or tell them its home made and they will give you a plate and ownerships for it


    good luck

  3. went out today on Nepawassi lake it was our first time out there even though its only 30 min away.


    Shorty gets a fish on she thinks! line was not coming in hands me the rod feel like a snag,no fight no pull nothing its snagged. Put the boat in revers back up i can see the lure i take it back to get it free then i start to laugh and hand it back and tell her to bring in her fish lol



    her it is the big one lol



    13 in is all it was


    caught a few more this size and a 26 inch pike and 2 oos bass but they were gold in color and had red eye never seen this before

    also caught this weired looking pike big head skinny body





    pic does it no justice tho it looked funny had to put him back so he could get fatter for the next time i get out there


    and no its not the way im holding the head thats what it looked like

  4. the motor 1999 johnson 70 hp


    the proplem: shortly after i bought this boat this proplem started when i would roll the motor over it would sometimes just stop cranking so i had the starter rebuilt thinking maybe there was a flat spot on the starter that didn't fix it. next i tryed a used silinod and the proplem has become worse when i first changed it the motor started fine so i thought i had it. today in the middle of rice lake i can't get the motor to go the pinon gear pops up but doesn't seem to have the power to turn the motor over. if i cross the soilnoid it all works fine. I have cleaned all conections to do with the starter. Can't think of what else it can be any ideas





    i would check all the connections battery and starter.Then a new silinod

  5. Im looking at buying a 13' kayak as of now i just throw my 10' kayak in the back with a red flag at the end but with the extra 3' is there any thing different i will have to do? I dont want to get pulled over for stupidity.. and at night what do i need on it? my truck bed is 6.5' long





    have you thought about getting a rack for the truck? Then it would not hang of the back and you would still have your box to put stuff in.

  6. I get a call last knight. A guy wants to know i could do some welding on his trailer.

    I head over this morning, He is in his late 70's. The camper trailer was in the drive in front of his garage

    When he opened the door it was like a fisher man museum, The biggest pike i had ever seen,musky,jumbo perch trout of all sorts

    There was a marlin on the wall there was a shark jaw on the wall

    then he showed me his gear!! Wish i had a camera he had old gear rods and lowers all hanging on the wall pictures of him and his wife fishing all around the world

    as i worked he told me some stories about his fishing trips and the fish hanging on the wall

    i just listened as he talked told me about his tips and were to try

    i could have listened to him all day. Wow i was amassed to what he had done in his life

    Unfortunately his wife passed away few years ago.Said she fished till the day she died tears came to his eyes

    the were married for 60 years

    I finished the repair to the trailer and asked him were he was going

    His son and there family are taking him fishing,Thats what shoe would have wanted me to do is keep fishing,

    Doing things together is the secret to a good marriage and i believe that and fishing is what they did together and enjoyed it you can tell by the pictures on the wall

    There heading to his wifes favorite spot for a week .



    Having all the work done and time for me to go i hand him his bill. 5.5 hrs 50$

    he looks at me and asked if that was right i looked at again and said ya thats right

    hope you enjoy your trip.He handed me an old real and rod and the 50$ and said thanks




    The stories were worth it to me and to see the joy in an old mans face when he told them was more then enough for me

    The old timers may ramble on but there is always a story to be herd in there just listen and you will hear it



    Thought i would share this with others so maybe someone else will listened to the old guy's stories




  7. alright if you guys aren't from the niagara region this isn't as devastating as you may think here is the newspaper article of what is what we call the Happy Rolph's Massacre if you wanna know what Happy Rolph's is its a petting zoo and monday night or early tuesday morning some idiot(s) broke in and tortured and killed most of the rabbits and decapitated one of the larger ones and put its head on a stake and killed all the chickens and kidnapped a baby goat I will link the newspaper article for you guys.




    i grew up on the other side of the canal from there as kids we would go there often and enjoy the animals.

    There are way to many freaks out there

  8. Kids bought a farm in the Sudbury area. Next door neighbor turned out to be a real jerk, has been giving them a hard time for a while now about anything and everything. The kids didn't get a survey done when the bought the place, they couldn't afford it but they suspected that some of the neighbor's buildings were actually on their property.

    They just had a "building location survey done". Turns out the neighbor's house, septic system, deck, and a couple of out buildings are actually on their property.


    The kids want to know exactly what their legal rights are and how they should proceed from here.


    I have a feeling the neighbor isn't going to like what I think might be going to happen!


    Can someone give me the name of a good lawyer in the Sudbury area who should be able to stear them in the right direction. JohnF ever run into anything like this before? Any advice anyone?


    Like some other have said.Sudbury can be tight knit community. Here is a friend of mine out of Sudbury, He is in Verner with no ties to anybody in Sudbury think he might be a good way to go in this situation



    Alain Michel (705)594-1212


    hope this can help you out

  9. no surprise to folks in southern ontario. we have been under serviced, over taxed for years. our hospitals are sadly understaffed. as for mr mic-squinty he truly is a piece of work, along with his crew. living in essex county or kent county,, its sad to be down loaded manure.. seniors, under priveleged, dis-abled folks suffer the worse. wheres the voice of humanity for these folks????


    Here in Sudbury they just closed the second hospital for the new and improved hospital.

    Now we have less beds then ever and emerg is a 6-8 hr wait on a good day

  10. last weekend on the sunday we went out fishing on nippising. leaving my sisters house, I headed out up hard wood island since we did not seam to catch any fish around laving area east side of the bridge in Laving. Got up to the end of the island and started to troll caught nothing there ether figure i will head to the target usually something around there nothing.head over to the hay narrows the mouth of the west arm still nothing, Getting discouraged keep on trolling heading back i get on the back side of the Three sisters(group of island about the same size) finally i get a pike rsz_dsc04500.jpg decide to head back for supper.after supper we head out to the bridge in laving anchored on the est side of the bridge.well we only caught cat fish we start to put away the gear,Shoty (wife) hands me her rod to store away i lay mine down in the boat line still in the water,Shorty said something to me i tern to answer her turn back to finish storing her rod, i see my rod bent right over i reach for it but to late there it goes into the lake time to head for home.

    Today we head back out windy today we decide to go over to the west side of the bridge and troll, 1hr in and i hear, i got a fish ! we land a pike,then another 2 for her 0 for me one more pass my turn i get a pike about time i said turn to head back and decide to troll back not to long after i get a fish on yay 2-2 i say as i pull it up to the boat i see its eyes get the net its a pickerel nice one to. rsz_dsc04526 (2).jpg26 7/8 long just out of the slot size. Have not caught one this size in a long time over the slot usually in the slot. I agree with the slot just wish i would get some more under the slot or couple over the year 80% are in the slot for me and back they go.Shorty is cam shy and wont let me take here pic to often but i will sooner or latter Happy fishing to all.

  11. I have decided to buy a humming bird 570 fish finder

    I looked a CT and found it there for 289$ it has all i was looking for in a new one

    Then i look at BPS and they had it there but allot cheaper it was only 189$ on sale

    just wondering if there was a reason for such a difference in price. 100$ seems like allot to mark down


    Still think i will get it from BPS for that price may take longer to get but worth the wait for sure

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