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Posts posted by pikeguy

  1. some time ago

    My niece and nephew were fishing on the dock, when some guy and his friend trolled the end of the dock tell the kids to real up there lings so the did. He did this a few time's, when i went out to the dock he went by and made a stupid face at me, Then yells at me (not gonna repeat) so i took my fishing rod with spider wire on it and caste out behind him, I got 2 new fishing lures out of the deal and almost a new to me rod.


    The next day he came back i do not believe this again with the kids and 6' from the dock i could jump in his boat.

    down on the dock i send the kids off and wait with my cous beside me, well i guess he had bigger cahounas then brains smiling and beaking off at me 10' away thinking he was safe i tossed my grappling hook into his 14' tiny with a 20hp and my cous pulled him in to the dock there faces dropped motor revving and not going no were.WE had a few words and well stretcher.gif let the boat go and told them to have a good day fishing.


    to this day i have wet to see him again





  2. i agree with Joey do it and don't say anything,whistling.gif

    i do not think anybody would say anything about it you are saving the fish.



    we must do all we can to save the fishing for our younger generations clapping.gifGonefishing.gif

  3. Hi i live in Sudbury as well. with a boat like that you may want to try Wanapitei lake. I know there are launches but not sure were the all are, but i do know of the one at Rockey's but that's a drive. I will ask a friend were to go a launch since he fishes that lake.

    There is also the Vermilion river and lake,whitewater out in azilda.


    good luck Gonefishing.gif.thumbsup_anim.gif

  4. Went to my sisters for the weekend to spend time with the family and do some fishing. caught 5 pike and what i think was a silver bass and a pickerel.



    silver bass?





    spent time with my nieces and nephew's this is 4 of them


    we had a blast got to take them out fishing and 2 of them caught there first fish and were the ever excited

    the one on the end in shorts caught his first pike

    and the girl on the other end caught her first fish ever a nice pickerel



    its always fun being part of it

    this guy did not catch any but still holding on to dad's fish made him happy DSC04996.jpg

  5. Congratulations Dan & Mis Kelly. And of course your daughter a beautiful baby girl glad every one is doing well.thumbsup_anim.gif


    Dan if you bring her out fishing Gonefishing.gif she may bring you and Daniel luck and you may finally catch some fish rofl2.giftease.gif


  6. Arty there are a few places to go on Ramsey.The board walk at science north, the dock were the put the Cortina boat, the rocks at the launch if you go there wait till after 6, you may get a parking ticket if you go before. there is another spot to i believe its at the end of somerset walk across the trax's and fish of the4 rocks the latter the better for pickerel.


    If i think of other's i will let you know


  7. The origin of term comes from old boating practices. Before boats had rudders on their centerline, boats were steered by use of a specialized oar. This oar was held by a sailor located towards the stern (back) of the boat. However, like most of the rest of society, there were many more right-handed sailors than left-handed sailors. This meant that the right-handed sailors holding the steering oar (which had been broadened to provide better control) used to stand on the right side of the boat. The word starboard is a corruption of steering board, which in turn came from the old Norse language word st�ri, in the language of the vikings.


    Similarly, the term for the left side of the boat, port, is derived from the practice of sailors mooring on the left side (i.e., the Portboard side) as to prevent the steering boards from being crushed. Because the words portboard and starboard sounded too similar to be distingued under windy sailing conditions, portboard was shortened to port.


    The starboad side of most naval vessels the world over is designated the 'senior' side. The officers' gangway or sea ladder is shipped on this side and this side of the quarterdeck is reserved for the captain. The flag or pennant of the ship's captain or senior officer in command is generally hoist on the starboard yard.



    • According to the column "The Straight Dope," the steering wheel is on the right side of power boats for mechanical reasons. Boat propellers spin clockwise and the torque on the propeller caused the right side of older model boat hulls to rise out of the water. Boat designers placed the steering wheel on the right so that the weight of the boat's operator would keep the boat even in the water.
  8. Hey Lew

    them some nice rocks you got there a hammer will most likely do the job.The only thing is if its soft ground under the rock it will take longer.

    look for cracks or change in color in the rock that will be a week point like when it goes from grey to black or you can go into the white part be careful its brittle.

    another option is to dill holes in the rock then use the hammer that works well to

    to bad you don't live closer i would grab rock drill and take care of that in no time. But these are options that we use when we need to bust rock with out mining tools around


    we also have this product around here all you have to do is drill some holes and poor this stuff into the holes cap them over night and in the morning its split i can not remember what its called or were we got it last time but i will try and find out and let you know.

  9. I'm having problems withe my sonar, Its a humminbird 565 dual beam. When i'm trolling it jumps around in the depth it will go from 28 fow to .8 and stay there sometimes if i reach down and put my hand under the traducer and it comes back. Other times it wont and it stays at .8 fow even if i'm in deep water.


    I followed the instructions on were to place the transducer


    Any help on this or if someone else had this problem or still does.



  10. At lakair since our tournament is for pike and all want the trophy. We target mostly pike to find a good hole.

    I have been fishing nipp since i was a kid and i to think that the fish are on a down, but i also think that the lake is changing, I do not remember as many weed as there are now there has always been weeds but not as much.

    so now when i go out i try places that i would not have thought of trying before and that's were i find them

  11. Hey every one it was no problem in cleaning the fish. But lets not forget that i was not alone in that. Thanks Jon for helping out with cleaning all tho's fish greatly appreciated


    Hope to see you next year.

  12. Hey T.J put a blue barrel in each corner framed in but put some water in them like 1/4 at most this will keep them more stable and by placing them in each corner it will keep the dock stable. We have tried different ways but liked this one the most for when you get in and out of the boat. Being a big guy stability is important to me.

    Let me know if you need help if you plane on building them at home i may be able to come and help you




    As for the propane tanks make sure you use pipe cement to seal it up good and tight,another thing is sand blast them or sand them and repaint them with a few coats of paint . The paint that's on them is not that good.

  13. Shorty and I had a great time at Lakair. Young or old every one has a good time and make good friends.

    Not only is this board a great place with great people with lots of info on all sorts of stuff but to meet these members in person is another thing.

    It may not have been the biggest G2G but it was something to remember. We enjoyed meeting other members that were not there last year and reuniting with the one's that were there.

    A big thanks to all that are involved in this G2G and a big thanks to all that came out.

    Looking forward to next year!! :)




    We did go out fishing, did not catch as much as others (Lex) lol

    we got 3 pikes during our stay





    biggest one measured 34" gave me a good fight but i still won lol

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